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Cover of Eureka!
50 Scientists Who Shaped Human History
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Galileo, Einstein, Curie, Darwin, Hawking - we know the names, but how much do we really know about these people? Galileo gained notoriety over his battle with the Vatican, but did you know that this father of modern science was also an accomplished lute player? And Darwin of course discovered the principle by which new species are formed, but his bold curiosity extended to the dinner table as well. (And how many people can say they've eaten an owl!) From lutes and owls to astronomy and evolution, Eureka! explains how these scientific geniuses have shaped our understanding - and how they spent their free time as well.
Galileo, Einstein, Curie, Darwin, Hawking - we know the names, but how much do we really know about these people? Galileo gained notoriety over his battle with the Vatican, but did you know that this father of modern science was also an accomplished lute player? And Darwin of course discovered the principle by which new species are formed, but his bold curiosity extended to the dinner table as well. (And how many people can say they've eaten an owl!) From lutes and owls to astronomy and evolution, Eureka! explains how these scientific geniuses have shaped our understanding - and how they spent their free time as well.
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  • From the cover InÿEureka!ÿJohn Grant offers fifty vivid portraits of groundbreaking scientists.
  • AudioFile Magazine Collective biographies, while fine in print, can present problems for audiobook narrators, which is the case in this production. The author's writing on 50 great scientists is fluent. And narrator Mark Meadows injects energy and just the right authoritative tone into his reading of the short biographies. He pronounces the names of Arabic, French, German, Dutch, and Russian scientists smoothly and with appropriate accents. However, the conclusion of each mini-biography is followed by a section of trivia and recommended reading that is introduced with the words "But there's more . . ." It would be easy to overlook those three words while reading a print version, but they're repeated 50 times throughout the audiobook. To his credit, Meadows varies his delivery slightly, but the repetition still detracts from the production. This is one audiobook that works better in print. C.M.A. © AudioFile 2016, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    July 11, 2016
    Scientists whose contributions have shaped modern life are introduced in 50 brief biographies. They include individuals from the ancient world, including Hippocrates, Pythagoras, and Hypatia of Alexandria; well-known figures like Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and Marie Curie; and other individuals who might have escaped readers’ notice, such as mathematician Ada Lovelace, German physicist Lisa Meitner, and Australia’s Howard Florey, a somewhat unheralded bacteriologist who played a key role in the advent of penicillin. Grant (Debunk It!) humorously describes the scientists’ missteps (Ptolemy’s “ideas of how the universe worked dominated scientific thought... for something like 1,300 years. Which was a pity, because he got just about everything wrong”), just one aspect of the informal, accessible tone he uses to create a rich and lively history of scientific innovation. Ages 12–up.

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50 Scientists Who Shaped Human History
Mark Meadows
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