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The Cat's Meow
Cover of The Cat's Meow
The Cat's Meow
How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa
The past, present, and future of the world's most popular and beloved pet, from a leading evolutionary biologist and great cat lover.
"Engaging and wide-ranging ... The Cat's Meow is a readable and informed exploration of the wildcat that lurks within Fluffy." —The Washington Post

The domestic cat—your cat—has, from its evolutionary origins in Africa, been transformed in comparatively little time into one of the most successful and diverse species on the planet. Jonathan Losos, writing as both a scientist and a cat lover, explores how researchers today are unraveling the secrets of the cat, past and present, using all the tools of modern technology, from GPS tracking (you’d be amazed where those backyard cats roam) and genomics (what is your so-called Siamese cat . . . really?) to forensic archaeology. In addition to solving the mysteries of your cat's past, it gives us a cat's-eye view of today's habitats, including meeting wild cousins around the world whose habits your sweet house cat sometimes eerily parallels.
Do lions and tigers meow? If not, why not? Why does my cat leave a dead mouse at my feet (or on my pillow)? Is a pet ocelot a bad idea? When and why did the cat make its real leap off the African plain? What’s with all those cats in Egyptian hieroglyphics? In a genial voice, casually deciphering complex science and history with many examples from his own research and multi-cat household, Losos explores how selection, both natural and artificial, over the last several millennia has shaped the contemporary cat, with new breeds vastly different in anatomy and behavior from their ancestral stock. Yet the cat, ever a predator, still seems only one paw out of the wild, and readily reverts to its feral ways as it occupies new lands around the world.
Humans are transforming cats, and they in turn are transforming the world around them. This charming and intelligent book suggests what the future may hold for both Felis catus and Homo sapiens.
The past, present, and future of the world's most popular and beloved pet, from a leading evolutionary biologist and great cat lover.
"Engaging and wide-ranging ... The Cat's Meow is a readable and informed exploration of the wildcat that lurks within Fluffy." —The Washington Post

The domestic cat—your cat—has, from its evolutionary origins in Africa, been transformed in comparatively little time into one of the most successful and diverse species on the planet. Jonathan Losos, writing as both a scientist and a cat lover, explores how researchers today are unraveling the secrets of the cat, past and present, using all the tools of modern technology, from GPS tracking (you’d be amazed where those backyard cats roam) and genomics (what is your so-called Siamese cat . . . really?) to forensic archaeology. In addition to solving the mysteries of your cat's past, it gives us a cat's-eye view of today's habitats, including meeting wild cousins around the world whose habits your sweet house cat sometimes eerily parallels.
Do lions and tigers meow? If not, why not? Why does my cat leave a dead mouse at my feet (or on my pillow)? Is a pet ocelot a bad idea? When and why did the cat make its real leap off the African plain? What’s with all those cats in Egyptian hieroglyphics? In a genial voice, casually deciphering complex science and history with many examples from his own research and multi-cat household, Losos explores how selection, both natural and artificial, over the last several millennia has shaped the contemporary cat, with new breeds vastly different in anatomy and behavior from their ancestral stock. Yet the cat, ever a predator, still seems only one paw out of the wild, and readily reverts to its feral ways as it occupies new lands around the world.
Humans are transforming cats, and they in turn are transforming the world around them. This charming and intelligent book suggests what the future may hold for both Felis catus and Homo sapiens.
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  • Kirkus

    March 1, 2023
    Not just another cat book, this enthusiastic study traces the evolution of the domesticated house cat from the African wildcat and explores the scientific questions it raises. An evolutionary biologist who specializes in how lizards adapt to their environments, Losos shows how cats have evolved both by natural selection and by artificial selection done by humans interested in breed development. The author taught classes to Harvard undergraduates on the science of cats, considering issues of ecology, evolution, and genetics, and that pedagogical experience informs this book. Though Losos delves deeply into evolutionary diversification, genetics, DNA research, ancient history, and archaeology, he steers clear of academic jargon and describes complex evolutionary changes in simple language. In order to explain selective breeding, he chronicles his visit to the Cat Fanciers' Association's International Cat Show ("the World Series of cats"), where the sheer variety of cats provides ample evidence of "the power of selection to rapidly alter the anatomy and behavior of a species." We meet feline geneticist Leslie Lyons, who helped create the first "map" of the feline genome, which can identify the genes underlying some cat diseases. We follow the Cat Tracker project, which examines the home ranges of pet, feral, and wild cats worldwide. Losos also takes us inside the contentious indoor versus outdoor debate: Conservation organizations advocate keeping cats indoors, but cats' natural tendency is to explore the outdoors. The author leavens the scientific information with personal anecdotes of living with his own house cats. In the final chapter, Losos speculates about the future of cats. Will genetic engineering produce a saber-toothed house cat, or will we be able to create a truly allergen-free cat? Beautifully drawn illustrations by Tuss, sprinkled throughout the text, help readers picture various landmarks on the evolutionary timeline as well as some of the most aesthetically pleasing cultivated breeds. A vivid, well-rounded treat for anyone interested in cats.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    March 13, 2023
    This splendid survey by evolutionary biologist Losos (Improbable Destinies) dives into the history and behavior of cats. He covers scientific studies on felines of all sizes and chronicles the history of cat domestication, telling how Egyptians believed some cats to be the manifestation of the god Bastet and how cats were brought from Egypt to the rest of the Mediterranean by sailors who used them to hunt pests on their ships. Illuminating the purpose of house cat habits, Losos explains that a raised tail signals friendliness and that “kneading” (“pushing down with one forepaw, then the other” on an owner’s belly) is a vestigial practice from kittenhood aimed at promoting milk production in a mother cat. Elsewhere, the author examines big cats and writes that though house cats are known for being asocial, lions form prides to protect their prey from other predators and male cheetahs form coalitions to hunt and patrol territory. The surprising trivia (domestic cats differ from their wild counterparts in only a “handful” of genes) and stimulating scientific background shed light on what goes on in the minds of humans’ second-best friend. This will be catnip for the feline inclined. Illus.

  • Library Journal

    April 1, 2023

    Evolutionary biologist and herpetologist Losos (Improbable Destinies) switches his scientific inquiry toward the feline world in this engaging book on the history of cats. A member of a multi-cat household, Losos focuses his title on the evolution of felines from the big cats that roam the savanna and prowl the jungle to the friendly, domesticated house panthers that cat owners know and love today. He explains in an understandable and sometimes humorous way the science behind some famous cat breeds, the diversity of cat genetics, how cats communicate with each other and with their humans, and the newest high-tech cat research involving GPS and mini cameras. The author also discusses the environmental impact of cats on local wildlife populations and the behavioral differences--and eerie similarities--between domesticated cats and their feral counterparts. VERDICT This head-to-paw guide to domestic cat behavior is the purr-fect addition for cat and science lovers who want to learn more about Felis catus and their large, wild cousins.--Aspasia Luster

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    May 1, 2023
    Evolutionary biologist Losos shares his passion for the species felis catus. Detailing everything from cats' origins in Africa to what their future might hold, Losos describes the possible quest for a saber-toothed housecat. Personal anecdotes regarding the author's own pet cats make his genuine interest apparent and lend a personal touch to the text, including the discussion of whether domestic cats should be indoor or outdoor. From genetic tests performed on ancient Egyptian cat mummies to the use of transmitters and kittycams to study the activities of outdoor cats (wild, feral, and domestic), the text is lively and engaging. While Losos provides a comprehensive view of the evolution of cats, including genetics and breeding, the explanations are clear and accessible. In addition, black and white drawings of different cats appear throughout the book along with robust footnotes sharing further thoughts and observations. Fascinating, fun, and full of facts, this thorough investigation will appeal to general readers and cat lovers alike.


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The Cat's Meow
The Cat's Meow
How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa
Jonathan B. Losos
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