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The Underground Abductor
Cover of The Underground Abductor
The Underground Abductor
An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman
New York Times Bestselling Series!
“These books are, quite simply, brilliant. . . . Thrilling, bloody, action-packed stories from American history.” —New York Times
Meet Underground Railroad abductor Harriet Tubman in this installment of the New York Times bestselling graphic novel series!
Araminta Ross was an enslaved woman born in Delaware. After years of backbreaking labor and the constant threat of being sold and separated from her family, she escaped north to freedom. Once there, she changed her name to Harriet Tubman. She would go down in history as a hero and spy who helped hundreds of American slaves run away and find freedom by following the Underground Railroad.
Here is the true tale of a remarkable African American woman, told as a story filled with danger, espionage, and even humor. Beginning with Tubman’s childhood—and discussing other notables in the war against slavery such as Nat Turner and Frederick Douglass and the issue of slavery and its effect on the nation’s history—here is the breathless, terrifying true story of Tubman on the Underground Railroad, where she risked her own life over and over again to bring others to freedom.
This telling of Tubman’s story brings to life the tale of a remarkable black woman who has gone down in history as a unique American heroine.
Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales! Read them all—if you dare!
One Dead Spy: A Revolutionary War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #1)
Big Bad Ironclad!: A Civil War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #2)
Donner Dinner Party: A Pioneer Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Book #3)
Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood: A World War I Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #4)
The Underground Abductor: An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #5)
Alamo All-Stars: A Texas Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #6)
Raid of No Return: World War II Tale of the Doolittle Raid (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #7):
Lafayette!:A Revolutionary War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #8)
Major Impossible:A Grand Canyon Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #9)
Blades of Freedom: A Tale of Haiti, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #10)
Cold War Correspondent: A Korean War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #11)
New York Times Bestselling Series!
“These books are, quite simply, brilliant. . . . Thrilling, bloody, action-packed stories from American history.” —New York Times
Meet Underground Railroad abductor Harriet Tubman in this installment of the New York Times bestselling graphic novel series!
Araminta Ross was an enslaved woman born in Delaware. After years of backbreaking labor and the constant threat of being sold and separated from her family, she escaped north to freedom. Once there, she changed her name to Harriet Tubman. She would go down in history as a hero and spy who helped hundreds of American slaves run away and find freedom by following the Underground Railroad.
Here is the true tale of a remarkable African American woman, told as a story filled with danger, espionage, and even humor. Beginning with Tubman’s childhood—and discussing other notables in the war against slavery such as Nat Turner and Frederick Douglass and the issue of slavery and its effect on the nation’s history—here is the breathless, terrifying true story of Tubman on the Underground Railroad, where she risked her own life over and over again to bring others to freedom.
This telling of Tubman’s story brings to life the tale of a remarkable black woman who has gone down in history as a unique American heroine.
Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales! Read them all—if you dare!
One Dead Spy: A Revolutionary War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #1)
Big Bad Ironclad!: A Civil War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #2)
Donner Dinner Party: A Pioneer Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Book #3)
Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood: A World War I Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #4)
The Underground Abductor: An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #5)
Alamo All-Stars: A Texas Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #6)
Raid of No Return: World War II Tale of the Doolittle Raid (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #7):
Lafayette!:A Revolutionary War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #8)
Major Impossible:A Grand Canyon Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #9)
Blades of Freedom: A Tale of Haiti, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #10)
Cold War Correspondent: A Korean War Tale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales #11)
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About the Author-
  • Nathan Hale is the #1 New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of the Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales series. He also wrote and illustrated the graphic novels One Trick Pony and Apocalypse Taco. Hale lives in Utah, and you can find him online at

  • School Library Journal

    Starred review from May 1, 2015

    Gr 3-7-In this series, a fictionalized Nathan Hale (a patriot from the American Revolutionary War) tells stories about America's most extraordinary heroes and villains. In this installment, Hale tells his British captors about Harriet Tubman, the spy and nurse who helped hundreds of American slaves run away in the 1800s on the Underground Railroad. Although several children's books about Tubman exist (all conveniently listed in a bibliography), the author injects danger, espionage, and slapstick humor into his work, as he peels back the layers of this courageous woman's rebellion. The title begins with Tubman's childhood and tracks her life, also discussing other notables in the war against slavery, such as Nat Turner and Frederick Douglass. Though the focus is on Tubman, the book touches upon the issue of slavery and its effect on the nation's history, which may spark conversations among students and may encourage them to seek out more information. Rendered in gray and purple ink wash, the cartoonlike illustrations use comic book conventions to animate a piece of history that may otherwise seem distant and inaccessible to today's readers. Those who enjoy Lauren Tarshis's "I Survived" (Scholastic) series and other action-packed historical fiction will devour this title. VERDICT A first-choice selection for any children's library and a fresh addition to Black History Month and Women's History Month book lists.

    KEY: * Excellent in relation to other titles on the same subject or in the same genre ] e eBook original Tr Hardcover trade binding ] RTE Reinforced trade binding ] lib.ed. Publisher's library binding Board Board book ] pap. Paperback ] BL Bilingual

    Copyright 2015 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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The Underground Abductor
The Underground Abductor
An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman
Nathan Hale
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