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Love and Other Words
Cover of Love and Other Words
Love and Other Words
After a decade apart, childhood sweethearts reconnect by chance in New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren's touching, romantic novel Love and Other many words will it take for them to figure out where it all went wrong?
The story of the heart can never be unwritten.

Macy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away.

But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos—the first and only love of her life—the careful bubble she's constructed begins to dissolve. Once upon a time, Elliot was Macy's entire world—growing from her gangly bookish friend into the man who coaxed her heart open again after the loss of her mother...only to break it on the very night he declared his love for her.

Told in alternating timelines between Then and Now, teenage Elliot and Macy grow from friends to much more—spending weekends and lazy summers together in a house outside of San Francisco devouring books, sharing favorite words, and talking through their growing pains and triumphs. As adults, they have become strangers to one another until their chance reunion. Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy's decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love.
After a decade apart, childhood sweethearts reconnect by chance in New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren's touching, romantic novel Love and Other many words will it take for them to figure out where it all went wrong?
The story of the heart can never be unwritten.

Macy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away.

But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos—the first and only love of her life—the careful bubble she's constructed begins to dissolve. Once upon a time, Elliot was Macy's entire world—growing from her gangly bookish friend into the man who coaxed her heart open again after the loss of her mother...only to break it on the very night he declared his love for her.

Told in alternating timelines between Then and Now, teenage Elliot and Macy grow from friends to much more—spending weekends and lazy summers together in a house outside of San Francisco devouring books, sharing favorite words, and talking through their growing pains and triumphs. As adults, they have become strangers to one another until their chance reunion. Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy's decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love.
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About the Author-
  • Christina Lauren is the combined pen name of longtime writing partners and best friends Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, the New York Times, USA TODAY, and #1 internationally bestselling authors of the Beautiful and Wild Seasons series, Autoboyography, Love and Other Words, Roomies, Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating, The Unhoneymooners, The Soulmate Equation, Something Wilder, The True Love Experiment and The Paradise Problem. You can find them online at or @ChristinaLauren on Instagram.
  • Booklist

    March 1, 2018
    Young Macy Sorensen's life changes forever, first when her mom dies of cancer, and then again, a few years later, when she meets Elliot Petropoulos. Macy and Elliot find comfort in each other, hiding away reading in a closet of books, sharing their favorite words, growing up, and eventually falling deeply in love. But a chain of events unfolds on New Year's Eve of their senior year that changes everything. Both try to move on and forget. Macy throws herself into an intense medical residency program and gets engaged, while Elliot attempts a serious relationship and buries himself in writing a book. A chance encounter 11 years later brings them back together, and their lives seem to begin again in the instant they see each other. In their latest collaboration as Christina Lauren, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings craft a dynamic love story, alternating swiftly between Macy's present and her past. Love and Other Words brings to life a romance that stands the test of hardship and time and will restore anyone's faith in love.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from February 1, 2018
    Eleven years ago, he broke her heart. But he doesn't know why she never forgave him.Toggling between past and present, two love stories unfold simultaneously. In the first, Macy Sorensen meets and falls in love with the boy next door, Elliot Petropoulos, in the closet of her dad's vacation home, where they hide out to discuss their favorite books. In the second, Macy is working as a doctor and engaged to a single father, and she hasn't spoken to Elliot since their breakup. But a chance encounter forces her to confront the truth: what happened to make Macy stop speaking to Elliot? Ultimately, they're separated not by time or physical remoteness but by emotional distance--Elliot and Macy always kept their relationship casual because they went to different schools. And as a teen, Macy has more to worry about than which girl Elliot is taking to the prom. After losing her mother at a young age, Macy is navigating her teenage years without a female role model, relying on the time-stamped notes her mother left in her father's care for guidance. In the present day, Macy's father is dead as well. She throws herself into her work and rarely comes up for air, not even to plan her upcoming wedding. Since Macy is still living with her fiance while grappling with her feelings for Elliot, the flashbacks offer steamy moments, tender revelations, and sweetly awkward confessions while Macy makes peace with her past and decides her future.With frank language and patient plotting, this gangly teen crush grows into a confident adult love affair.

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Love and Other Words
Love and Other Words
Christina Lauren
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