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The Lonesome Bodybuilder
Cover of The Lonesome Bodybuilder
The Lonesome Bodybuilder
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Winner of the Akutagawa Prize and the Kenzaburo Oe Prize, these eleven surreal tales, set in the offices, zoos, bus stops, boutiques, and homes of contemporary Japan "are reminiscent, at least to this reader, of Joy Williams and Rivka Galchen and George Saunders" (Weike Wang, The New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice).
In the English-language debut of one of Japan’s most fearlessly inventive young writers a housewife takes up bodybuilding and sees radical changes to her physique, which her workaholic husband fails to notice. A boy waits at a bus stop, mocking commuters struggling to keep their umbrellas open in a typhoon, until an old man shows him that they hold the secret to flying. A saleswoman in a clothing boutique waits endlessly on a customer who won’t come out of the fitting room, and who may or may not be human. A newlywed notices that her spouse’s features are beginning to slide around his face to match her own.
In these eleven stories, the individuals who lift the curtains of their orderly homes and workplaces are confronted with the bizarre, the grotesque, the fantastic, the alien—and find a doorway to liberation.
Winner of the Akutagawa Prize and the Kenzaburo Oe Prize, these eleven surreal tales, set in the offices, zoos, bus stops, boutiques, and homes of contemporary Japan "are reminiscent, at least to this reader, of Joy Williams and Rivka Galchen and George Saunders" (Weike Wang, The New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice).
In the English-language debut of one of Japan’s most fearlessly inventive young writers a housewife takes up bodybuilding and sees radical changes to her physique, which her workaholic husband fails to notice. A boy waits at a bus stop, mocking commuters struggling to keep their umbrellas open in a typhoon, until an old man shows him that they hold the secret to flying. A saleswoman in a clothing boutique waits endlessly on a customer who won’t come out of the fitting room, and who may or may not be human. A newlywed notices that her spouse’s features are beginning to slide around his face to match her own.
In these eleven stories, the individuals who lift the curtains of their orderly homes and workplaces are confronted with the bizarre, the grotesque, the fantastic, the alien—and find a doorway to liberation.
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About the Author-
  • Yukiko Motoya was born in Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan in 1979. After moving to Tokyo to study drama, she started the Motoya Yukiko Theater Company, whose plays she wrote and directed. Her first story, “Eriko to zettai,” appeared in the literary magazine Gunzo in 2002. Motoya won the Noma Prize for New Writers for Warm Poison in 2011; the Kenzaburo Oe Prize for Picnic in the Storm in 2013; the Mishima Yukio Prize for How She Learned to Love Herself in 2014; and Japan’s most prestigious literary prize, the Akutagawa Prize, for An Exotic Marriage in 2016. Her books have been published or are forthcoming in French, Norwegian, Spanish, and Chinese, and her stories have been published in English in Granta, Words Without Borders, Tender, and Catapult.
    Asa Yoneda was born in Osaka and studied language, literature, and translation at University of Oxford and SOAS University of London. She now lives in Bristol, U.K. In addition to Yukiko Motoya, she has translated works by Banana Yoshimoto, Aoko Matsuda, and Natsuko Kuroda.
Table of Contents-
  • 1. I Called You By Name
    2. Paprika Jiro
    3. The Lonesome Bodybuilder
    4. Night for Magotchigyao, Same as Usual
    5. Typhoon
    6. Q&A
    7. How to Burden the Girl
    8. Why I Can No Longer Look at a Picnic Blanket Without Laughing
    9. An Exotic Marriage
    10. Straw Husband
    11. The Dogs
  • Kirkus

    September 1, 2018
    Eleven esoteric stories from prizewinning Japanese writer Motoya.Playwright-turned-novelist Motoya has been steadily making her presence felt in the English-language market in literary magazines like Granta. Here she offers a deft combination of magic realism and contemporary irony, dosed with some surreal humor. The opener, "The Lonesome Bodybuilder," is something of an outlier as a Carver-esque study on the inner life of a largely invisible wife who yearns to become the titular bodybuilder. "Fighters are so beautiful," she writes. "Incredible bodies, both of them. Taut bone and flesh, nothing wasted." But then things go slightly askew in "Why I Can No Longer Look at a Picnic Blanket Without Laughing," about a boutique clerk and a customer who refuses to leave the changing room, and "Typhoon," about a surreal encounter with an old man at a bus shelter who knows the secrets of flight. Imagination runs away with an advertising executive in the supershort and creepy "I Called You by Name." The book is centered by a nearly novella-length story, "An Exotic Marriage," a Kafkaesque depiction that shows how even those closest to us can wind up completely alien in the end, a disturbing sentiment that is also reflected in the final story, "The Straw Husband." There is a bit of twisted, violent dystopia in "Paprika Jiro" and anime-flavored ultraviolence in "How to Burden the Girl," while "The Women" takes on notes of Quentin Tarantino in showing how love is strange. Finally, Motoya offers an arch satire on "agony aunts" in "Q&A" and produces spare, dark prose in the collection's finest story, "The Dogs," a pitch-dark meditation on isolation and alienation set in a remote wilderness.A whimsical story collection from a gifted writer with a keen eye and a playful sense of humor.

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 24, 2018
    Motoya’s English-language debut is an unusual but ingenious collection that blends dark humor and bemused first-person narrators suddenly confronted with unhappy relationships and startling realities. The title story follows an ignored wife’s transformation into a massive weight lifter, and her husband’s clueless indifference. In the novella-length “An Exotic Marriage,” San is concerned about her husband’s increasing lassitude about work, and her perception that his facial features are melting. While she frets quietly over these changes, she also agrees to help her neighbor abandon her chronically incontinent cat in the mountains. Male fantasies about assertive girlfriends become a little too real when women start challenging their partners to duels in “The Women.” In “How to Burden the Girl,” a man yearns to save his neighbor from the gangsters that keep attacking her family and killing them one by one, but his discovery of her disturbing past rattles him. Other stories include similarly surreal elements, including a husband made of straw and the use of umbrellas to fly. Funny without collapsing into wackiness, these eccentric, beguiling stories are reminiscent of Haruki Murakami and Kafka.

  • Booklist

    November 1, 2018
    In Motoya's first book to appear in English, the celebrated Japanese novelist, playwright, and media personality presents 11 offbeat modern fables that confront loneliness and selfhood. Her protagonists include an aspiring advertising executive, an aging columnist, and a recluse living among dogs. Many characters struggle to balance their social awkwardness with their ambitions. A clothing-store clerk resolves to satisfy a customer who's been in the changing room for hours, and a hopeless underachiever adores a superhuman girl tasked with defending her family from violent henchmen. Other characters encounter curious strangers, including a man who predicts the fates of passersby during a typhoon and agent-like imps who rampage through the local market. Marital volatility is another recurring subject. In the title story, a housewife begins a bodybuilding routine that reshapes her physique and, she hopes, her marriage. And in a novella-length story, a woman is convinced that she and her husband are becoming identical. Motoya spots deviant situations everywhere and creates unexpected situations that unfold like a slapstick cartoon. As silly as Motoya's stories can get, they are great fun.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    The Millions, Most Anticipated in the Second Half of 2018

    "This inventive and chilling volume will have U.S. audiences craving more from Motoya."

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The Lonesome Bodybuilder
The Lonesome Bodybuilder
Yukiko Motoya
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