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Bears on Chairs
Cover of Bears on Chairs
Bears on Chairs

"Between the unerringly positive approach to a common early-childhood dilemma and the can't-miss rhyme, this will find its place on many a shelf." –Kirkus Reviews

Features an audio read-along! Four chairs. Four cuddly bears. All is well until Big Brown Bear shows up — what a stare! — and wants a seat. Can these clever bears put their heads together (among other things) and make space for one more? With expressive illustrations and a sustained rhyme in every line, this winsome tale makes sharing irresistible and is sure to have little listeners sitting up to take notice.

"Between the unerringly positive approach to a common early-childhood dilemma and the can't-miss rhyme, this will find its place on many a shelf." –Kirkus Reviews

Features an audio read-along! Four chairs. Four cuddly bears. All is well until Big Brown Bear shows up — what a stare! — and wants a seat. Can these clever bears put their heads together (among other things) and make space for one more? With expressive illustrations and a sustained rhyme in every line, this winsome tale makes sharing irresistible and is sure to have little listeners sitting up to take notice.

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About the Author-
  • Shirley Parenteau gained an adventurous nature by growing up on the northern Oregon coast, the next to youngest of five brothers and sisters. After years of writing outdoor magazine articles, she discovered she loved connecting with children, especially through picture books. Her six granddaughters are a continuing source of inspiration. So are preschool and primary grade children, whose enthusiastic answers to "What should the bears do next?" give interesting insights into their worlds.

    Bears on Chairs sprang from a granddaughter's play in a bookstore. This book led to Bears in Beds in 2012, Bears an a Bath in 2014, and Bears and a Birthday in 2015. Shirley's daughter-in-law Miwa is from Japan, so it was especially fun when a Japanese publisher printed the first two bears books in that languageThe first was ranked ninth among favorite children's books published in Japan in 2011. A performer read the book to a teddy bear during a popular children's television show in Australia, and TV rights have been sold in Japan.

    Three Things You Might Not Know About Me:

    1. My father was an Oregon logger. When I was in the third and fourth grades, we lived in temporary housing on the Siletz Indian Reservation while Dad worked nearby. My mother, who wrote for newspapers, became good friends with many of the Siletz women, some of whom wove her name (Olive) into beautiful baskets they made from reeds.
    2. When my husband and I moved from Oregon to California, we lived on a crowded street, but a few years later discovered a hundred-year-old farm for sale. We spent months repairing and restoring and have been here long enough that it's time to do most of it all over again. My office is in the one-time parlor with a big bay window taking up most of one wall overlooking a pomegranate orchard. If this old house is surprised to have a computer and printer installed in the parlor, it does a good job of putting up with them.
    3. I once won a hot-air balloon ride from a drawing at a shopping mall. The balloon, named Rainbow, carried my husband and me from a nearby park right over our old farm. I took some great pictures looking down at our house and surrounding tree-filled forty acres (seven of them ours) surrounded by blocks of new houses. It didn't feel as if the balloon was rising, but looked from the balloon as if the park was falling away from us. We rode like a cloud on the wind and when we sailed into the country, sent cows below racing for their barn.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 20, 2009
    With five bears and only four chairs, these cuddly, optimistic bruins have a problem. Parenteau's (One Frog Sang
    ) rhyming text is simple enough for a preschool audience, and the lesson the bears model about sharing, though obvious, will be welcomed by many teachers and parents. Recalling Care Bears in their pastel fuzziness and good cheer, Walker's (Flip, Flap, Fly!
    ) bears climb on and off the chairs with a toddler's intensity as they master sitting and standing without having to share. But when “Big Brown Bear/ looks for a chair./ There is none there/ for that big bear.” When Big Brown Bear finds he is too big to share a chair with Floppy Bear, his dismay is evident in the acrylic illustrations. After attempts at sharing go awry, all five bears discover that by pushing the chairs together like a bench, they can all sit together. The simple rhymes grow somewhat tedious with repetition, but the heavy-handed message—“Now it's fair!/ The bears all share!”—will be plain to even the most inexperienced reader. Ages 2–6.

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    Candlewick Press
  • OverDrive Read
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Bears on Chairs
Bears on Chairs
Shirley Parenteau
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