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The Backyard Bird Chronicles
Cover of The Backyard Bird Chronicles
The Backyard Bird Chronicles
by Amy Tan
A gorgeous, witty account of birding, nature, and the beauty around us that hides in plain sight, written and illustrated by the best-selling author of The Joy Luck Club • With a foreword by David Allen Sibley
“Unexpected and spectacular” —Ann Patchett, best-selling author of These Precious Days
"The drawings and essays in this book do a lot more than just describe the birds. They carry a sense of discovery through observation and drawing, suggest the layers of patterns in the natural world, and emphasize a deep personal connection between the watcher and the watched. The birds that inhabit Amy Tan’s backyard seem a lot like the characters in her novels.” —David Allen Sibley, from the foreword
Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, The Backyard Bird Chronicles maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.
In 2016, Amy Tan grew overwhelmed by the state of the world: Hatred and misinformation became a daily presence on social media, and the country felt more divisive than ever. In search of peace, Tan turned toward the natural world just beyond her window and, specifically, the birds visiting her yard. But what began as an attempt to find solace turned into something far greater—an opportunity to savor quiet moments during a volatile time, connect to nature in a meaningful way, and imagine the intricate lives of the birds she admired.
This audiobook includes a downloadable PDF of images and resources from the book
A gorgeous, witty account of birding, nature, and the beauty around us that hides in plain sight, written and illustrated by the best-selling author of The Joy Luck Club • With a foreword by David Allen Sibley
“Unexpected and spectacular” —Ann Patchett, best-selling author of These Precious Days
"The drawings and essays in this book do a lot more than just describe the birds. They carry a sense of discovery through observation and drawing, suggest the layers of patterns in the natural world, and emphasize a deep personal connection between the watcher and the watched. The birds that inhabit Amy Tan’s backyard seem a lot like the characters in her novels.” —David Allen Sibley, from the foreword
Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, The Backyard Bird Chronicles maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.
In 2016, Amy Tan grew overwhelmed by the state of the world: Hatred and misinformation became a daily presence on social media, and the country felt more divisive than ever. In search of peace, Tan turned toward the natural world just beyond her window and, specifically, the birds visiting her yard. But what began as an attempt to find solace turned into something far greater—an opportunity to savor quiet moments during a volatile time, connect to nature in a meaningful way, and imagine the intricate lives of the birds she admired.
This audiobook includes a downloadable PDF of images and resources from the book
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    February 19, 2024
    The lovely latest from novelist Tan (Where the Past Begins) brings together selections from “nine personal journals filled with sketches and handwritten notes of naive observations” about birds spotted in her northern California backyard between 2017 and 2022. A few of the entries are somber in tone, including one recounting how Tan had to take down her feeders during a 2017 salmonellosis outbreak among Pine Siskins, whose large flocks make them vulnerable to viral illness. However, most of the notes are more lighthearted, as when Tan narrates the squabbles between dark-eyed juncos, lesser goldfinches, and fox sparrows over a pile of sunflower seeds as if it were a wrestling match. Tan sprinkles in some trivia, as when she explains that songbirds dispense seeds uneaten from feeders because they’re looking for the ones with the most oil, but she largely sticks to laid-back observations about sparrows playing, hummingbirds eating out of her hand, and a hermit thrush unsuccessfully attempting to slip into a cage feeder. Tan’s drawings, a highlight of the volume, trace the development of her artistry, with respectable if amateurish early colored pencil sketches giving way to impressively detailed and realistic depictions of the oak titmouse, chestnut backed chickadee, and great horned owl. Bird lovers may not learn much, but Tan’s enthusiasm and jaunty descriptions of her avian subjects enchant. This hits the mark. Illus. Agent: Sandra Dijkstra, Sandra Dijkstra Literary.

  • AudioFile Magazine Author/narrator Amy Tan takes up bird watching to counteract the negativity and discord in the world. Tan is a joy to listen to--a charming and warm presence, with a dollop of self-deprecation, as she chronicles her learning journey. She exudes joy and wonder as a hummingbird feeds from her hand. There is anguish when, to avoid spreading a disease among the Pine Siskins, she removes the feeders, but the birds continue to fly about the yard looking for food. When Tan figures out a way to stop the birds from wasting good seed, the sense of triumph she feels at outsmarting those wasteful creatures is clear. Listeners should be sure to check out the beautiful sketches by Tan included in a pdf with the audio. A.B. © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine
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The Backyard Bird Chronicles
The Backyard Bird Chronicles
Amy Tan
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