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An unforgettable story about a family with a terrible secret. From the #1 bestselling author of Then She Was Gone, The Night She Disappeared and The Family Upstairs. ____________ When a tragedy breaks a family apart, what can bring it back together? The Birds seem to be the perfect family: mother, father, four children, a picture-book cottage in the country. But one Easter weekend, something happens - something so unexpected, so devastating, that no one can bring themselves to talk about it. The family shatters, seemingly for good. Until, years later, they are forced to return to the house they grew up in, and to confront what really broke the family apart . . . ____________ Readers can't get enough of The House We Grew Up In . . . ***** 'I could NOT put it down!' ***** 'What a fabulous, fabulous read. I honestly LOVED this book and I could not put it down.' ***** 'This book is so smooth and natural that I felt like I almost knew the characters.' ***** 'Incredibly moving, delightfully funny, painfully tragic.' ***** 'It's one of the very best books I've read this year.'
An unforgettable story about a family with a terrible secret. From the #1 bestselling author of Then She Was Gone, The Night She Disappeared and The Family Upstairs. ____________ When a tragedy breaks a family apart, what can bring it back together? The Birds seem to be the perfect family: mother, father, four children, a picture-book cottage in the country. But one Easter weekend, something happens - something so unexpected, so devastating, that no one can bring themselves to talk about it. The family shatters, seemingly for good. Until, years later, they are forced to return to the house they grew up in, and to confront what really broke the family apart . . . ____________ Readers can't get enough of The House We Grew Up In . . . ***** 'I could NOT put it down!' ***** 'What a fabulous, fabulous read. I honestly LOVED this book and I could not put it down.' ***** 'This book is so smooth and natural that I felt like I almost knew the characters.' ***** 'Incredibly moving, delightfully funny, painfully tragic.' ***** 'It's one of the very best books I've read this year.'
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
LISA JEWELL was born in London in 1968. Her first novel, Ralph's Party, was the best- selling debut novel of 1999. Since then she has written another eighteen novels, most recently a number of dark psychological thrillers, including The Girls, Then She Was Gone and The Family Upstairs (all of which were Richard & Judy Book Club picks). Lisa is a New York Timesand Sunday Times number one bestselling author who has been published worldwide in over twenty-five languages. She lives in north London with her husband, two teenage daughters and the best dog in the world.
June 23, 2014 Jewell’s most recent novel (after Before I Met You) is a melodrama starring the Bird clan: happy-go-lucky mother Lorelai, patient father Colin, headstrong eldest child Meg, meek Beth, and dissimilar twins Rory and Rhys. “They lived in a honey-colored house that sat hard up against the pavement of a picture-perfect Cotswolds village and stretched out beyond into three-quarters of an acre of rambling half-kempt gardens.” The narrative alternates between 2011 and flashbacks to the kids’ childhoods, and the reader sees Lorelai’s eccentricities (including her propensity for hoarding) gradually begin to weigh her family down. Easter is Lorelai’s favorite holiday, replete with massive egg hunts and festivities, but when a catastrophe occurs, it forever alters the course of the Birds’ lives. Each member of the family begins to drift away from the others, and the subsequent years find them dealing with affairs, abandonment, and death. Years later, following another loss, the family once again gathers and is forced to confront its troubled past. Jewell keeps the reader engrossed with her characters’ winding, divergent paths.
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