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The Burnout
Cover of The Burnout
The Burnout
A Novel
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Sparks fly in this delightful novel about two burned out professionals who meet at a ramshackle resort on the British seaside—from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Party Crasher.
“I devoured The Burnout in one greedy gulp. It’s funny, sad, relatable, and brilliantly done. Sophie Kinsella is the queen of romantic comedy.”—Jojo Moyes
She can do anything . . . just not everything.
Sasha has had it. She cannot bring herself to respond to another inane, “urgent” (but obviously not at all urgent) email or participate in the corporate employee joyfulness program. She hasn’t seen her friends in months. Sex? Seems like a lot of effort. Even cooking dinner takes far too much planning. Sasha has hit a wall.
Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga, and find peace, she heads to the seaside resort she loved as a child. But it’s the off season, the hotel is in a dilapidated shambles, and she has to share the beach with the only other occupant: a grumpy guy named Finn, who seems as stressed as Sasha. How can she commune with nature when he’s sitting on her favorite rock, watching her? Nor can they agree on how best to alleviate their burnout (Sasha: manifesting, wild swimming; Finn: drinking whisky, getting pizza delivered to the beach).
When curious messages, seemingly addressed to Sasha and Finn, begin to appear on the beach, the two are forced to talk—about everything. How did they get so burned out? Can either of them remember something they used to love? (Answer: surfing!) And the question they try and fail to ignore: what does the energy between them—flaring even in the face of their bone-deep exhaustion—signify?
Sparks fly in this delightful novel about two burned out professionals who meet at a ramshackle resort on the British seaside—from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Party Crasher.
“I devoured The Burnout in one greedy gulp. It’s funny, sad, relatable, and brilliantly done. Sophie Kinsella is the queen of romantic comedy.”—Jojo Moyes
She can do anything . . . just not everything.
Sasha has had it. She cannot bring herself to respond to another inane, “urgent” (but obviously not at all urgent) email or participate in the corporate employee joyfulness program. She hasn’t seen her friends in months. Sex? Seems like a lot of effort. Even cooking dinner takes far too much planning. Sasha has hit a wall.
Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga, and find peace, she heads to the seaside resort she loved as a child. But it’s the off season, the hotel is in a dilapidated shambles, and she has to share the beach with the only other occupant: a grumpy guy named Finn, who seems as stressed as Sasha. How can she commune with nature when he’s sitting on her favorite rock, watching her? Nor can they agree on how best to alleviate their burnout (Sasha: manifesting, wild swimming; Finn: drinking whisky, getting pizza delivered to the beach).
When curious messages, seemingly addressed to Sasha and Finn, begin to appear on the beach, the two are forced to talk—about everything. How did they get so burned out? Can either of them remember something they used to love? (Answer: surfing!) And the question they try and fail to ignore: what does the energy between them—flaring even in the face of their bone-deep exhaustion—signify?
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About the Author-
  • Sophie Kinsella is a writer and former financial journalist. She is the #1 bestselling author of Can You Keep a Secret?, The Undomestic Goddess, Remember Me?, Twenties Girl, I’ve Got Your Number, Wedding Night, My Not So Perfect Life, Surprise Me, the hugely popular Shopaholic novels and the young adult novel Finding Audrey. She lives in the UK with her husband and family.
  • Library Journal

    August 1, 2023

    Sasha has reached a level of burnout that most modern workers can commiserate with: a bone-deep exhaustion courtesy of an endlessly pinging email inbox and forced employee-wellness programs that feign compassion; her sole sustenance comes from the prepared-food section of the local market. Sasha finally reaches her limit and has a not-so-private breakdown in front of her colleagues at Zoose, the hottest new travel app. To recuperate, her family sends her to Rilston Bay, the beach town where she vacationed as a child, which holds Sasha's fondest memories of her late father. She meets a surly, brooding man on the train to Rilston Bay and is shocked and dismayed to see that he's bunking at the same formerly luxurious (but now completely run-down) resort she used to idealize as a child. But Sasha and Finn soon go from enemies to friends, thanks to mysterious messages that keep appearing on the beach, and discover their futures along the way. VERDICT Kinsella's latest (following The Party Crasher) is a light and easy read, with a predictable plot that's perfect for a summer day. The relationship's growth and the novel's nostalgic small-town vibe recall Emily Henry's Book Lovers.--Chelsie Harris

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2023
    When her job drives her bonkers, an overworked 30-something briefly considers the convent. You didn't use Zoose? That's the advertising slogan of a successful travel app called Zoose, where Sasha is director of special promotions. But as the title of Kinsella's latest rom-com suggests, Sasha's burgeoning inbox, her massive responsibilities, and her evil overlords--Joanne, the "empowerment and well-being officer," and Asher, the nepotistically chosen department head--have all passed the outer limits of tolerability some time ago. She's so far down she can't even respond to the overtures of the handsome counter man at the takeout place where she buys the exact same dinner every night. She flips out and races to the convent across the street from her flat to sign up, and when they reject her application, runs out of the building and into a literal brick wall. When she wakes up, her mother has arranged for her to take a health and wellness break at a seaside hotel the family used to visit annually in Sasha's childhood. On the train there, she meets her hot, nasty Mr. Darcy, also a corporate burnout, also a longtime visitor to the area, and an enemies-to-lovers plot clicks into play. It's hard to know the absolute maximum number of rundown hotel jokes and disgusting kale smoothie jokes that would be funny, but this number is definitely exceeded in the pages that follow. When the enemies finally turn into lovers, the obstacle produced to throw them off course one last time is annoyingly familiar and silly. It's not even worth having an obstacle if it's not going to be a little better than this. We had the bang, don't need the whimper. This book can be read on autopilot, as it was likely written, but it does get you there.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 7, 2023
    The giddy latest from bestseller Kinsella (Confessions of a Shopaholic) pairs two workaholics on vacation. Sasha has reached a breaking point in her tech startup job: her crowded email inbox makes her “chest spasm” and “left eye start twitching” and she finds no relief from her company’s “employee joyfulness program.” Instead, she heads to a British seaside resort hoping for some much-needed relaxation time. It’s the offseason, so she’s sharing the beach with only one other guest, Finn, who turns out to be just as cranky and burned-out as Sasha and, in her mind, not handling it half as well. The two are initially intent on avoiding each other, but they’re brought together by mysterious, anonymous messages written in the sand on the beach and addressed to them. As they investigate—and commiserate about their jobs—sparks fly and a relationship blossoms. The slow pace may frustrate some romance fans, but Kinsella peppers in plenty of humor as the protagonists share childhood memories and reach for happiness together. The banter is snappy, but what really sets this romance apart is its message of carving out time for life’s simple pleasures. Kinsella’s fans will not be disappointed. Agent: Kim Witherspoon, InkWell Management.

  • Booklist

    September 15, 2023
    Rom-com queen Kinsella (Party Crasher, 2021) introduces Sasha Worth, a marketing director at a travel start-up who is feeling beyond overwhelmed at work. After Sasha impulsively flees the office and makes an ill-advised attempt to join a nunnery, her mother and sister convince her to take a vacation. Sasha decides to revisit Rilston Bay, a seaside resort town where she made many happy memories as a child. But when she arrives at the Rilston Hotel, she finds it seriously underpopulated, save for a handsome but gruff fellow guest, Finn, who seems thoroughly unpleasant for no good reason, until Sasha overhears him dictating several apology emails and thinks that he might be at the resort for the same reason she is. Once Sasha and Finn's respective walls start coming down, they realize they have more in common than they thought, including visiting the resort at the same time as kids. Kinsella's latest is full of her trademark wit and charm, and many readers will find themselves relating to the work-burnout her characters are combating.


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The Burnout
The Burnout
A Novel
Sophie Kinsella
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