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Cover of Ghosted

Never Have I Ever meets The X-Files in Amanda Quain's Ghosted, a fresh and funny update on the Jane Austen classic, Northanger Abbey.
Hattie Tilney isn't a believer. Yes, she's a senior at America's most (allegedly) haunted high school, Northanger Abbey. But ever since her paranormal-loving dad passed away, she's hung up her Ghostbusters suit, put away the EMF detectors, and moved on. She has enough to worry about in the land of the living—like taking care of her younger brother, Liam, while their older sister spirals out and their mother, Northanger's formidable headmistress, buries herself in work. If Hattie just tries hard enough and keeps that overachiever mask on tight through graduation, maybe her mom will finally notice her.
But the mask starts slipping when Hattie's assigned to be an ambassador to Kit Morland, who's just transferred to Northanger on—what else—a ghost-hunting scholarship. The two are paired up for an investigative project on the school's paranormal activity, and Hattie quickly strikes a deal: Kit will present whatever ghostly evidence he can find to prove that the campus is haunted, and Hattie will prove it's not. But as they explore the abandoned tunnels and foggy graveyards of Northanger, Hattie starts to realize that Kit might be the kind of person who makes her want to believe in something—and someone—for the first time.
With her signature wit and slow-burn romance, Amanda Quain turns another Austen classic on its head in this sparkling retelling that proves sometimes the ghosts are just a metaphor after all.

Never Have I Ever meets The X-Files in Amanda Quain's Ghosted, a fresh and funny update on the Jane Austen classic, Northanger Abbey.
Hattie Tilney isn't a believer. Yes, she's a senior at America's most (allegedly) haunted high school, Northanger Abbey. But ever since her paranormal-loving dad passed away, she's hung up her Ghostbusters suit, put away the EMF detectors, and moved on. She has enough to worry about in the land of the living—like taking care of her younger brother, Liam, while their older sister spirals out and their mother, Northanger's formidable headmistress, buries herself in work. If Hattie just tries hard enough and keeps that overachiever mask on tight through graduation, maybe her mom will finally notice her.
But the mask starts slipping when Hattie's assigned to be an ambassador to Kit Morland, who's just transferred to Northanger on—what else—a ghost-hunting scholarship. The two are paired up for an investigative project on the school's paranormal activity, and Hattie quickly strikes a deal: Kit will present whatever ghostly evidence he can find to prove that the campus is haunted, and Hattie will prove it's not. But as they explore the abandoned tunnels and foggy graveyards of Northanger, Hattie starts to realize that Kit might be the kind of person who makes her want to believe in something—and someone—for the first time.
With her signature wit and slow-burn romance, Amanda Quain turns another Austen classic on its head in this sparkling retelling that proves sometimes the ghosts are just a metaphor after all.

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About the Author-
  • AMANDA QUAIN is a writer, indie bookseller, and general life enthusiast. When she's not shouting about her favorite new books, she loves theatre, baking, rock climbing, marching band, and the overall pursuit of adventure. If forced to choose, Amanda's favorite Austen hero is Edward Ferrars, though she'll always have a soft spot for Mr. Bingley. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and their cat. She is the author of Accomplished and Ghosted.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    May 15, 2023
    In this gender-bent Northanger Abbey retelling, straitlaced skeptic Hattie Tilney, a high school senior who cues as white, attends boarding school at a storied and allegedly haunted abbey. Once a devotee of all things supernatural, Hattie renounced her belief in ghosts when her paranormal enthusiast father died during her freshman year. All Hattie wants now is to study pre-law at her dream college, protect her reckless younger brother and avoid her chaotic older sister, and be a model daughter for her absent mother, the school’s headmistress. But when she’s paired up with enthusiastic new student—and staunch believer in the paranormal—Kit Morland, also white, for an investigative journalism project about ghostly activity on campus, Hattie finds herself digging up memories and emotions she’d rather keep buried. As the two grow closer, Hattie gradually confronts her feelings of loss, all while learning to seek joy in things she once loved. Through introspective prose, Quain (Accomplished) illustrates the ways in which Hattie uses hyper-independence and practicality to mask her grief and loneliness. Quick-witted humor, banter, and a slow-burn romance evoke familiar Austenian relationship fare, making this cozy read a satisfyingly modern take on a classic. Hattie and Kit read as white. Ages 13–up. Agent: Moe Ferrara, BookEnds Literary.

  • Kirkus

    May 15, 2023
    A teenage girl must decide between normalcy and being true to herself. Hattie Tilney has been a skeptic since her ghost-loving father died right before the family moved to Northanger Abbey boarding school, a hotbed for supposed paranormal activity where her mother became headmistress. All Hattie wants is to have a normal senior year with her friends and get into a good college, but when she's assigned by her mom to be school ambassador to disarming transfer student Kit Morland, Hattie is horrified to find out that he is a ghost hunter on a scholarship from the National Paranormal Society of Investigators. Worse, Hattie must partner with Kit for their journalism class to investigate claims about paranormal activity at Northanger. Still grieving and determined to avoid anything to do with the paranormal world her dad loved, Hattie agrees to the project under one condition: Kit will try to prove the stories are true, and she will try to debunk them. It isn't long before Hattie finds her feelings for Kit growing as he pulls her into exploring subjects she has avoided for several years. In her second novel inspired by a Jane Austen classic, Quain draws a realistic portrait of a young person struggling with loss, social pressures, and familial expectations. Readers need not be familiar with the original to appreciate this retelling with a supernatural twist. Main characters read White; there is some racial diversity in the supporting cast. Fresh and compelling. (Paranormal romance. 13-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    July 1, 2023
    Grades 8-11 Hattie Tilney, a student at Northanger Abbey, purportedly the ""most haunted high school,"" is struggling to hold it together. She needs to get to graduation in one piece, which is made difficult by the death of her ghost-hunting father, her headmistress mother's inattention, and her siblings who need more help than she can give. Even worse, she's just been assigned to help new student Kit, a transfer at Northanger on a ghost-hunting scholarship. Hattie accepts, even though she has no patience for the ghost hunters who plague the campus searching for famous ghosts. Kit's senior project, to prove that Northanger is really haunted, makes life hard for Hattie, forcing her to hide how much she misses her dad, but her initial impressions of Kit are shuffled off as she quickly falls for him. Teen fans of Austen will see the parallels and enjoy this modern twist on the story. Others unfamiliar with the original story will still enjoy the fun of a haunted-school romance.


  • Erin Hahn, author of Never Saw You Coming "Accomplished is what I imagine it would look like if all my favorite Austen heroines united together and raised some hell in 2022."
  • Nina Moreno, author of Don't Date Rosa Santos "Sharp, funny, and full of heart...I officially have a new favorite Darcy."
  • Jamie Pacton, Author of Lucky Girl and The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly "A delightful gem of a book...In between all the winks to P&P, Accomplished also offers a smart rumination on privilege; a nod to fanfics and author life; and, a swoony slow burn romance. Highly recommended for P&P fans looking for a fresh (hilarious) take on the original and for YA contemporary readers who want to romp in a world that feels both familiar and original all at once."
  • Stephanie Kate Strohm, author of Love a la Mode and Prince in Disguise "Move over Fitzwilliam, there's a new Darcy in town! Wholly original, fiercely feminist, and with a romance that's totally fic-worthy, Accomplished is the Pride & Prejudice retelling you've been waiting for. Georgie Darcy has something to say -- and you'll hang on her every word."
  • Rachel Simon, youth services librarian, Newton Free Library (Newton, MA)

    "Georgie is a character you can root for. She's smart, funny and real. Quain's writing is perfect for fans of the OG Jane Austen, but also Emery Lord, Sarah Dessen, and Emma Mills...Highly recommend."
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