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A dark fantasy romance inspired by the Greek mythology love story of Nyx and Erebus.
In a kingdom where magic is slowly disappearing, an evil king expands his territory to gain more power, destroying towns and villages along the way. He collects the orphaned children with no magic and trains them as assassins in his army to be used as weapons against his enemies. Meanwhile, those who possess magic are sent to a ruthless academy to train as mages, ruling with cruelty under the evil king's expanding reign.
Kiara, once an assassin for the king, infiltrates the magic academy to slay the prince and end the royal bloodline. But within the academy's walls, she discovers a startling truth-she has magic.
The Cursed Prince will tempt her.
Secret societies will hunt her.
And the mysterious headmaster hides sinister truths of his own.
As students begin to vanish and Heartstrings are forged, Kiara's quest for vengeance turns into a battle for survival-and a choice between love and destiny as she finds herself torn between killing the prince or saving the world with him.
This is Book 1 in the Academy of Villains series! Each book in this dark fantasy romance series is inspired by a Greek mythology love story. Prepare for hidden secrets, powerful spells, and heartfelt relationships.
A dark fantasy romance inspired by the Greek mythology love story of Nyx and Erebus.
In a kingdom where magic is slowly disappearing, an evil king expands his territory to gain more power, destroying towns and villages along the way. He collects the orphaned children with no magic and trains them as assassins in his army to be used as weapons against his enemies. Meanwhile, those who possess magic are sent to a ruthless academy to train as mages, ruling with cruelty under the evil king's expanding reign.
Kiara, once an assassin for the king, infiltrates the magic academy to slay the prince and end the royal bloodline. But within the academy's walls, she discovers a startling truth-she has magic.
The Cursed Prince will tempt her.
Secret societies will hunt her.
And the mysterious headmaster hides sinister truths of his own.
As students begin to vanish and Heartstrings are forged, Kiara's quest for vengeance turns into a battle for survival-and a choice between love and destiny as she finds herself torn between killing the prince or saving the world with him.
This is Book 1 in the Academy of Villains series! Each book in this dark fantasy romance series is inspired by a Greek mythology love story. Prepare for hidden secrets, powerful spells, and heartfelt relationships.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Ever King is an author renowned for her enchanting stories that blend dark fantasy elements, mythology, fairytales, and folklore into rich narratives. She writes stories of fated love where magic thrives, romance blossoms, and villains often steal the heart of the heroine.
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Tiffany James
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