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The Alien Next Door 1
Cover of The Alien Next Door 1
The Alien Next Door 1
The New Kid
In the first book of the Alien Next Door series, an alien boy named Zeke tries to fit in and adjust to life on Earth, while a classmate, Harris, suspects that Zeke might not be quite what he claims to be.
Zeke the alien is on his way to his first day of school, feeling down because he has to start over again on a new planet, as his scientist parents constantly move to wherever their research takes them. When he gets to school, no one seems to notice anything strange or different about him except Harris, a kid obsessed with science fiction and aliens. Harris sees Zeke doing extraordinary things but can't convince anyone, least of all his best friend, Roxy, that Zeke might be an alien. Roxy just thinks Harris is jealous that she's becoming friends with Zeke. But when Roxy invites Zeke over to Harris's house, will Harris find a way to prove that he's right?
In the first book of the Alien Next Door series, an alien boy named Zeke tries to fit in and adjust to life on Earth, while a classmate, Harris, suspects that Zeke might not be quite what he claims to be.
Zeke the alien is on his way to his first day of school, feeling down because he has to start over again on a new planet, as his scientist parents constantly move to wherever their research takes them. When he gets to school, no one seems to notice anything strange or different about him except Harris, a kid obsessed with science fiction and aliens. Harris sees Zeke doing extraordinary things but can't convince anyone, least of all his best friend, Roxy, that Zeke might be an alien. Roxy just thinks Harris is jealous that she's becoming friends with Zeke. But when Roxy invites Zeke over to Harris's house, will Harris find a way to prove that he's right?
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  • School Library Journal

    January 1, 2018

    Gr 2-4-An enjoyable new early chapter book series. Harris has a new neighbor and he just knows there is something different about him. Zeke eats strange foods and doesn't use his hands to type on his tablet. No one else, especially Harris' best friend Roxy, notices anything weird about Zeke. Readers know, however, that Zeke is actually an alien from the planet Tragas. He has come to Earth with his parents who are research scientists studying the planet. They are supposed to keep their alien identities a secret, but Zeke doesn't do a good job keeping his alien ways under wraps. A humorous and charming start to a new series. VERDICT A solid purchase for most collections in need of heavily illustrated chapter books.-V. Lynn Christiansen, Wiley International Studies Magnet Elementary School, Raleigh, NC

    Copyright 2018 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    December 15, 2017
    Second-grader Harris Walker's sure something's odd about the new kid at school, whose family has just moved in next door. Harris has seen Zeke do impossible things, but no one else has. Meanwhile, Zeke, or Zekelabraxis, is unhappy to be starting over in a new school on a new planet. Due to his scientist parents' research, the family moves around a lot, and Zeke misses everything about his home, Tragas. It's hard making friends while hiding your true self. Harris' best friend, Roxy Martinez, feels sorry for Zeke and includes him when she can, urging Harris to do the same. After a successful play day at Harris' house, Harris is ready to be friends with Zeke...but not ready to give up trying to prove Zeke's not of this world. Newton's first in a series of easy chapter books is largely occupied by setup, simply establishing characters and relationships with very little plot. Mild humor is found in Zeke's attempts to conceal his true nature, but the alternating third-person focus between Harris and Zeke blunts much of its potential. Human diversity is signaled (Harris may be black; Roxy is evidently Latina) but not explored; in his human form, Zeke appears to be white, though he's actually fairly squidlike. Sarkar's cartoon illustrations on every page pair well enough with the text. (Final art not seen.)This series spin on the alien-next-door trope gets off to a slow start. (Science fiction. 5-9)

    COPYRIGHT(2017) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2019
    Harris suspects Zeke, the new kid, is not quite of this world: Zeke's lunch is totally weird, he can balance on his fingertips while upside down, and he's never eaten pizza. As Zeke tries to fit in, a wary new friendship with Harris develops, presumably to be expanded on in future volumes. Black-and-white illustrations on every page enhance this humorous early chapter book.

    (Copyright 2019 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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The Alien Next Door 1
The Alien Next Door 1
The New Kid
A.I. Newton
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