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Cover of Dooku
Jedi Lost
Borrow Borrow
Delve into the history of the sinister Count Dooku in this audio original set in a galaxy far, far away….
Darth Tyranus. Count of Serenno. Leader of the Separatists. A red saber, unsheathed in the dark. But who was he, before he became the right hand of the Sith? As Dooku courts a new apprentice, the hidden truth of the Sith Lord’s past begins to come to light.
Dooku’s life began as one of privilege—born within the stony walls of his family’s estate, orbited by the Funeral Moon where the bones of his ancestors lie interred. But soon his Jedi abilities are recognized and he is taken from his home to be trained in the ways of the Force by the legendary Master Yoda.
As he hones his power, Dooku rises through the ranks, befriending fellow Jedi Sifo-Dyas and taking a padawan of his own, the promising Qui-Gon Jinn—and tries to forget the life that he once led. But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and studying ancient relics of the Sith, in preparation for the eventual return of the deadliest enemies the Jedi have ever faced.
Caught between the world of the Jedi, the ancient responsibilities of his lost home, and the alluring power of the relics, Dooku struggles to stay in the light—even as the darkness begins to fall.
Narrated by a full cast:
Orlagh Cassidy as Asajj Ventress
Euan Morton as Dooku
Pete Bradbury as Gretz Droom
Jonathan Davis as Qui-Gon Jinn
Neil Hellegers as Ramil
Sean Kenin as Sifo-Dyas
January LaVoy as Jor Aerith
Saskia Maarleveld as Jenza
Carol Monda as Lene Kostana
Robert Petkoff as Ky Narec
Rebecca Soler as Yula Braylon
Marc Thompson as Yoda
Delve into the history of the sinister Count Dooku in this audio original set in a galaxy far, far away….
Darth Tyranus. Count of Serenno. Leader of the Separatists. A red saber, unsheathed in the dark. But who was he, before he became the right hand of the Sith? As Dooku courts a new apprentice, the hidden truth of the Sith Lord’s past begins to come to light.
Dooku’s life began as one of privilege—born within the stony walls of his family’s estate, orbited by the Funeral Moon where the bones of his ancestors lie interred. But soon his Jedi abilities are recognized and he is taken from his home to be trained in the ways of the Force by the legendary Master Yoda.
As he hones his power, Dooku rises through the ranks, befriending fellow Jedi Sifo-Dyas and taking a padawan of his own, the promising Qui-Gon Jinn—and tries to forget the life that he once led. But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and studying ancient relics of the Sith, in preparation for the eventual return of the deadliest enemies the Jedi have ever faced.
Caught between the world of the Jedi, the ancient responsibilities of his lost home, and the alluring power of the relics, Dooku struggles to stay in the light—even as the darkness begins to fall.
Narrated by a full cast:
Orlagh Cassidy as Asajj Ventress
Euan Morton as Dooku
Pete Bradbury as Gretz Droom
Jonathan Davis as Qui-Gon Jinn
Neil Hellegers as Ramil
Sean Kenin as Sifo-Dyas
January LaVoy as Jor Aerith
Saskia Maarleveld as Jenza
Carol Monda as Lene Kostana
Robert Petkoff as Ky Narec
Rebecca Soler as Yula Braylon
Marc Thompson as Yoda
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  • From the cover PART ONE


    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. . . . ​



    Atmosphere: Wind whistles past a balcony, high in Dooku’s castle.


    I hate it here.

    I hate the castle. I hate the cliff. I hate the spikebats whirling above the forest far below. I hate the moons grinning down at me.

    I hate the fact that night after night I stand on this ledge, feeling the breeze against my skin, wondering what it would be like to jump, to drop down into the trees.

    Would the Force guide me?

    Would it help me find that perfect branch that would take my weight so I could spring to safety, leaves crunching beneath my feet as I ran, rodents scurrying for their nests.


    How did you get here, little one?


    Most of all, I hate that voice. The stupid, impossible voice. A voice of the past. A voice that doesn’t belong.


    I said . . . ​


    I know what you said, Ky.


    And yet you choose to ignore me, my Padawan.


    I’m not your anything!


    I whirl around, expecting to see his face. Those crinkled eyes. That crooked smile.

    But the room is empty, dust motes whirling in the moonlight.

    He’s not here. And yet . . . ​


    How did you become this?


    A monster?


    (DISTORTED) Do not twist my words, little one.


    Don’t call me that.


    (DISTORTED) What do you want me to call you?


    You could try my name.


    How did you become this, Asajj?


    Actually, that’s worse.


    I know I’m being contrary, but what does he expect? How did I come here? How did I become this woman? This creature?

    He did this. He led me here.

    He left me behind.


    I never left you, Ventress. I never would.


    Shut up! Get out of my head!




    The damn droid makes me jump. The castle is full of them, with their whirring servos and lifeless eyes.


    I wasn’t talking to you.

    The droid looks around, its neck servos whirring.


    There is no one else here.


    No. No, there’s not. (SIGHS) What do you want, droid?


    My designation is LEP-10019.


    I don’t care.


    Oh. Um. He needs you.


    Ventress . . . ​please . . . ​


    Lead the way.


    The LEP-100197 droid clanks as it leads Ventress through the castle.


    I think of the ways I could destroy the waddling robot as it leads me through the castle. The corridors are long and as sterile as its workforce. As a building it’s impressive, with its high vaulted ceilings and arched doors. We had nothing like it on Rattatak, nothing that wasn’t pockmarked by laser burns anyway. But where are the portraits of long-dead ancestors? Where are the statues? Where is the stuffed rancor head mounted over a roaring hearth?

    The castle...
About the Author-
  • Author and comic book writer Cavan Scott is a UK number one bestseller who has written for such popular worlds as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Vikings, Judge Dredd, Pacific Rim, and Sherlock Holmes. He is the author of Star Wars Dooku: Jedi Lost, The Patchwork Devil, and Cry of the Innocents, and is part of Lucasfilm's Project Luminous publishing initiative. He has written comics for IDW, Dark Horse, Vertigo, Titan, Legendary, 2000AD, and the Beano. 
    A former magazine editor, Cavan lives in Bristol with his wife and daughters. His lifelong passions include classic scary movies, folklore, audio drama, the music of David Bowie, and walking. He owns far too many action figures. 
    Discover more about his work at
  • AudioFile Magazine An ensemble cast narrates a story involving one of the Star Wars saga's more sinister figures: Count Dooku. Told through two storylines, the audio drama examines Dooku's life through flashbacks and through the eyes of his apprentice, Asajj Ventress. While the story seems rushed and bare-bones, the talented narrators and impressive production quality result in an engaging listen. Orlagh Cassidy perfectly captures Asajj Ventress, and Marc Thompson nails the iconic Master Yoda. Euan Morton evokes Christopher Lee's Dooku without attempting to emulate Lee's iconic voice. Every scene is enhanced by subtle scoring and sound effects, giving the experience a movie-like quality. The rushed nature of the story benefits Star Wars fans but less so newcomers. J.M.M. © AudioFile 2019, Portland, Maine
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Jedi Lost
Cavan Scott
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