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Flight Plan
Cover of Flight Plan
Flight Plan
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When all technology breaks down and he's far from home, thirteen-year-old Jamie learns he's stronger (and braver) than he thought he was in this dystopian adventure.

Thirteen-year-old Jamie's plane is just taking off when something goes terribly wrong. The lights go out, communications halts and the engine stops. After a bumpy landing, Jamie realizes it's not just his flight. All the other planes have been grounded too. And every car on the road has stopped in its tracks. And no one's cell phone is working. Technology has shut down, and no one knows why. Soon, it becomes clear that this disaster is anything but local, and people begin to panic. Jamie is now stranded 1,200 miles away from home and the world is in chaos. With the help of the plane's flight crew, a group of fellow passengers and a rescued dog named Godzilla, Jamie must make the long, perilous journey home.

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

When all technology breaks down and he's far from home, thirteen-year-old Jamie learns he's stronger (and braver) than he thought he was in this dystopian adventure.

Thirteen-year-old Jamie's plane is just taking off when something goes terribly wrong. The lights go out, communications halts and the engine stops. After a bumpy landing, Jamie realizes it's not just his flight. All the other planes have been grounded too. And every car on the road has stopped in its tracks. And no one's cell phone is working. Technology has shut down, and no one knows why. Soon, it becomes clear that this disaster is anything but local, and people begin to panic. Jamie is now stranded 1,200 miles away from home and the world is in chaos. With the help of the plane's flight crew, a group of fellow passengers and a rescued dog named Godzilla, Jamie must make the long, perilous journey home.

The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

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About the Author-
  • Eric Walters is a Member of the Order of Canada and the author of over 125 books that have collectively won more than one hundred awards, including the Governor General's Literary Award for The King of Jam Sandwiches. A former teacher, Eric began writing as a way to get his fifth-grade students interested in reading and writing. Eric is a tireless presenter, speaking to over one hundred thousand students per year in schools across the country. He lives in Guelph, Ontario.

  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2023
    When technology fails, a routine flight turns into a fight for survival in this stand-alone story set in Walters' Rule of Three universe. After visiting his grandmother, 13-year-old Jamie excitedly boards the plane from O'Hare airport that will take him back home. His parents are Delta pilots, so he's an interested observer of flight details and procedures. But a problem during takeoff leaves the plane stranded on the runway without any power. Capt. Daley takes control, guiding passengers to the terminal and then to nearby hotels for safety. Unable to reach his grandmother, because cell phones are also not functioning, Jamie is stranded. Other planes have crashed, and cars are stopped on the roads. Jamie and others return to the plane to release all the dogs, and one of them, a large dog named Godzilla, immediately becomes Jamie's faithful sidekick. As collective panic leads to societal breakdown, people start killing each other. With Capt. Daley in command, Jamie joins a small group setting off on foot for the plane's original destination over 1,000 miles away. Against this apocalyptic backdrop, Jamie's journey home becomes a coming-of-age odyssey as well as a survival story. Walters writes short, crisp chapters that will keep readers engaged. The novel's haunting premise and adolescent perspective give familiar tropes an intriguing spin. Jamie and Capt. Daley are white; names and contextual clues point to diversity in the supporting cast. A page-turning story of teen empowerment with a potent underlying message. (Adventure. 12-15)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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    Orca Book Publishers
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Flight Plan
Flight Plan
Eric Walters
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