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Celebrate the 2024 election with this fascinating book of facts about Kamala Harris, her family, her childhood, her hobbies, and her homelife—perfect for 8+ and fully illustrated throughout!
Did you know?
Her father was born in Jamaica and her mother was born in India.
She has a younger sister named Maya.
She became vice president of the United States on January 20, 2021.
Find over one hundred extraordinary facts in this fun-packed book, the perfect gift for kids who love American history makers!
Celebrate the 2024 election with this fascinating book of facts about Kamala Harris, her family, her childhood, her hobbies, and her homelife—perfect for 8+ and fully illustrated throughout!
Did you know?
Her father was born in Jamaica and her mother was born in India.
She has a younger sister named Maya.
She became vice president of the United States on January 20, 2021.
Find over one hundred extraordinary facts in this fun-packed book, the perfect gift for kids who love American history makers!
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
November 15, 2024 A quick flurry of family stories, anecdotes, and career milestones from the life of 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Fluffing up the content with four entries about George Washington, seven about the White House, and further "amazing facts" ranging from the tangential to the banal ("Kamala often needed Band-Aids on her knees when she fell over!" "The Capitol Building's dome is HUGE"), Gifford dishes up a quick-turnaround buffet of facts about his subject's background, personal interests, and career, selected to offer humanizing glimpses of Harris' public and private persona. Along with references to her two college degrees, her favorite brand of sneakers, and what she had for lunch during an official 2021 visit to Singapore, readers will learn that her parents divorced when she was 7, that she struggled to learn French in school in Montreal, and that she had to take the bar exam twice to pass. Coverage of her 2024 presidential campaign ends with her August selection of running mate Tim Walz (who gets three facts). The author closes with a spritz of motivational Kamalisms, from "eat no for breakfast" to "double up your efforts and go for your dream!" An early view of her in a stroller shouting "Fweedom!" captures the saccharine character of the monochrome illustrations, but there is plenty of racial and cultural diversity in the crowd scenes. Topical, if ephemeral.(Nonfiction. 7-9)
December 6, 2024
Gr 2-6-Over 100 facts about presidential candidate Kamala Harris's life. Beginning in childhood and continuing through the 2024 election, facts about Harris's childhood and career are interspersed with information about other presidents. For example, when noting that Harris failed to pass the bar the first time, other presidents who failed the bar exam are discussed. Information about the functions of government is provided when it intersects with her life. This title covers information as recent as singer Charli XCX's endorsement of Harris, but obviously does not cover November 2024's election results, as it was published prior. For elementary schools who value having a biography of Harris, this is a solid title. Other titles released later may have valuable election information that would be worth the wait. VERDICT A simple but timely biography.-Jeri Murphy
Copyright 2024 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
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