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Bedhead Ted
Cover of Bedhead Ted
Bedhead Ted

Perfect for fans of Hilo and Lunch Lady, this charming and funny young middle grade graphic novel follows one boy as he discovers that his perceived flaw—wild, red hair—may just be what saves the day.

Ten-year-old Ted just wants to fit in. But his wild, red hair is a target for school bullies. Fortunately, he has his best friend, Stacy, to take his mind off all the mean comments. But Stacy needs Ted's help to uncover the truth of a local urban legend—the elusive giant raccoon known as the Brookside Beast!

However, after Stacy starts making new friends, Ted feels more alone and weirder than ever...until Ted discovers that he has a superpower! His hair can lift, stretch, and catch anything. For the first time in his life, Ted wonders if his unruly hair is a gift rather than a curse.

Could it be the one thing that not only helps solve their town's greatest mystery but also gets his best bud back?

Perfect for fans of Hilo and Lunch Lady, this charming and funny young middle grade graphic novel follows one boy as he discovers that his perceived flaw—wild, red hair—may just be what saves the day.

Ten-year-old Ted just wants to fit in. But his wild, red hair is a target for school bullies. Fortunately, he has his best friend, Stacy, to take his mind off all the mean comments. But Stacy needs Ted's help to uncover the truth of a local urban legend—the elusive giant raccoon known as the Brookside Beast!

However, after Stacy starts making new friends, Ted feels more alone and weirder than ever...until Ted discovers that he has a superpower! His hair can lift, stretch, and catch anything. For the first time in his life, Ted wonders if his unruly hair is a gift rather than a curse.

Could it be the one thing that not only helps solve their town's greatest mystery but also gets his best bud back?

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  • OverDrive Read
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    K - 1

About the Author-
  • Scott SanGiacomo is an author/illustrator whose work has appeared in children's books, animation, and magazines. He lives in Massachusetts. Visit him online at

  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 2021

    Gr 2-5-Ted and his best friend Stacy are not excited to return to school for fourth grade. Stacy, who is Black, is teased because of his name, while Ted, who is white, is targeted by bullies because of his bushy, bright red hair, which grows uncontrollably owing to "overactive hair follicles." At least Ted and Stacy have each other-and their hunt for the mythical Brookside Beast, which Stacy wants to prove is real. The mission gets less fun for Ted when Tommy and Saanvi, who are friends with school bully Gary, join Stacy; fortunately, scary middle school neighbor Jayla gives Ted some perspective on the situation (and it turns out Jayla isn't mean, like Ted assumed; she just doesn't smile because of her braces). Misunderstanding-and reconciliation-is a theme throughout. And Ted's hair, which has always frustrated him, turns out to be a superpower; it's a family trait that skipped a generation, explains Ted's grandma. With no more than six panels per page, the story has a smooth, uncluttered flow; the palette is neutral to cool, except for Ted's red hair. SanGiacomo adeptly conveys characters' feelings through their eyebrows. Chapter breaks are drawn as notes pinned on a corkboard, providing a visual reminder of previous story beats before each new chapter. VERDICT Friendship and belief prevail over bullying and doubt in this mostly realistic story with a touch of fantasy. Highly recommended for middle grade graphic novel collections everywhere.-Jenny Arch, Lilly Lib., Florence, MA

    Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    July 1, 2021
    Ted might have a terrible nickname, but he'll need to get over it to take on a bully, a beast, and a bad case of bedhead. A giant raccoon is rumored to be running amok in small-town Brookside, but as fourth grade starts, Ted has bigger concerns on his mind. His best friend, Stacy, doesn't seem to have a problem with it, but Ted's hair is notoriously unwieldy--always has been--and one bully in particular seems to be leading the charge to make sure Ted never feels normal. The nickname Bedhead Ted catches on, and despite Stacy's insistence that things will get better, Ted resents every strand, tress, and lock that makes him special. In this graphic novel with full-color, mixed media illustrations, Ted's big, bright orange hair often takes center stage, but the cast of characters featuring diverse skin tones, hair, and facial features is also noteworthy. When Ted discovers surprising abilities that come with his unique hair--abilities secretly shared by his maternal grandfather and multiple generations of his family--the heroics and hijinks are both silly and exciting, breezily leading readers through both a superhero origin story and a mystery. Elastic hair with superstrength aside, Stacy and Ted's support of one another through relatable obstacles powers this whole adventure and finally leads to answers regarding the Brookside Beast. Charming and funny proof that friendship is the key to any hairy situation. (map) (Graphic fiction. 7-10)

    COPYRIGHT(2021) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Kirkus Reviews

    "The heroics and hijinks are both silly and exciting, breezily leading readers through both a superhero origin story and a mystery. Stacy and Ted's support of one another through relatable obstacles powers this whole adventure...Charming and funny proof that friendship is the key to any hairy situation." — Kirkus Reviews

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Bedhead Ted
Bedhead Ted
Scott SanGiacomo
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