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Amp It Up
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Amp It Up
Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity
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Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller
The secret to leading growth is your mindset

Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman is one of the tech world's most accomplished executives in enterprise growth, having led Snowflake to the largest software IPO ever after leading ServiceNow and Data Domain to exponential growth and the public market before that. In Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity, he shares his leadership approach for the first time.

Amp It Up delivers an authoritative look at what it takes to transform an organization for maximum growth and scale. Slootman shows that most leaders have significant room to improve their organization's performance without making expensive changes to their talent, structure, or fundamental business model—and they don't need to bring in an army of consultants to do it. What they do need is to align people around what matters and execute with urgency and intensity every day.

Leading for unprecedented growth means declaring war on mediocrity, breaking the status quo, and making conflicted choices daily, all with a relentless focus on the mission. Amp It Up provides the first principles to guide that change, and the tactical advice for organizing a company around them.

Perfect for executives, entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and leaders of all kinds, Amp It Up is a must-read resource for anyone who seeks to unleash the growth potential of a company and scale it to heights they never thought possible.

Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller
The secret to leading growth is your mindset

Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman is one of the tech world's most accomplished executives in enterprise growth, having led Snowflake to the largest software IPO ever after leading ServiceNow and Data Domain to exponential growth and the public market before that. In Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity, he shares his leadership approach for the first time.

Amp It Up delivers an authoritative look at what it takes to transform an organization for maximum growth and scale. Slootman shows that most leaders have significant room to improve their organization's performance without making expensive changes to their talent, structure, or fundamental business model—and they don't need to bring in an army of consultants to do it. What they do need is to align people around what matters and execute with urgency and intensity every day.

Leading for unprecedented growth means declaring war on mediocrity, breaking the status quo, and making conflicted choices daily, all with a relentless focus on the mission. Amp It Up provides the first principles to guide that change, and the tactical advice for organizing a company around them.

Perfect for executives, entrepreneurs, founders, managers, and leaders of all kinds, Amp It Up is a must-read resource for anyone who seeks to unleash the growth potential of a company and scale it to heights they never thought possible.

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Table of Contents-
  • Part I – Amping Up 1

    Chapter 1 Introduction: The Power of Amping Up 3

    Chapter 2 My Journey from Teenage Toilet Cleaner to Serial CEO 13

    Part II – Raise Your Standards 33

    Chapter 3 Make Your Organization Mission Driven 35

    Chapter 4 Declare War on Your Competitors and on Incrementalism 45

    Chapter 5 Put Execution Ahead of Strategy 55

    Part III – Align Your People and Culture 63

    Chapter 6 Hire Drivers, Not Passengers, and Get the Wrong People off the Bus 65

    Chapter 7 Build a Strong Culture 73

    Chapter 8 Teach Everyone to Go Direct and Build Mutual Trust 83

    Part IV – Sharpen Your Focus 91

    Chapter 9 Put Analysis Before Solutions 93

    Chapter 10 Align Incentives for Customer Success 99

    Part V – Pick Up the Pace 103

    Chapter 11 Ramp Up Sales 105

    Chapter 12 Grow Fast or Die Slow 113

    Chapter 13 Stay Scrappy as You Scale Up 123

    Part VI – Transform Your Strategy 131

    Chapter 14 Materialize Your Opportunities—the Data Domain Growth Story 133

    Chapter 15 Open the Aperture—the ServiceNow Expansion Story 143

    Chapter 16 Swing for the Fences—the Snowflake Growth Story 151

    Part VII – The Amped-Up Leader 157

    Chapter 17 Amp Up Your Career 159

    Chapter 18 Just for CEOs—Dealing with Founders and Boards 171

    Chapter 19 Conclusion—Great Leaders Have Great Outcomes 181
    Acknowledgments 183
    Index 185

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Amp It Up
Amp It Up
Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity
Frank Slootman
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