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Revive Your Heart
Cover of Revive Your Heart
Revive Your Heart
Putting Life in Perspective
How do modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and how do they address major challenges facing the ummah today? These questions and more are answered by Nouman Ali Khan, with his profound engagement with the Qur'an, in this inspiring collection of reminders that exhort us to remember our place in this world.
How do modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and how do they address major challenges facing the ummah today? These questions and more are answered by Nouman Ali Khan, with his profound engagement with the Qur'an, in this inspiring collection of reminders that exhort us to remember our place in this world.
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Table of Contents-
    Part I: Connecting to Allah through Du[a
    1. A Prayer for Desperate Times
    2. Du'a and disappointment
    Part II: Creating a Cohesive Muslim Community
    3. Criticism
    4. Assumptions
    5. Leadership
    Part III: Our Financial Dealings
    6. How We Earn
    7. Money Matters
    Part IV: Some Contemporary Issues
    8. Thoughts on Paris
    9. It's a Girl!
    10. Nasihah in Brief: The Dangers of Listening to Music
    Part V: Focusing on the Akhirah
    11. Putting Life in Perspective
    12. Small Beginnings
    13. Nasihah in Brief: The Afterlife

  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 24, 2017
    In this approachable work of tafsir (exegesis of the Qur’an), Khan (Divine Speech) wields his mastery of the Arabic language to teach about Islam on a practical, everyday level. Khan’s essays are charming and simple in their prose, and simultaneously deep in substance. Throughout, he attempts to help readers grasp a grander spiritual outlook on heaven, earth, and eternal life that also assists them in adopting a quotidian Islamic faith and practice. Addressing topics as diverse as leadership, prayer, finances, terrorism, and music, Khan deftly guides readers to reconsider their thoughts, words, and deeds in light of passages from the Qur’an, which he dissects according to context and the deeper meaning of Arabic expressions. His profound explanations of disarmingly simple words and phrases is by far the book’s greatest strength, as it opens up the world of the Qur’an in a way few other sermonic texts do. This book will no doubt prove popular as a devotional work for the faithful Muslim reader, and it might also benefit those who want to understand what it means to be Muslim beyond the headlines and in the midst of modern life.

  • Publishers Weekly

    "In this approachable work of tafsir (exegesis of the Qur'an), Khan (Divine Speech) wields his mastery of the Arabic language to teach about Islam on a practical, everyday level. Khan's essays are charming and simple in their prose, and simultaneously deep in substance."

  • Publishers Weekly "profound explanations of disarmingly simple words and phrases is by far the book's greatest strength, as it opens up the world of the Qur'an in a way few other sermonic texts do."
  • Quake Books "an excellent resource for people who want to learn the actual message and the essence of Islam"
  • Reading in Between the Lines "each chapter of the book is hugely relevant in this day and age and looks at key hurdles we're facing in our faith, ways to overcome it and use it to strengthen us."
  • Step Inside My Handbag "An Instant Connection! Can I just say that it felt almost as if Nouman Ali Khan was talking to me as I read the book."
  • Islamic Voice "will tug at your heart-strings."
  • " If you enjoy his lectures, you will enjoy this."
  • "one to enjoy digesting and pondering upon."
  • "opens up another world of detail that we, or at least I, usually miss out on... eye-opening"
  • Pardon My Writings "A stunning collection of spiritual lectures that are both current and thought-provoking."
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    Kube Publishing Ltd
  • OverDrive Read
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Revive Your Heart
Revive Your Heart
Putting Life in Perspective
Nouman Ali Khan
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