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Annie was Warned
Cover of Annie was Warned
Annie was Warned
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Annie was warned not to go to the creepy Montgomery mansion . . . and maybe she wouldn’t have if her best friend hadn’t dared her. But Annie isn’t afraid of anything. Not bats, not spiders, and certainly not some haunted house. Or is she?
Annie was warned not to go to the creepy Montgomery mansion . . . and maybe she wouldn’t have if her best friend hadn’t dared her. But Annie isn’t afraid of anything. Not bats, not spiders, and certainly not some haunted house. Or is she?
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    K - 2

About the Author-
  • Jarrett J. Krosoczka is the author and illustrator of many popular children’s books, including Max for President, Punk Farm, Punk Farm on Tour, and the award-winning Lunch Lady comics series. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Jarrett now lives with his wife and daughter and their pug, Ralph Macchio, in Northampton, Massachusetts, where they never miss the chance to attend a Halloween costume party. You can visit his website at

  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from August 4, 2003
    Annie's parents caution her against going to the "creepy old Montgomery Mansion," but she's not one to turn down a dare. "Annie was warned... but Annie wasn't scared," Krosoczka (Baghead) intones atmospherically as slanting, curving spreads depict her slinking down deserted streets, ducking tree branches, checking over her shoulder and beaming her flashlight at a black cat: "But Annie wasn't afraid of anything! After all, she was born on Halloween night." At last, she approaches the house's dark door—and a gatefold opens on a surprise birthday party. Krosoczka advances his story with sly agility, adding a subtle visual clue, too. A delicious mix of suspense and wit. Ages 4-8.

  • School Library Journal

    September 1, 2003
    PreS-Gr 3-Annie is warned not to go to an old mansion on Halloween night because of bats and spiders, but a friend taunts her, "I dare you to go!" Of course she does, experiencing some frightening moments on the way. She sees something out of the corner of her eye: "Was it a bat?" She feels something prickly on the back of her neck: "Was it a spider?" What are those whispers she hears as she climbs up the front stairs, and where did those cautionary signs come from? The brief text is appropriately scary, and the resolution of each suspenseful moment requires a page turn, culminating in a delightful foldout surprise as plucky Annie enters the "haunted" house. Krosoczka's richly textured, double-page cartoon paintings, executed in a dark palette filled with multidirectional brush strokes and ominous-looking shadows, create an eerie Halloween night atmosphere. The effective use of perspective causes houses and glaring street lights to overwhelm Annie and the huge mansion to loom over her, its entrance stairway appearing to go forever upward. The hand-lettered, spidery-looking negative print is placed on dark ground and grows larger when frightening questions are posed. This deliciously scary offering, paired with Linda Williams's The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything (HarperCollins, 1986), is guaranteed to haunt Halloween storyhours.-Marianne Saccardi, Norwalk Community College, CT

    Copyright 2003 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2004
    Annie was warned not to visit the Montgomery mansion, but on Halloween (her birthday) night, she sets out with a flashlight for this haunted house. Bold, shadowy illustrations take Annie down dark streets, through a graveyard, and to the mansion, where she finds--in a foldout spread--a surprise birthday party. The narrative effectively builds suspense to the predictable but still satisfying conclusion.

    (Copyright 2004 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Random House Children's Books
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Annie was Warned
Annie was Warned
Jarrett J. Krosoczka
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