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3 Days to Live
Cover of 3 Days to Live
3 Days to Live

The people closest to you can be your most dangerous enemies in this heart-pounding collection of three thrillers from master of suspense and New York Times bestselling author James Patterson.

3 Days to Live: A CIA-agent bride is on her European honeymoon when she and her husband are poisoned—leaving her seventy-two hours to take revenge (with Duane Swierczynski).

Women and Children First: When a deal goes bad on a tech executive in Washington, DC, he turns an order to kill his family into a chance to relive his military glory days (with Bill Schweigart).

The Housekeepers: A Los Angeles doctor trusts her two housekeepers, but when she's murdered in a botched attempt to steal drugs, the pair of grifters vie to control their former employer's estate—facing off against the Russian mob (with Julie Margaret Hogben).

The people closest to you can be your most dangerous enemies in this heart-pounding collection of three thrillers from master of suspense and New York Times bestselling author James Patterson.

3 Days to Live: A CIA-agent bride is on her European honeymoon when she and her husband are poisoned—leaving her seventy-two hours to take revenge (with Duane Swierczynski).

Women and Children First: When a deal goes bad on a tech executive in Washington, DC, he turns an order to kill his family into a chance to relive his military glory days (with Bill Schweigart).

The Housekeepers: A Los Angeles doctor trusts her two housekeepers, but when she's murdered in a botched attempt to steal drugs, the pair of grifters vie to control their former employer's estate—facing off against the Russian mob (with Julie Margaret Hogben).
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  • Library Journal

    June 10, 2024

    Patterson (The House of Wolves) joins forces with narrators Anna Caputo, Corey Carthew, and Ellen Archer to deliver three exciting short thrillers. In "3 Days To Live," narrated by Caputo, an ex-CIA agent on her honeymoon discovers that her new husband has been fatally poisoned. She jumps out a window to limit her exposure to the toxin, and with three days to live, she hunts down the killer. In "Women and Children First," narrated by Carthew, a salesman shoots his wife and children to spare them the horrible death threatened by a brutal killer. The killer communicates with the salesman via a robotic voice, that the narrator executes flawlessly. The final story, "The Housekeepers," follows Russian cousins Masha and Sophie, housekeepers in luxury homes. Masha steals from her clients to support her habit of wearing designer clothes and to pay off the Russian mafia, who has them in their sights. This story is performed by Archer, who perfectly captures Masha's and Sophie's Russian accents. Each of the narrators employs superb pacing and excellent characterizations, adding to the excitement of the stories. VERDICT Share with Patterson's many fans and patrons who enjoy thrilling mysteries chock-full of surprising twists and turns.--Ilka Gordon

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    Hachette Audio
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3 Days to Live
3 Days to Live
James Patterson
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