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Cover of Recess!
A bust-your-gut-laughing graphic-novel anthology with original contributions from the most beloved names in the genre! * Jennifer Holm & Matthew Holm * Jarrett J. Krosoczka * Dav Pilkey * Dan Santat * Raina Telgemeier * Dave Roman * Ursula Vernon * Eric Wight * Gene Yang *
Wowza! Calling all kidz! Do you like comics? Do you like laughing till milk comes out of your nose?! Look no further—do we have the book for you! All your favorite comic creators are right here in this handy-dandy hilarious book! This all-star tribute to classic Sunday comics includes eight sidesplitting, action-packed stories about every kid’s favorite subject—RECESS! With popular characters from Babymouse and Lunch Lady and brand-new soon-to-be favorite characters from superstars including Dav Pilkey! Raina Telgemeier! Gene Yang! and many more! Comics Squad also features Pizza Monsters! Secret ninja clubs! Aliens! Talking desserts! Dinozilla! Death-defying escapes! Bad guys! Good guys! Medium guys! Superheroes! Bullies! Mean girls! Epic battles! True love! Outlandish schemes! Evil plans! Fun! Jokes! Terrible puns! And other surprises that will tickle your funny bone! WARNING: THIS BOOK MAY CAUSE EXCESSIVE LAUGHTER AND POSSIBLE SILLINESS. No assembly required. (Pizzatron 2000 not included.)
A bust-your-gut-laughing graphic-novel anthology with original contributions from the most beloved names in the genre! * Jennifer Holm & Matthew Holm * Jarrett J. Krosoczka * Dav Pilkey * Dan Santat * Raina Telgemeier * Dave Roman * Ursula Vernon * Eric Wight * Gene Yang *
Wowza! Calling all kidz! Do you like comics? Do you like laughing till milk comes out of your nose?! Look no further—do we have the book for you! All your favorite comic creators are right here in this handy-dandy hilarious book! This all-star tribute to classic Sunday comics includes eight sidesplitting, action-packed stories about every kid’s favorite subject—RECESS! With popular characters from Babymouse and Lunch Lady and brand-new soon-to-be favorite characters from superstars including Dav Pilkey! Raina Telgemeier! Gene Yang! and many more! Comics Squad also features Pizza Monsters! Secret ninja clubs! Aliens! Talking desserts! Dinozilla! Death-defying escapes! Bad guys! Good guys! Medium guys! Superheroes! Bullies! Mean girls! Epic battles! True love! Outlandish schemes! Evil plans! Fun! Jokes! Terrible puns! And other surprises that will tickle your funny bone! WARNING: THIS BOOK MAY CAUSE EXCESSIVE LAUGHTER AND POSSIBLE SILLINESS. No assembly required. (Pizzatron 2000 not included.)
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About the Author-
  • JENNIFER HOLM—Foster City, CA (Babymouse, Squish, New York Times Bestseller, 3 time Newbery Honor Winner, Eisner Award Winner) * MATTHEW HOLM—Portland, OR(Babymouse, Squish, Eisner Award Winner)  *JARRETT J. KROSOCZKA—Northampton, MA  (Lunch Lady, 2 time Children's Choice Award Winner) * DAV PILKEY (Captain Underpants. Ricky Ricotta, Super Diaper Baby, New York Times Bestseller) * DAN SANTAT—Alhambra, CA (New York Times Bestseller, Sidekicks) * RAINA TELGEMEIER—Astoria, NY (New York Times bestseller, Eisner Award Winner, Smile, Drama)  * DAVE ROMAN—Astoria, NY(New York Times Bestseller, X-Men: Misfits) * URSULA VERNON—Pittsboro, NC (Dragonbreath, Hugo Award Winner) * ERIC WIGHT (Frankie Pickle) * GENE YANG (Eisner & Printz Award winner, American Born Chinese).
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from April 28, 2014
    Babymouse and Lunch Lady are among a few familiar faces (along with plenty of new ones) in this very funny collection of eight comics shorts from the Holms, Krosoczka, Gene Luen Yang, Raina Telgemeier, Dave Roman, Ursula Vernon, and more. The stories generally embrace a school or recess theme, though in wildly different ways. Eric Wight’s talking cupcake, Jiminy Sprinkles, has a playground run-in with some surly vegetables (“They think they’re so much cooler than everyone else because they’re vitamin-fortified”), while Dan Santat explores homework-sharing and first love in a story that also features an embarrassing and very public vomiting incident. Among the many moments that will keep readers in stitches: Babymouse having her whiskers zapped off by the god Zeus (“You dare insult a mean girl??” he bellows); knockoff versions of President Obama, Iron Man, and Nintendo’s Princess Peach competing in an RPG-style game of kickball; and Petey the cat turning the world’s citizens “rilly dumb” in a hilariously inane Dog Man story from Dav Pilkey. The orange two-color artwork lets the artists’ distinctive styles shine; readers can only hope more such collaborations are on the way. Ages 7–10.

  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 2014

    Gr 2-5-An all-star lineup of graphic novel notables contributes original works to this anthology, sharing the common thread of recess. Holm's Babymouse and Jarrett Krosoczka's Betty characters make appearances in their own vignettes, presented in orange-tinted, two-color palettes, while other characters, such as Eric Wight's Jiminy Sprinkles and Vernon's Scratch and Squeak, make their debut. A wide range of writing styles is featured, from Yang's 18 disciplines of the ninja to Dav Pilkey's tale of George and Harold's invented spelling in their "Tree House Comix," and in each entry, the storytelling is strong and the art reflects each cartoonist's unique style. Two stories that particularly stand out are "300 Words" by Dan Santat and "The Rainy Day Monitor" by Raina Telgemeier and Dave Roman. In Santat's tale, two boys forget to complete a 300-word assignment on Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree. Having only recess to complete the task, one painstakingly counts his words to meet the required quota in a scene that will elicit audible giggles. The other boy attempts to ask a female classmate if he could copy from her paper, all the while recalling a stomach-turning mishap with said female during the school play. The result is a touching and sweet story that will stick with readers. Telgemeier and Roman's story involves a tabletop game of kickball so fun that kids stuck indoors for recess may be quick to follow suit. This anthology will serve children well as an introduction to a variety of comic-creating talents.-Matthew C. Winner, Ducketts Lane Elementary School, Elkridge, MD

    Copyright 2014 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from June 1, 2014
    An all-star comics anthology tackles everyone's favorite subject: recess.Comics veterans and masters celebrate recess with favorite characters from Babymouse to Lunch Lady as well as stories from such acclaimed creators as Printz winner Gene Luen Yang and Eisner winner Raina Telgemeier. In Yang's ebullient "The Super-Secret Ninja Club," nerdy Daryl turns the tables on his friends when he immerses himself in the way of the ninja. In Eric Wight's imaginative "Freeze Tag," a lovable cupcake named Jiminy Sprinkles takes on the Mean Green Gang (consisting of a cucumber, broccoli, a green bean, a green pepper and their leader, a brussels sprout) for a game of freeze tag aided by some superpowers and a peppermint candy. Captain Underpants' creator Dav Pilkey amuses with his "Book 'Em, Dog Man," a story within a story about an evil cat determined to dumb down the world by destroying all books. Fans of Krosoczka's Lunch Lady series will delight in seeing Betty as the star of her own story, in which she must take down a perilous pizza monster. Anthologies can sometimes suffer from unevenness, when some pieces seem to be more filler than substance; this lively, upbeat and all-around-awesome offering is consistently convivial and laugh-out-loud funny from cover to cover.More fun than the playground at recess! (Graphic anthology. 7-12)

    COPYRIGHT(2014) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    May 15, 2014
    Grades 2-5 Beloved graphic novelists Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm (Babymouse) and Jarrett Krosoczka (Lunch Lady) have assembled a host of popular artists to create kids' comics celebrating the joys of recess. Gene Luen Yang (Boxers & Saints, 2013) kicks things off with the tale of a geek who hilariously wins his way into The Super-Secret Ninja Club. 300 Words, by Dan Santat (Sidekicks, 2011), stands out from the crowd: it is a beautifully subtle, funny, and slightly gross love story that features delightfully scruffy art and believable characters. Raina Telgemeier (Smile, 2010) and Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy, 2011) offer a more down-to-earth story about a group of dodgeball fans who discover the appeal of tabletop gaming while stuck inside in The Rainy Day Monitor. These eight comics by fan-favorite creators, including Ursula Vernon (Dragonbreath, 2009) and Dav Pilkey (Captain Underpants), make up a collection with something for everyone, as long as they like a bit of silliness. Kids will eagerly pick up this lighthearted anthology, thanks to the cheerful cover and familiar characters.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2014, American Library Association.)

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    Random House Children's Books
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