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Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary
Cover of Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary
Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary
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From Martha Brockenbrough, award winning author of The Game of Love and Death, comes an intimate new YA audiobook focusing on the private life of Alexander Hamilton. Complex, passionate, brilliant, flawed—America's favorite Founding Father comes alive in this exciting biography.
He was born out of wedlock on a small island in the West Indies and orphaned as a teenager. From those inauspicious circumstances, he rose to a position of power and influence in colonial America.
Discover this founding father's incredible true story: his brilliant scholarship and military career; his groundbreaking and enduring policy, which shapes American government today; his salacious and scandalous personal life; his heartrending end.
Richly informed by Hamilton's own writing, Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary is an in-depth biography of an extraordinary man.

From Martha Brockenbrough, award winning author of The Game of Love and Death, comes an intimate new YA audiobook focusing on the private life of Alexander Hamilton. Complex, passionate, brilliant, flawed—America's favorite Founding Father comes alive in this exciting biography.
He was born out of wedlock on a small island in the West Indies and orphaned as a teenager. From those inauspicious circumstances, he rose to a position of power and influence in colonial America.
Discover this founding father's incredible true story: his brilliant scholarship and military career; his groundbreaking and enduring policy, which shapes American government today; his salacious and scandalous personal life; his heartrending end.
Richly informed by Hamilton's own writing, Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary is an in-depth biography of an extraordinary man.

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About the Author-
  • Martha Brockenbrough draws on her diverse experience in journalism, research, nonfiction, and literary teen fiction to bring Alexander Hamilton to life in Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary. A powerful storyteller and narrative voice, Brockenbrough is also the author of the critically acclaimed YA novels The Game of Love and Death and Devine Intervention. She enjoys reading Hamilton's original correspondence, playing board games, and spending time with her family. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 26, 2017
    Brockenbrough’s ambitious and impressively researched project gives equal weight to Alexander Hamilton’s personal and professional lives and to the history of the founding and early years of the United States. Tracing Hamilton’s amazing journey from his illegitimate birth in 1755 on the West Indies island of Nevis to his death by duel in 1804, Brockenbrough (The Game of Love and Death) dives into the extraordinary life of this accomplished and multifaceted historical figure. Packed with characters and detailed descriptions of the major historical events of the late 18th century, including many Revolutionary battle scenes, the book’s scope is somewhat daunting; even readers newly obsessed with Hamilton, thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s blockbuster musical, may feel overwhelmed at times. The colloquial tone is approachable, though attempts to create suspense through dramatic pronouncements (“It would be unlike anything the world had ever seen”) become a little worn. Nearly 80 pages of back matter include a family tree, timeline, list of major Revolutionary battles, bibliography, and footnotes, as well as around two dozen short essays on topics that include duels, wig wearing, and Federalism. Ages 12–up. Agent: Sarah Davies, Greenhouse Literary.

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Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary
Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary
Martha Brockenbrough
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