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The Stone Witch of Florence
Cover of The Stone Witch of Florence
The Stone Witch of Florence
A Novel
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"A twisty, historical witchy escape." —Entertainment Weekly
A woman's secret. A deadly Plague. Unleash the hidden magic...
1348. As the Black Plague ravages Italy, Ginevra di Gasparo is summoned to Florence after nearly a decade of lonely exile. Ginevra has a gift—harnessing the hidden powers of gemstones, she can heal the sick. But when word spread of her unusual abilities, she was condemned as a witch and banished. Now the same men who expelled Ginevra are begging for her return.
Ginevra obliges, assuming the city's leaders are finally ready to accept her unorthodox cures amid a pandemic. But upon arrival, she is tasked with a much different mission: she must use her collection of jewels to track down a ruthless thief who is ransacking Florence's churches for priceless relics—the city's only hope for protection. If she succeeds, she'll be a recognized physician and never accused of witchcraft again.
But as her investigation progresses, Ginevra discovers she's merely a pawn in a much larger scheme than the one she's been hired to solve. And the dangerous men behind this conspiracy won't think twice about killing a stone witch to get what they want...
"A twisty, historical witchy escape." —Entertainment Weekly
A woman's secret. A deadly Plague. Unleash the hidden magic...
1348. As the Black Plague ravages Italy, Ginevra di Gasparo is summoned to Florence after nearly a decade of lonely exile. Ginevra has a gift—harnessing the hidden powers of gemstones, she can heal the sick. But when word spread of her unusual abilities, she was condemned as a witch and banished. Now the same men who expelled Ginevra are begging for her return.
Ginevra obliges, assuming the city's leaders are finally ready to accept her unorthodox cures amid a pandemic. But upon arrival, she is tasked with a much different mission: she must use her collection of jewels to track down a ruthless thief who is ransacking Florence's churches for priceless relics—the city's only hope for protection. If she succeeds, she'll be a recognized physician and never accused of witchcraft again.
But as her investigation progresses, Ginevra discovers she's merely a pawn in a much larger scheme than the one she's been hired to solve. And the dangerous men behind this conspiracy won't think twice about killing a stone witch to get what they want...
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About the Author-
  • Anna Rasche is a historian and gemologist who has previously worked in the jewelry collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and as a curatorial fellow at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. Rasche's debut is based on original research she conducted on the uses of gemstones in medieval medicine at the Cooper Hewitt Museum and on site in Italy. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and infant daughter.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 5, 2024
    Jewelry historian Rasche debuts with an engrossing novel of 14th-century Florence that sees a woman accused of witchcraft called back from exile to help solve a case of stolen holy relics. Ginerva di Gasparo was born in 1320 Genoa, where the rising influence of Christianity made it hazardous to perform the rituals she learned from her ancestors, including a “priestess who could talk to oak trees” and a soothsayer. She’s 20 years old and living in Florence when Bishop Angiolo Acciaiuoli discovers she’s been healing the sick with gemstones and banishes her to Genoa. Eight years later, Angiolo offers to allow her to return to Florence on the condition she help him find the culprit who made off with a set of relics, which have taken on new significance since the city was beset with the bubonic plague. Ginerva accepts, and Angiolo permits her to use her magical abilities for the mission. Rasche’s vivid depictions of medieval Florence aid the reader in suspending disbelief in the supernatural elements, and the solution to the case turns out to be equal parts surprising and logical. Fans of M.J. Rose should take note. Agent: Stefanie Lieberman, Janklow & Nesbit Assoc.

  • Booklist

    September 1, 2024
    As a plague ravages Italy in 1348, healer Ginevra is summoned back to Florence. Though she had been exiled years earlier for heresy for using her deep connection to nature to help others, particularly by harnessing the power of gemstones, someone has been stealing relics that people rely on for protection. In return for finding the relics, she wants to be officially recognized as a doctor. As Ginevra travels from church to church, she cannot resist healing the few people she comes across despite the danger it poses to herself. Her compassion and determination inspire others to move out of their comfort zones and help her in her quest. As her search for the relic thief intensifies, she becomes caught in a web of greed and intrigue deeper than she could have anticipated. Rasche's thoroughly researched debut features a strong female protagonist ahead of her time who simply wants to use her gifts to help others. Elements of mystery and fantasy, well-rounded characters, and a relatable history make for an engaging story that includes a very satisfying epilogue.


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    Park Row Books
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The Stone Witch of Florence
The Stone Witch of Florence
A Novel
Anna Rasche
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