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You Deserve Each Other
Cover of You Deserve Each Other
You Deserve Each Other
When your nemesis also happens to be your fiancé, happily ever after becomes a lot more complicated in this wickedly funny, lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy debut.
Naomi Westfield has the perfect fiancé: Nicholas Rose holds doors open for her, remembers her restaurant orders, and comes from the kind of upstanding society family any bride would love to be a part of. They never fight. They’re preparing for their lavish wedding that's three months away. And she is miserably and utterly sick of him.
Naomi wants out, but there's a catch: whoever ends the engagement will have to foot the nonrefundable wedding bill. When Naomi discovers that Nicholas, too, has been feigning contentment, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of pranks, sabotage, and all-out emotional warfare.
But with the countdown looming to the wedding that may or may not come to pass, Naomi finds her resolve slipping. Because now that they have nothing to lose, they're finally being themselves—and having fun with the last person they expect: each other.
When your nemesis also happens to be your fiancé, happily ever after becomes a lot more complicated in this wickedly funny, lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy debut.
Naomi Westfield has the perfect fiancé: Nicholas Rose holds doors open for her, remembers her restaurant orders, and comes from the kind of upstanding society family any bride would love to be a part of. They never fight. They’re preparing for their lavish wedding that's three months away. And she is miserably and utterly sick of him.
Naomi wants out, but there's a catch: whoever ends the engagement will have to foot the nonrefundable wedding bill. When Naomi discovers that Nicholas, too, has been feigning contentment, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of pranks, sabotage, and all-out emotional warfare.
But with the countdown looming to the wedding that may or may not come to pass, Naomi finds her resolve slipping. Because now that they have nothing to lose, they're finally being themselves—and having fun with the last person they expect: each other.
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  • From the book

    Chapter One


    One year and nine months later


    What an ugly, crappy day. Rain pelts off the windshield of my coworker's likewise crappy car, which smells like cold McDonald's French fries and pine trees. Leon taps his fingertips on the steering wheel, leaning forward a bit to see out. His windshield wipers are stroking back and forth with all they've got, but the rain is pouring down like someone slit the sky down the middle and an ocean started roaring out.


    "Thanks again for the ride."


    "Sure, anytime."


    I roll my lips inward and inhale a bloom of pine. Whatever he misted in here before I got in is going to follow me around for the rest of the day. I don't know too much about Leon, so it's fully possible there's a corpse in the trunk and the pine spray is to cover it up.


    "Raining pretty hard," I say. Brandy couldn't take me home because her sister picked her up early. Zach took his motorcycle today, which I bet he's regretting. Melissa offered to give me a lift, clearly hoping I'd decline, which is why I did. I kind of hate myself for still wanting her to like me. She's been unreasonably prickly toward me ever since I set her up with my fiancé's friend, who turned out to be a serial cheater. She thinks Nicholas and I knew he was the cheating type from the get-go and shredded her trust in men on purpose.


    "Yeah, it's supposed to rain all week."


    "That's too bad for the trick-or-treaters."


    Leon turns to face me for a moment, before his eyes slide back to the road. Or what he can see of it—frankly, I don't know how he's still inching along because I can't see a thing. We could be mowing through a field for all I know. It's the tail end of October and forty degrees. Last week I was wearing shorts. The week before that, it was so cold that it almost snowed. Autumn in Wisconsin is a joy.


    "You passing out candy?" Leon asks.


    The answer should be a given. I love candy and I love kids, especially obnoxious little boys because I think they're funny. I also love the fall. All month I've been using the shimmery copper pan in my eye shadow palette, trying to give my eyelids the same glow of sunset gently slanting over a pumpkin patch.


    My bedroom floor is a mess of soft pullover sweaters that make me feel like a sea captain, knee-high boots, and infinity scarves. Every meal contains some hint of pumpkin spice. If I'm not ingesting pumpkin, I'm breathing it in like an addict, lining every available surface of my home with candles that smell like food. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice, apple pumpkin.


    My aesthetic is aggressively, unapologetically basic. Some of it stems from a lady at a MAC counter telling me I'm an autumn, because of my amber eyes and long, stick-straight hair the color of pecans, but I know in my leaf-ogling, beanie-loving, pumpkin-gorging soul that I'd be a basic bitch even if I had neutral undertones. It's in my DNA.


    And yet I don't feel like passing out candy on Halloween. I haven't even decorated, which used to be one of my favorite things to do at the start of a season. I might end up spending the evening alone in sweats, watching bad TV while Nicholas is off playing Gears of War at a friend's house, or we might turn in before nine p.m. after passing out cheap, travel-size toothbrushes and floss to disappointed children.


    "Maybe," I say at last, because I no longer care what I do. I could be riding a roller coaster or writing a grocery list and my enthusiasm level would...

  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 6, 2020
    With a narrator readers will either love or hate, Hogle’s over-the-top debut takes the progression of lovers-to-enemies (and back to lovers) to an unbelievable extreme. Almost two years after Naomi Westfield and Nicholas Rose’s first date, the picture perfect couple is engaged and Nick’s overbearing mother, Deborah, is planning their wedding. Naomi despises Deborah and Nick can’t stand Naomi’s artsy work friends. And Nick and Naomi have grown to loath one another as well, but have kept that a secret since neither can break the engagement without incurring massive bills and embarrassment. Instead, they embark on an all-out prank war as each tries to get the other to end things first. Though the couple’s shenanigans are written as humorous fun that help them rediscover the joy of their relationship and slowly bring them back together, the pranks themselves frequently verge on gaslighting and actual cruelty: Naomi sabotages Nick’s business and breaks his phone, Nick berates Naomi and dangles the potential of him having an affair in her face. Hogle has a gift for detail and narrative flow, but many readers will grow frustrated by Naomi’s voice, which alternates between snarkiness and whininess. This rom-com is not for the faint of heart. Agent: Jennifer Grimaldi, Chalberg & Sussman.

  • Library Journal

    January 1, 2020

    DEBUT Hogle's first book features an already coupled hero and heroine. Naomi's life is falling apart a little more each day. Her fiancé, Nicholas, is from a society family complete with an overbearing mother. The two quickly realize their relationship is problematic, but with hundreds of thousands of dollars invested into a lavish wedding, neither is willing to admit to wanting to break off the engagement. While it does have entertaining sequences and sweet, comical moments, the book fails to show the true connection between the hero and heroine until the very end, making it a frustrating and bittersweet read. VERDICT While many have compared this to Sally Thorne's The Hating Game, die-hard fans of that work will be disappointed by the lack of passion here. Those seeking a hate-to-love romance, however, should enjoy, as will admirers of Christina Lauren's Dating You Hating You.--Jacqueline Rammer, Lakeview Community Lib., Random Lake, WI

    Copyright 2020 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    February 1, 2020
    Naomi Westfield and her perfect fiance, Nicholas Rose, are just a few short months away from walking down the aisle. But there's one big flaw in their seemingly idyllic relationship: She hates him. Naomi is an underachiever who works at a local junk store that's on its last legs. She isn't close to her family, her only friends are her ragtag bunch of co-workers, and she is so run down by her fiance's overbearing mother that she has all but checked out of her own life. But when she discovers that Nicholas is just as tired of her as she is of him, Naomi decides to wage a war in the form of petty pranks, mind games, and general sabotage to get Nicholas to call off the wedding. Nicholas, the upstanding dentist who nevertheless cowers in the shadow of his mother's expectations, responds by buying a house in the woods. He is convinced the move will save their relationship, but Naomi is dubious. At this point it's clear that the novel would be greatly improved by a dual narrative--Naomi is so utterly convinced of Nicholas' hatred and lack of interest (despite all evidence to the contrary), and responds so cruelly based on her convictions, that it's difficult to understand why Nicholas would want to marry her at all. Although self-centered Naomi eventually comes to the realization that she has been ignoring the realities of her relationship, it's a revelation that arrives far too late--all the romance in this overlong rom-com is relegated to the last few pages. There are glimmers of important discussions about mental illnesses like anxiety and depersonalization, but they never go past surface level, a lost opportunity to elevate the text. A page-turning premise that gets overshadowed by its unlikable heroine.

    COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    February 15, 2020
    Misunderstandings, mothers-in-law, and matrimony, oh what a trio. Naomi Westfield and Nicholas Rose are in an all-out feud, complete with childish pranks and ruthless sabotage. They also happen to be only months away from getting married. Their whirlwind romance turns sour as they both fail to communicate their needs, revealing the worst versions of themselves. Nicholas caters to his mother's every whim, and Naomi pretends everything is fine, retreating into herself. Each too stubborn to either address their problems or call off the wedding, Naomi and Nicholas resort to pettiness to get the other to crack. But as their plotting becomes more ridiculous, they slowly start to laugh with each other and rediscover their love and their individual passions, learning that perhaps they are strongest when supporting each other as a team. Hogle's hilarious debut romance starts off with two awful people who are hard to root for, a clever approach that, paired with quick-witted dialogue, rewards readers with laugh-out-loud moments and a satisfyingly sweet and redeeming ending.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    January 1, 2020

    DEBUT Hogle's first book features an already coupled hero and heroine. Naomi's life is falling apart a little more each day. Her fianc�, Nicholas, is from a society family complete with an overbearing mother. The two quickly realize their relationship is problematic, but with hundreds of thousands of dollars invested into a lavish wedding, neither is willing to admit to wanting to break off the engagement. While it does have entertaining sequences and sweet, comical moments, the book fails to show the true connection between the hero and heroine until the very end, making it a frustrating and bittersweet read. VERDICT While many have compared this to Sally Thorne's The Hating Game, die-hard fans of that work will be disappointed by the lack of passion here. Those seeking a hate-to-love romance, however, should enjoy, as will admirers of Christina Lauren's Dating You Hating You.--Jacqueline Rammer, Lakeview Community Lib., Random Lake, WI

    Copyright 2020 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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You Deserve Each Other
You Deserve Each Other
Sarah Hogle
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