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Discover how to rethink your relationship with stress and overcome burnout, depression, and anxiety with this accessible health-meets-self-help guide. Stress has a bad reputation but is actually a healthy biological phenomenon that helps us tackle life's many demands. It simply becomes problematic when it's out of tune with the frequency of our lives, resulting in burnout, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and many other physical symptoms. To bring stress back to healthy levels, Dr. Nerurkar offers her five science-backed mindset shifts for when life gets hard: The First Reset: Get Clear on What Matters MostThe Second Reset: Find Quiet in a Noisy WorldThe Third Reset: Sync Your Brain and Your BodyThe Fourth Reset: Come Up for AirThe Fifth Reset: Bring Your Best Self Forward Dr. Nerurkar illuminates why our everyday attempts at being 'resilient' – like multitasking, sleeping less, and undergoing huge lifestyle overhauls – aren't beneficial to our stressed brains. Instead, she prescribes practical, real-world solutions for our modern-day perils that are time efficient, cost-free, and can be applied to anyone's life, including following the Resilience Rule of 2 (making no more than two changes at a time because doing more is unsustainable), accepting that multitasking is a myth (our brains are wired to do one thing at a time!), and adopting her Bookend Method (creating boundaries). The five mindset shifts, along with fifteen proven techniques, offer you a road map to change your relationship with stress, bring your biology back into balance, and feel calmer right now.
Discover how to rethink your relationship with stress and overcome burnout, depression, and anxiety with this accessible health-meets-self-help guide. Stress has a bad reputation but is actually a healthy biological phenomenon that helps us tackle life's many demands. It simply becomes problematic when it's out of tune with the frequency of our lives, resulting in burnout, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and many other physical symptoms. To bring stress back to healthy levels, Dr. Nerurkar offers her five science-backed mindset shifts for when life gets hard: The First Reset: Get Clear on What Matters MostThe Second Reset: Find Quiet in a Noisy WorldThe Third Reset: Sync Your Brain and Your BodyThe Fourth Reset: Come Up for AirThe Fifth Reset: Bring Your Best Self Forward Dr. Nerurkar illuminates why our everyday attempts at being 'resilient' – like multitasking, sleeping less, and undergoing huge lifestyle overhauls – aren't beneficial to our stressed brains. Instead, she prescribes practical, real-world solutions for our modern-day perils that are time efficient, cost-free, and can be applied to anyone's life, including following the Resilience Rule of 2 (making no more than two changes at a time because doing more is unsustainable), accepting that multitasking is a myth (our brains are wired to do one thing at a time!), and adopting her Bookend Method (creating boundaries). The five mindset shifts, along with fifteen proven techniques, offer you a road map to change your relationship with stress, bring your biology back into balance, and feel calmer right now.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Before becoming a Harvard physician, Dr Nerurkar saw a doctor for debilitating stress, and was told 'Try to relax more.' This fueled her to study the effects of stress on the brain and body. The 5 Resets is a solution-oriented, science-backed approach to reimagining stress and burnout. She has been featured in The New York Times, NPR, The Times, Oprah Magazine, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Mel Robbins Podcast and Diary of a CEO.
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