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The Secret History
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The Secret History

A Read With Jenna Book Club Pick

  • International Bestseller

    "Enthralling. . . . A remarkably powerful novel." —The New York Times

    In this brilliant novel from Donna Tartt, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Goldfinch, comes a richly textured and hypnotic story of golden youth corrupted by its own moral arrogance.

    Richard Papen had never been to New England before his nineteenth year. Then he arrived at Hampeden College and quickly became seduced by the sweet, dark rhythms of campus life—in particular by an elite group of five students, Greek scholars, worldly, self-assured, and at first glance, highly unapproachable.

    Yet as Richard was accepted and drawn into their inner circle, he learned a terrifying secret that bound them to one another. . . a secret about an incident in the woods in the dead of night where an ancient rite was brought to brutal life. . . and lead to a gruesome death. And that was just the beginning...

  • A Read With Jenna Book Club Pick

  • International Bestseller

    "Enthralling. . . . A remarkably powerful novel." —The New York Times

    In this brilliant novel from Donna Tartt, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Goldfinch, comes a richly textured and hypnotic story of golden youth corrupted by its own moral arrogance.

    Richard Papen had never been to New England before his nineteenth year. Then he arrived at Hampeden College and quickly became seduced by the sweet, dark rhythms of campus life—in particular by an elite group of five students, Greek scholars, worldly, self-assured, and at first glance, highly unapproachable.

    Yet as Richard was accepted and drawn into their inner circle, he learned a terrifying secret that bound them to one another. . . a secret about an incident in the woods in the dead of night where an ancient rite was brought to brutal life. . . and lead to a gruesome death. And that was just the beginning...

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    About the Author-
    • Donna Tartt was born in Greenwood, Mississippi, and educated at the University of Mississippi and Bennington College. The Secret History was her debut novel.
    • AudioFile Magazine Donna Tartt, with her sweet, Southern, and unmistakably female cadence, might not have been the most natural choice to read her psychological novel narrated by Californian protagonist Richard. Still, it's an enthralling story set at a small Vermont liberal arts college housing an even smaller exclusive inner sanctum of Greek scholars. Secrets and lies accumulate as Richard is drawn into the world of Professor Julian Morrow and his students--Henry, Francis, twins Charles and Camilla, and Bunny--and burdened by their increasingly dysfunctional and incestuous interactions with each other. As intelligent as it is subtly creepy, THE SECRET HISTORY is addictive. Chances are you won't be able to listen just once. J.M.D. (c) AudioFile 2002, Portland, Maine
    • Publisher's Weekly

      August 30, 1993
      . Entertaining, evocative first novel; 12 weeks on PW 's bestseller list.

    • Publisher's Weekly

      September 7, 1992
      Tartt's much bruited first novel is a huge (592 pages) rambling story that is sometimes ponderous, sometimes highly entertaining. Part psychological thriller, part chronicle of debauched, wasted youth, it suffers from a basically improbable plot, a fault Tartt often redeems through the bravado of her execution. Narrator Richard Papen comes from a lower-class family and a loveless California home to the ``hermetic, overheated atmosphere'' of Vermont's Hampden College. Almost too easily, he is accepted into a clique of five socially sophisticated students who study Classics with an idiosyncratic, morally fraudulent professor. Despite their demanding curriculum (they quote Greek classics to each other at every opportunity) the friends spend most of their time drinking and taking pills. Finally they reveal to Richard that they accidentally killed a man during a bacchanalian frenzy; when one of their number seems ready to spill the secret, the group--now including Richard--must kill him, too. The best parts of the book occur after the second murder, when Tartt describes the effect of the death on a small community, the behavior of the victim's family and the conspirators' emotional disintegration. Here her gifts for social satire and character analysis are shown to good advantage and her writing is powerful and evocative. On the other hand, the plot's many inconsistencies, the self-indulgent, high-flown references to classic literature and the reliance on melodrama make one wish this had been a tauter, more focused novel. In the final analysis, however, readers may enjoy the pull of a mysterious, richly detailed story told by a talented writer. 75,000 first printing; BOMC and QPB selections.

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