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"Full of tongue-in-cheek humor, excellent dialogue, and fantastic characters, this expertly crafted story from Carter (The Blonde Identity) is a heart-melting rivals-to-lovers romance combined with a delightful locked-room mystery." — Library Journal (starred review)
Knives Out gets a holiday rom-com twist in this rivals-to-lovers romance-mystery from New York Times bestselling author Ally Carter.
The bridge is out. The phones are down. And the most famous mystery writer in the world just disappeared out of a locked room two days before Christmas.
Meet Maggie Chase and Ethan Wyatt:
She's the new Queen of the Cozy Mystery.
He's Mr. Big-time Thriller Guy.
She hates his guts.
He thinks her name is Marcie (no matter how many times she's told him otherwise.)
But when they both accept a cryptic invitation to attend a Christmas house party at the English estate of a reclusive fan, neither is expecting their host to be the most powerful author in the world: Eleanor Ashley, the Duchess of Death herself.
That night, the weather turns, and the next morning Eleanor is gone.
She vanished from a locked room, and Maggie has to wonder: Is Eleanor in danger? Or is it all some kind of test? Is Ethan the competition? Or is he the only person in that snowbound mansion she can trust?
As the snow gets deeper and the stakes get higher, every clue will bring Maggie and Ethan closer to the truth—and each other. Because, this Christmas, these two rivals are going to have to become allies (and maybe more) if they have any hope of saving Eleanor.
Assuming they don't kill each other first.
The laugh out loud holiday "romystery" that you've been waiting for!
"Full of tongue-in-cheek humor, excellent dialogue, and fantastic characters, this expertly crafted story from Carter (The Blonde Identity) is a heart-melting rivals-to-lovers romance combined with a delightful locked-room mystery." — Library Journal (starred review)
Knives Out gets a holiday rom-com twist in this rivals-to-lovers romance-mystery from New York Times bestselling author Ally Carter.
The bridge is out. The phones are down. And the most famous mystery writer in the world just disappeared out of a locked room two days before Christmas.
Meet Maggie Chase and Ethan Wyatt:
She's the new Queen of the Cozy Mystery.
He's Mr. Big-time Thriller Guy.
She hates his guts.
He thinks her name is Marcie (no matter how many times she's told him otherwise.)
But when they both accept a cryptic invitation to attend a Christmas house party at the English estate of a reclusive fan, neither is expecting their host to be the most powerful author in the world: Eleanor Ashley, the Duchess of Death herself.
That night, the weather turns, and the next morning Eleanor is gone.
She vanished from a locked room, and Maggie has to wonder: Is Eleanor in danger? Or is it all some kind of test? Is Ethan the competition? Or is he the only person in that snowbound mansion she can trust?
As the snow gets deeper and the stakes get higher, every clue will bring Maggie and Ethan closer to the truth—and each other. Because, this Christmas, these two rivals are going to have to become allies (and maybe more) if they have any hope of saving Eleanor.
Assuming they don't kill each other first.
The laugh out loud holiday "romystery" that you've been waiting for!
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Ally Carter writes books about people who fall in love (while trying to stay alive.) After more than a decade of writing beloved YA titles like I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You and Heist Society, she launched onto the adult scene with The Blonde Identity. A long-time lover of the holiday rom-com, Ally is also the writer of the Netflix original movie, A Castle for Christmas.
April 1, 2024
Popular YA author Carter follows her best-selling adult debut, The Blonde Identity, with another suspenseful romance. Writers Maggie and Ethan go from rivals to lovers when they must work together after being snowed in during a Christmas house party at an English estate--and a famous mystery author goes missing from a locked room. Prepub Alert.
Copyright 2024 Library Journal
Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
August 1, 2024
Mystery writer Maggie Chase accepts an anonymous invitation to spend Christmas at an English country house, but she's horrified to find thriller writer Ethan Wyatt, whom she detests, headed to the same place. When they arrive, she is also surprised to learn that her hero, mystery author Eleanor Ashley, is their host. As the remaining guests arrive, a snowstorm descends on the remote estate, and Eleanor disappears from her locked office. Convinced that this must be a game, Maggie searches for clues, but when someone shoots at her, she reluctantly teams up with Ethan to figure out what's going on. As they investigate, Maggie realizes that there is far more to Ethan than the smug, self-assured persona he presents to the world. Still recovering from her divorce and years of gaslighting by her ex-husband, Maggie finds it difficult to trust Ethan--or herself. As flashbacks reveal the history between Maggie and Ethan and the present offers moments of confession, readers will adore how Ethan makes Maggie feel seen and cherished and will cheer as Maggie gains confidence. VERDICT Full of tongue-in-cheek humor, excellent dialogue, and fantastic characters, this expertly crafted story from Carter (The Blonde Identity) is a heart-melting rivals-to-lovers romance combined with a delightful locked-room mystery.--Melissa DeWild
Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
August 19, 2024 Carter (The Blonde Identity) spins a clever romantic mystery with a Christmassy twist. It’s cozy mystery author Maggie Chase’s first Christmas since her husband left her for her best friend, in the wake of which she developed mild agoraphobia. Making things worse, practically every traumatic incident in Maggie’s life has happened around Christmas, including the deaths of both her parents. But her luck might be changing: Maggie’s publisher forces her into attending a Christmas house party in England hosted by Eleanor Ashley, her longtime literary idol. Eleanor’s gathered a who’s who of mystery authors, including Maggie’s nemesis, Ethan Wyatt. Maggie hopes Ethan’s presence will be the only wrinkle in an otherwise delightful holiday—until Eleanor disappears. At first, it seems Eleanor’s playing a game, forcing the authors to compete for the privilege of being her coauthor by following clues to find her. But when a fellow houseguest is poisoned, the stakes become all too real. As Maggie and Ethan join forces to investigate, their animosity slowly turns to love. Carter’s impressive plotting means the final, Agatha Christie–esque reveal is a genuine surprise, and she pulls off the enemies-to-lovers trope beautifully. Romantic suspense fans on the hunt for something festive will want to snap this up. Agent: Kristin Nelson, Nelson Literary.
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