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Dinosaur Lady
Cover of Dinosaur Lady
Dinosaur Lady
The Daring Discoveries of Mary Anning, the First Paleontologist

A beautifully illustrated picture book biography of Mary Anning that will enlighten children about the discovery of the dinosaurs and the importance of female scientists, perfect for fans of The Girl Who Thought in Pictures

Mary Anning loved scouring the beach near her home in England for shells and fossils. She fearlessly climbed over crumbling cliffs and rocky peaks, searching for new specimens. One day, something caught Mary's eye.

Bones. Dinosaur Bones.

Mary's discoveries rocked the world of science and helped create a brand-new field of study: paleontology. But many people believed women couldn't be scientists, so Mary wasn't given the credit she deserved. Nevertheless, Mary kept looking and learning more, making discoveries that reshaped scientific beliefs about the natural world.

Educational backmatter includes a timeline of Mary Anning's life and lots of fantastic fossil facts!

The perfect choice for parents and teachers looking for:

  • Dinosaur books for kids 5-7 and kids books about fossils
  • Feminist picture books about historical women, and daring books for girls
  • Kids STEM books
  • A beautifully illustrated picture book biography of Mary Anning that will enlighten children about the discovery of the dinosaurs and the importance of female scientists, perfect for fans of The Girl Who Thought in Pictures

    Mary Anning loved scouring the beach near her home in England for shells and fossils. She fearlessly climbed over crumbling cliffs and rocky peaks, searching for new specimens. One day, something caught Mary's eye.

    Bones. Dinosaur Bones.

    Mary's discoveries rocked the world of science and helped create a brand-new field of study: paleontology. But many people believed women couldn't be scientists, so Mary wasn't given the credit she deserved. Nevertheless, Mary kept looking and learning more, making discoveries that reshaped scientific beliefs about the natural world.

    Educational backmatter includes a timeline of Mary Anning's life and lots of fantastic fossil facts!

    The perfect choice for parents and teachers looking for:

  • Dinosaur books for kids 5-7 and kids books about fossils
  • Feminist picture books about historical women, and daring books for girls
  • Kids STEM books
  • Available formats-
    • OverDrive Read
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      2 - 3

    About the Author-
    • Linda Skeers is the author of several critically acclaimed children's books. She also teaches picture book writing workshops, including sessions on writing humor for kids. She lives in Iowa. Visit her at

    • Kirkus

      April 15, 2020
      A new picture-book biography of the pioneering scientist and finder of bones. Armed with both a hammer and chisel and a spirit of inquiry, young Mary Anning searched the beach and cliffs of Lyme Regis, England, eventually unearthing the bones of an enormous, heretofore-unknown creature. Action-filled illustrations and straightforward text allow Anning's determination to shine through and show how her knowledge as well as the fossils she found were initially dismissed because of the sexism of the time yet nevertheless led to the study of fossils, the invention of paleontology, the understanding that animals could become extinct, and the discovery of dinosaurs. Though her financial struggles as a white woman of the time are made evident, portions of her story, including the facts that she was struck by lightning as a baby and that her father died when she was around 11, go unmentioned before the informative backmatter, which seems a lost opportunity. Readers likely to ask questions--her age when she made various discoveries, why she began searching the cliffs, the specific time period in which she lived--will have to wait for the timeline and author's note. (An additional spread offers a smattering of paleontology facts.) Still, Anning is clearly a worthy subject, and this tale of her accomplishments is sure to elicit excitement and curiosity. A sturdy portrayal of Victorian scientist Mary Anning that showcases her accomplishments, intelligence, and perseverance. (Picture book/biography. 6-9)

      COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    • Booklist

      May 15, 2020
      Preschool-G Born into poverty on the southern coast of England in 1799, Mary Anning helped support her family by collecting shells washed ashore by the sea and fossils she chiseled from the crumbling cliffs near her home. In 1811, she and her brother discovered an Ichthyosaurus fossil, which led London scientists to theorize that Earth was older than previously thought and that the extinction of a species was possible. In 1823, Anning found a Plesiosaurus, and in 1828, a Pterosaur. Reading, drawing fossils, and experimenting led her to form valid theories of her own, which interested few in the scientific establishment during her lifetime. The book's appended author's note includes more biographical information, along with the She sells seashells tongue twister that Anning is said to have inspired. Skeers organizes her material well and presents it clearly, keeping the age of her audience in mind. Migu�ns, who illustrated Jess Keating's Shark Lady (2017), contributes a series of nicely composed digital illustrations showing Anning in action. This appealing picture book celebrates Anning's significant contributions to paleontology.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

    • School Library Journal

      July 1, 2020

      PreS-Gr 3-Even as a young girl, Mary Anning (1799-1847) displayed a curiosity for excavating fossils and ancient bones. Anning explored the cliffs near her birthplace of Lyme Regis, England, and accompanied her father, a tradesman by day, on his fossil-hunting excursions. After discovering the head of an ancient creature, Anning became enthralled with searching for bones of other prehistoric animals. She committed her life's work to the pursuit of exhuming and writing about extinct species. Skeers's simple, straightforward prose details the paleontologist's personal history and career accomplishments, including her findings (she helped discover the first Ichthyosaurus and the first complete Plesiosaurus) and her difficulties with male contemporaries. Migu�ns's colorful and charming illustrations enhance the informative and readable narrative. Readers will greatly appreciate the explanation of paleontological terms, a time line of Anning's life, and the author's note that fills in the gaps not covered in the book. VERDICT This enjoyable introduction to a pioneering paleontologist should intrigue and inspire young readers. An excellent purchase for school and public libraries.-Margaret Nunes, formerly at Gwinnett County P.L., GA

      Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Kirkus Reviews "Sure to elicit excitement and curiosity. A sturdy portrayal of Victorian scientist Mary Anning that showcases her accomplishments, intelligence, and perseverance. "
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    The Daring Discoveries of Mary Anning, the First Paleontologist
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