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One secret could destroy them all. The brand new dark academia debut for 2024 and a gripping tale of revenge, guilt, privilege, and loyalty, perfect for fans of The Secret History and If We Were Villains
"An intensely gripping, thrilling and darkly beautiful debut. I was hooked." —Karin Slaughter, #1 New York Times bestselling author
We were always The Four. From our very first day at High Realms.
The four scholarship pupils. Outsiders in a world of power and privilege. And, according to everyone else, we were dangerous.
It would have made our lives a lot easier if Marta had simply pushed our prefect Genevieve out of our bedroom window that day. Certainly, it would have been tragic. She would have died instantly.
But Marta didn't push her then, or – if you choose to believe me – at any other time. If she had, all of what we went through would not have happened.
I've told this story as clearly as I could – as rationally as I've been able, in the circumstances, to achieve. I don't regret what we did. And I would do it all again.
An international bestseller!
One secret could destroy them all. The brand new dark academia debut for 2024 and a gripping tale of revenge, guilt, privilege, and loyalty, perfect for fans of The Secret History and If We Were Villains
"An intensely gripping, thrilling and darkly beautiful debut. I was hooked." —Karin Slaughter, #1 New York Times bestselling author
We were always The Four. From our very first day at High Realms.
The four scholarship pupils. Outsiders in a world of power and privilege. And, according to everyone else, we were dangerous.
It would have made our lives a lot easier if Marta had simply pushed our prefect Genevieve out of our bedroom window that day. Certainly, it would have been tragic. She would have died instantly.
But Marta didn't push her then, or – if you choose to believe me – at any other time. If she had, all of what we went through would not have happened.
I've told this story as clearly as I could – as rationally as I've been able, in the circumstances, to achieve. I don't regret what we did. And I would do it all again.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Ellie Keelis an award-winning producer and activist. She is the founding director of the Women's Prize for Playwriting, a literary prize and campaign for gender equality among writers for the stage in the UK and Ireland. In January 2024 she was the youngest producer ever to win Producer of the Year in the Stage Awards. She is based in London. The Four is her debut novel.
August 1, 2024 In 1999, a quartet of teen scholarship students--athletic Rose, troubled Marta, kindhearted Sami, and enigmatic Lloyd--arrive at High Realms, an elite British boarding school, excited by the prospect of being educated alongside England's most exalted. They are desperate to fit in, but when brilliant but odd Marta is singled out by one of the most popular girls, Genevieve, the four find themselves walking a dangerous tightrope as they try to avoid being targets of the vicious bullying inflicted by the older students. Rose grows increasingly concerned about Marta when she discovers that Marta has been burning herself and is in danger of being summoned back home by her father. When Marta runs afoul of Genevieve at a party, it leads to a tragic confrontation between them, forcing Rose, Sami, and Lloyd to go to great lengths to protect Marta. Tackling serious subjects, such as bullying, self-harm, and sexual assault, Keel's atmospheric debut is at times tough to read. But even as it stretches credulity in places, it will most certainly beguile lovers of dark academia tales.
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