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Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
Cover of Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
Music and Identity in the UK and Qatar
by Dima Issa
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With a discography of over 1000 songs, 20 musicals and three motion pictures, the Lebanese singer and performer, Fairouz, is an artist of pan-Arab appeal, who has connected with listeners from diverse backgrounds and geographies for over four often tumultuous decades.

In this book, Dima Issa explores the role of Fairouz's music in creating a sense of Arab identity amidst changing political, economic context. Based on two years of research including 60 interviews, it takes an ethnographic approach, focussing on audience reception of Fairouz's music among the Arab diasporas of London and Doha. It shows that for discussants, talking about Fairouz meant discussing diasporic life, bringing to the surface notions of Arabness and authenticity, presence and absence, naturalization and citizenship, and the issue of gender. Conversations with the research respondents shed light on the idea of iltizam (commitment), or how members of the Arab diaspora hold on to attributes that they feel define and differentiate them from others.
With a discography of over 1000 songs, 20 musicals and three motion pictures, the Lebanese singer and performer, Fairouz, is an artist of pan-Arab appeal, who has connected with listeners from diverse backgrounds and geographies for over four often tumultuous decades.

In this book, Dima Issa explores the role of Fairouz's music in creating a sense of Arab identity amidst changing political, economic context. Based on two years of research including 60 interviews, it takes an ethnographic approach, focussing on audience reception of Fairouz's music among the Arab diasporas of London and Doha. It shows that for discussants, talking about Fairouz meant discussing diasporic life, bringing to the surface notions of Arabness and authenticity, presence and absence, naturalization and citizenship, and the issue of gender. Conversations with the research respondents shed light on the idea of iltizam (commitment), or how members of the Arab diaspora hold on to attributes that they feel define and differentiate them from others.
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About the Author-
  • Dima Issa is a Senior Lecturer of Mass Media and Communication at the University of Balamand in Lebanon. Her research has focused on the relationship of popular media among diasporic audiences.
Table of Contents-
  • Chapter One: The Individual, the Social, the Diasporic and the Music of Fairouz – An introduction
    Chapter Two: The Arab Diaspora in London and Doha
    Chapter Three: Affective Identities: 'Arabness', Hybridity, and 'Intercontextual' Iltizam
    Chapter Four: Fairouz, Affective Space and the Displaced
    Chapter Five: Music, Migrancy, Presence and Absence
    Chapter Six: Visualising an Arab Homeland, Naturalization, Mobility and 'Power Geometries'
    Chapter Seven: Fairouz, Time, Generational Lineage and the Mnemonic Imagination
    Chapter Eight: Understanding Diasporic Existence Through the Songs of Fairouz
  • Dr Atef Alshaer, University Of Westminister Fairouz is a household name in the Arab world. Alongside Umm Kulthum of Egypt, she has been indispensable to the modern construction of the cultural and musical heritage of Arab societies. Dima Issa's study illuminates Fairouz's wide reach among the Arab diaspora, astutely analyzing her beginnings and her rise as a gifted woman amidst fraught political conditions in Lebanon. It is hard to imagine a more remarkable study than Issa's on this topic.
  • Moustafa Bayoumi, Author of 'How Does It Feel To Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America' In this singular and sophisticated study examining the legendary Lebanese singer Fairouz and the role her music plays in the lives of her listeners, Dima Issa shows us how central Fairouz is to Arabs in the diaspora and how, paradoxically, the further away you are from Fairouz, the closer she is to you.
  • Marwan M. Kraidy, Northwestern University in Qatar In 'Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora,' Dima Issa has penned an original contribution to our understanding of the connections between music, identity, and location. Lyrically evoking a family life 'filled with love, food, and Fairouz,' Issa demonstrates the centrality of the Lebanese icon to Arab identity from Doha to London. In this theoretically rich text, Fairouz emerges as an effective portal for a dizzying multitude of aesthetic predispositions and identity postures. A rich, evocative work deserving of a wide readership.
  • Josh Kun, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism In one of the contemporary world's greatest voices, Dima Issa finds histories of home, movement, displacement, and sanctuary— an entire philosophy of the Arab diaspora. By studying how, and why, people listen to Fairouz, whether in cars, hair salons, or cafes, Issa reminds us that music's most lasting meanings are made in the lives of its listeners.
  • Professor Myria Georgiou, LSE, UK This perceptive book beautifully illustrates how Fairouz's music shapes diasporic imaginaries across generations and spaces. As the significance of music unravels through the experiences and voices of audiences, we hear and see how diasporic identities are individual and collective, contradictory and stubborn.
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    Bloomsbury Publishing
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Bahrain, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen


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Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora
Music and Identity in the UK and Qatar
Dima Issa
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