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From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
"A seductive twist on the timeless tale of a couple trying to rediscover love in a marriage brought low by the challenges of domestic togetherness...touching, perceptive, and achingly honest." —Beatriz Williams, New York Times bestselling author When Lauren and Ryan's marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside from that, anything goes.
Lauren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, quickly finding that her friends and family have their own ideas about the meaning of marriage. These influences, as well as her own healing process and the challenges of living apart from Ryan, begin to change Lauren's ideas about monogamy and marriage. She starts to question: When you can have romance without loyalty and commitment without marriage, when love and lust are no longer tied together, what do you value? What are you willing to fight for?
This is a love story about what happens when the love fades. It's about staying in love, seizing love, forsaking love, and committing to love with everything you've got. And above all, After I Do is the story of a couple caught up in an old game—and searching for a new road to happily ever after.
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
"A seductive twist on the timeless tale of a couple trying to rediscover love in a marriage brought low by the challenges of domestic togetherness...touching, perceptive, and achingly honest." —Beatriz Williams, New York Times bestselling author When Lauren and Ryan's marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside from that, anything goes.
Lauren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, quickly finding that her friends and family have their own ideas about the meaning of marriage. These influences, as well as her own healing process and the challenges of living apart from Ryan, begin to change Lauren's ideas about monogamy and marriage. She starts to question: When you can have romance without loyalty and commitment without marriage, when love and lust are no longer tied together, what do you value? What are you willing to fight for?
This is a love story about what happens when the love fades. It's about staying in love, seizing love, forsaking love, and committing to love with everything you've got. And above all, After I Do is the story of a couple caught up in an old game—and searching for a new road to happily ever after.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Taylor Jenkins Reid is the author of the New York Times bestselling novels Carrie Soto Is Back, Malibu Rising, Daisy Jones and The Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, as well as One True Loves, Maybe in Another Life, After I Do, and Forever, Interrupted. Her books have been chosen by Reese's Book Club, Read with Jenna, and Book of the Month. Her novel Daisy Jones and The Six is now a limited series on Amazon Prime. She lives in Los Angeles.
May 15, 2014 An unhappily married couple spends a year apart in Reid's (Forever, Interrupted, 2013) novel about second chances.When we meet Lauren, she and her husband, Ryan, are having a meltdown trying to find their car in the parking lot at Dodger Stadium after a game. Through a series of flashbacks, Lauren reveals how the two of them went from being inseparable to being insufferable in each other's eyes-and in desperate need of a break. Both their courtship and their fights seem so ordinary-they met in college; he doesn't like Greek food-that the most heartbreaking part of their pending separation is deciding who will get custody of their good-natured dog. It's not until Ryan moves out that the juicy details emerge. Lauren surreptitiously logs into his email one day, in a fit of missing him, and discovers a bunch of emails to her that he had saved but not sent. Liberated by Ryan's candor, Lauren saves her replies for him to find, and the two of them read each other's unfiltered thoughts as they go about their separate lives. Neither character holds anything back, which makes the healing process more complex, and more compelling, than simply getting revenge or getting one's groove back. Meanwhile, as Lauren spends more time with her family and friends, she explores the example set for her by her parents and learns that there are many ways to be happy. It's never clear until the final pages whether living alone will bring Lauren and Ryan back together or force them apart forever. But when the year is up, the resolution is neither sappy nor cynical; it's arrived at after an honest assessment of what each partner can't live with and can't live without.Reid's tome on married life is as uplifting as it is brutally honest-a must-read for anyone who is in (or hopes to be in) a committed relationship.
March 15, 2014 It all started out so well for Lauren Spencer and Ryan Cooperan all-consuming college romance, a perfectly imperfect proposal, a lovely wedding, and a rustic honeymoon. Now, almost 10 years later, Lauren and Ryan find themselves rehashing the same arguments with increasing vehemence. In a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, Lauren and Ryan decide to take a yearlong break from each other, abstain from all communication, and figure out how they'd like to move forward. Once Ryan moves out, Lauren spends the next year learning more about herself, her marriage, and the foundations of good relationships than she ever imagined. Reid's second novel (after Forever, Interrupted, 2013) contrasts the heady bliss of courtship with the smothering familiarity of a long-term partnership. Written in a breezy, humorous style familiar to fans of Jane Green and Elin Hilderbrand, After I Do focuses on Lauren's journey of self-discovery. The novel's pacing is a bit slow at times, but the intriguing premise and well-drawn supporting characters contribute to an emotionally uplifting and inspiring story.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2014, American Library Association.)
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