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The King of Diamonds
Cover of The King of Diamonds
The King of Diamonds
The Search for the Elusive Texas Jewel Thief
As a string of high-profile jewel thefts went unsolved during the Swinging Sixties, the press dubbed the elusive thief the King of Diamonds. Like Cary Grant in To Catch a Thief, the King was so bold that he tip-toed into the homes of millionaires while they were home, hiding in their closets and daring to smoke while they were sleeping. Rena Pederson, then a young reporter with UPI, started following the elusive thief while she managed the night desk. With gymnastic skill, he climbed trees and crawled across rooftops to take jewels from heiresses, oil kings, corporate CEOs—some of the richest people of their time. Scotland Yard and Interpol were on the look-out, but the thief was never caught nor the jewels recovered. To follow the tracks of the thief, Rena has interviewed more than two hundred people, from cops to strippers. She went to pawn shops, Las Vegas casinos, and a Mafia hangout—and discovered that beneath the glittering façade of Dallas debutante parties was a world of sex trafficking, illegal gambling, and political graft. When one of the leading suspects was found dead in highly unusual circumstances, the story darkened. High society crashed head-first into Mickey Spillane. The odd psychological aspects of the The King of Diamonds give us a different kind of crime story. Detectives were stumped: Why did the thief break into houses when his targets were inside, increasing the risk of being captured? As one socialite put it, "It was a very peculiar business."
As a string of high-profile jewel thefts went unsolved during the Swinging Sixties, the press dubbed the elusive thief the King of Diamonds. Like Cary Grant in To Catch a Thief, the King was so bold that he tip-toed into the homes of millionaires while they were home, hiding in their closets and daring to smoke while they were sleeping. Rena Pederson, then a young reporter with UPI, started following the elusive thief while she managed the night desk. With gymnastic skill, he climbed trees and crawled across rooftops to take jewels from heiresses, oil kings, corporate CEOs—some of the richest people of their time. Scotland Yard and Interpol were on the look-out, but the thief was never caught nor the jewels recovered. To follow the tracks of the thief, Rena has interviewed more than two hundred people, from cops to strippers. She went to pawn shops, Las Vegas casinos, and a Mafia hangout—and discovered that beneath the glittering façade of Dallas debutante parties was a world of sex trafficking, illegal gambling, and political graft. When one of the leading suspects was found dead in highly unusual circumstances, the story darkened. High society crashed head-first into Mickey Spillane. The odd psychological aspects of the The King of Diamonds give us a different kind of crime story. Detectives were stumped: Why did the thief break into houses when his targets were inside, increasing the risk of being captured? As one socialite put it, "It was a very peculiar business."
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  • From the cover The thrilling story of a brazen uncatchable jewel thief during the Swinging Sixties
About the Author-
  • Rena Pederson is an award-winning journalist, accomplished TED speaker, and author of five books. During her career, she has interviewed newsmakers ranging from Margaret Thatcher to Fidel Castro and Jane Goodall as well as five U.S. Presidents. She served on the Pulitzer Prize Board for nine years. As Vice President and Editorial Page Editor at The Dallas Morning News, she received national recognition. During that time, Texas Monthly described Pederson as one of the most powerful women in Texas. Pederson also served as a Senior Speechwriter and Advisor for Strategic Communications at the U.S. Department of State. Her first book What's Next? was featured on the Oprah Winfrey television show and her book, The Burma Spring, was featured in the Los Angeles Book Festival and the Texas Book Festival.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from February 12, 2024
    This riveting investigation from Pulitzer finalist Pederson (The Burma Spring) probes a series of unsolved Texas jewel thefts from the 1950s and ’60s. High-profile targets of the so-called “King of Diamonds,” who broke into Dallas homes during parties or quiet weeknights, included oil tycoon Clint Murchison and Herman Lay of Lay’s potato chips. Despite the pressure these and other wealthy victims exerted on law enforcement, authorities never caught the culprit. Pederson first stumbled on the case in 1970, as a reporter at United Press International’s Dallas office, and it never left her mind: “There was something beguiling, almost addictive about a jewel thief who couldn’t be caught,” she writes. “It nagged at everyone who knew the story.” In the late 2010s, she decided to try cracking the case herself, conducting more than 200 interviews with police, victims’ families, and reporters who’d covered the crimes. With a novelist’s gift for description and a detective’s keen eye for evidence, Pederson considers suspects ranging from gigolos to interior designers and jewelers. It’s a pleasure to watch her cross them off her list one by one until she resurrects a convincing theory that the case’s original investigators were unable to pursue. This is a must-read for any true crime buff. Agent: Jim Donovan, Jim Donovan Literary.

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The King of Diamonds
The King of Diamonds
The Search for the Elusive Texas Jewel Thief
Rena Pederson
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