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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A small-town sweetheart and an emotionally unavailable bad boy try to find some common ground in this chemistry-filled romance from the author of The Cheat Sheet and When in Rome. A POPSUGAR AND CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR Annie Walker is on a quest to find her perfect match—someone who complements her happy, quiet life running the local flower shop in Rome, Kentucky. But finding her dream man may be harder than Annie imagined. Everyone knows everyone in her hometown, and the dating prospects are getting fewer by the day. After she overhears her latest date say she is “so unbelievably boring,” Annie starts to think the problem might be her. Is it too late to become flirtatious and fun like the leading ladies in her favorite romance movies? Maybe she only needs a little practice . . . and Annie has the perfect person in mind to be her tutor: Will Griffin. Will—the sexy , tattooed, and absolutely gorgeous bodyguard—is temporarily back in Rome, providing security for Amelia Rose as excitement builds for her upcoming marriage to Noah Walker, Annie’s brother. He has one personal objective while on the job: stay away from Annie Walker and any other possible attachments to this sleepy town. But no sooner than he gets settled, Will finds himself tasked with helping Annie find the love of her life by becoming the next leading lady of Rome, Kentucky. Will wants no part in changing the sweet and lovely Annie. He knows for a fact that some stuffy, straitlaced guy won’t make her happy, but he doesn’t have the heart to say no. Amid steamy practice dates and strictly “educational” tutoring lessons, Annie discovers there are more layers to Will’s usual stoic attitude. As the lines of their friendship become dangerously blurred, Annie reconsiders her dream guy. Maybe her love life doesn’t need to be perfect—it just needs to be real. Look for all of Sarah Adams’s When in Rome books: WHEN IN ROME • PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT • BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL (Coming Soon!)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A small-town sweetheart and an emotionally unavailable bad boy try to find some common ground in this chemistry-filled romance from the author of The Cheat Sheet and When in Rome. A POPSUGAR AND CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR Annie Walker is on a quest to find her perfect match—someone who complements her happy, quiet life running the local flower shop in Rome, Kentucky. But finding her dream man may be harder than Annie imagined. Everyone knows everyone in her hometown, and the dating prospects are getting fewer by the day. After she overhears her latest date say she is “so unbelievably boring,” Annie starts to think the problem might be her. Is it too late to become flirtatious and fun like the leading ladies in her favorite romance movies? Maybe she only needs a little practice . . . and Annie has the perfect person in mind to be her tutor: Will Griffin. Will—the sexy , tattooed, and absolutely gorgeous bodyguard—is temporarily back in Rome, providing security for Amelia Rose as excitement builds for her upcoming marriage to Noah Walker, Annie’s brother. He has one personal objective while on the job: stay away from Annie Walker and any other possible attachments to this sleepy town. But no sooner than he gets settled, Will finds himself tasked with helping Annie find the love of her life by becoming the next leading lady of Rome, Kentucky. Will wants no part in changing the sweet and lovely Annie. He knows for a fact that some stuffy, straitlaced guy won’t make her happy, but he doesn’t have the heart to say no. Amid steamy practice dates and strictly “educational” tutoring lessons, Annie discovers there are more layers to Will’s usual stoic attitude. As the lines of their friendship become dangerously blurred, Annie reconsiders her dream guy. Maybe her love life doesn’t need to be perfect—it just needs to be real. Look for all of Sarah Adams’s When in Rome books: WHEN IN ROME • PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT • BEG, BORROW, OR STEAL (Coming Soon!)
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Sarah Adams is the author of When in Rome and The Cheat Sheet. Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, she loves her family and warm days. Sarah has dreamed of being a writer since she was a girl, but finally wrote her first novel when her daughters were napping and she no longer had any excuses to put it off. Sarah is a coffee addict, a British history nerd, a mom of two daughters, married to her best friend, and an indecisive introvert. Her hope is to write stories that make readers laugh, maybe even cry—but always leave them happier than when they started reading.
February 13, 2023 An introverted florist and a “hot, dangerous” bodyguard dance around their feelings for each other in Adams’s fluffy sequel to When in Rome. Rome, Ken., flower shop owner Annie Walker has always enjoyed her quiet and solitary life, but seeing her brother and future sister-in-law, pop star Amelia Rose, prepare for their lavish wedding has Annie aching for a love of her own. Unfortunately, dating proves difficult in a small town where everyone knows everyone and Annie’s staid reputation precedes her. Enter Will Griffin, Amelia’s former bodyguard and Annie’s longtime crush. Amelia tasks Will with becoming Annie’s “dating coach,” to help her master her “First Date Anxiety” and become more outgoing. The pair grow close over increasingly steamy dating lessons, with Annie learning that Will’s standoffish facade hides a heart of gold and Will realizing that he doesn’t actually want Annie to change a thing about her approach to dating or to life. Though slow-burning, the pair’s chemistry is off the charts, relayed in playful banter and plenty of charged moments. Returning readers will not be disappointed. Agent: Kim Lionetti, BookEnds Literary.
March 1, 2023
Annie Walker, widely considered to be a shy, perfect angel, is ready to find the One. The problem is that her angelic behaviors are viewed by would-be suitors as either boring or strange. What she needs is a tutor--someone who can walk her through the entire dating process and help get her over her own anxiety and other people's misconceptions. Enter Will Griffin, bodyguard to Annie's future sister-in-law, who has returned to town ahead of the upcoming wedding. Will prefers the no-commitments dating lifestyle after having a front-row seat to his parent's dysfunction. But dating advice? That might be a bridge too far. Reluctantly, though, he agrees to be Annie's dating coach and isn't surprised when things start to get steamy. It's realizing there's a way to love that isn't destructive that brings the real shock. And Annie starts to see the void she's been feeling isn't because she needs to settle down, but rather because she needs to learn to live. VERDICT Adams (When in Rome) returns to Rome, Kentucky, with a pair of endearing characters, each stuck in the rut of their past, who need each other to see a different future.--Kellie Tilton
Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
May 1, 2023 After accidentally overhearing her date say she was boring, Annie, who runs a flower shop, feels she needs help to become better at dating. Her friends conspire to have Will, a bodyguard for her rock star friend, Rae Rose, help her. The only thing Will likes about Rome, Kentucky, is Annie. But he wants to finish this job and return to the big city. Annie is nothing like his usual type, yet he loves spending time with her. The fun fakeboyfriend trope turns, as it usually does, into a real relationship, and Annie and Will think about their future while addressing their fears of relationships. Annie and Will are both appealing opposites with plenty of chemistry, and Adams' return to Rome and some characters from When in Rome (2022) creates a satisfying arc for readers. While the ending may not be a surprise, it is the perfect conclusion for Will and Annie. Fans of Chandra Blumberg's clever small-town romances may also enjoy this.
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