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The Age of Dinosaurs
Cover of The Age of Dinosaurs
The Age of Dinosaurs
The Rise and Fall of the World's Most Remarkable Animals
The New York Times–bestselling author and paleontologist offers young readers a revealing look at dinosaurs and the new science used to learn about them.
Even though the dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago, we're still piecing together new information about these ancient animals. In fact, a new species of dinosaur is discovered just about every week!
New York Times–bestselling author and acclaimed paleontologist Steve Brusatte writes about all the new discoveries he and his colleagues have made that help us better understand—and marvel at—these remarkable reptiles.
Did you know that many dinosaurs had feathers? Or that there are even modern-day dinosaurs walking around right now? Brusatte covers all this and more in The Age of Dinosaurs, which also includes a glossary, pronunciation guide, and index, as well as photos throughout.
The New York Times–bestselling author and paleontologist offers young readers a revealing look at dinosaurs and the new science used to learn about them.
Even though the dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago, we're still piecing together new information about these ancient animals. In fact, a new species of dinosaur is discovered just about every week!
New York Times–bestselling author and acclaimed paleontologist Steve Brusatte writes about all the new discoveries he and his colleagues have made that help us better understand—and marvel at—these remarkable reptiles.
Did you know that many dinosaurs had feathers? Or that there are even modern-day dinosaurs walking around right now? Brusatte covers all this and more in The Age of Dinosaurs, which also includes a glossary, pronunciation guide, and index, as well as photos throughout.
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About the Author-
  • Steve Brusatte, PhD, is an American paleontologist who teaches at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland. He is the author of the international bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs. The paleontology advisor on the Jurassic World film franchise, Brusatte has named more than fifteen new species, including the tyrannosaur "Pinocchio rex" (Qianzhousaurus), the raptor Zhenyuanlong, and several ancient mammals. His research and writing has been featured in Science, the New York Times, Scientific American, and many other publications.

  • Kirkus

    January 15, 2021
    A comprehensive look at the when, where, and why of dinosaurs. Introducing the predecessors of true dinosaurs, which lived 250 million years ago in the early Triassic Period, and moving forward to the middle Triassic, when true dinosaurs evolved, and then to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, 200 million-66 million years ago, the narrative contains, in its first five chapters alone, a dizzying amount of information regarding dinosaur fossil species, their skeletal characteristics, and the geographic locations where they have been found. This rather dry information is, happily, interspersed with boxed segments that recount more personal stories of fossil digs by the author and male and female paleontologists from many different countries working in many parts of the world, leaving readers with a yes-you-too-can-do-this feeling. Ensuing chapters offer interesting in-depth stories about ever popular dinosaurs like the giant Brontosaurus and the fierce Tyrannosaurus rex and then go on to explore the ways dinosaurs evolved in different geographic areas, introducing the science of plate tectonics and various climate changes along the way. The mass dinosaur extinction from an asteroid impact and the evolution of birds as today's dinosaurs are presented with comprehensive scientific evidence in an upbeat, kid-friendly way. Photographs and realistic drawings help bring the science to life. Not necessarily casual reading but for the enthusiast, a treasure trove of information. (further reading, glossary, pronunciation guide, index) (Nonfiction. 10-14)

    COPYRIGHT(2021) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    March 1, 2021
    Grades 5-8 Paleontologist Brusatte establishes his enthusiasm by beginning with a remarkable story about rushing around China to get a glimpse of a friend's extraordinary, fossilized find: a new species of dinosaur, preserved along with impressions of its delicate feathers. While this book certainly includes thrilling dinosaur facts, and different chapters sensibly cover some of the most notable time periods in their existence, this is more than just a rundown of the prehistoric creatures themselves. An impressively comprehensive volume, it delves into the history of paleontology and the people, past and present, who have built it into the field that it is today. There are whirlwind introductions to geology, fossil formation, and scientific techniques, and it's surprisingly dense material, though the chapters are interspersed with photographs, occasional illustrations, and the odd text box containing an anecdote. That density may make this particular handbook more appealing to ardent readers, and with Brusatte maintaining an excited, conversational tone that refuses to underestimate its audience, more serious dinosaur aficionados will find much to learn and love.


  • School Library Journal

    March 1, 2021

    Gr 5-8-Brusatte hits a perfect note for young readers, infusing the text with his enthusiasm while making sophisticated vocabulary and concepts readily accessible. First-person accounts of digs, gender-balanced profiles of an international array of leaders in the field, and deeper looks at the cutting-edge technology used for research make for compelling sidebar reading and complement the text. The artwork demonstrates an attention to detail that reflects descriptions of recent discoveries. The relationship between geology and paleontology makes this book a natural tie-in to earth science topics. A time line and chronology preface the text; captioned photos, a glossary, a pronunciation guide, and an index are included. A brief further reading section lists key texts for younger readers and adult titles penned by the author. VERDICT Brusatte's work pops with all the excitement of a dinosaur-themed "CSI" show. Budding scientists and dinosaur enthusiasts will relish this deep dive into the detective work that comprises a fascinating field.-Courtney Lewis, St. Catherine's Sch., Richmond, VA

    Copyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus Reviews

    "A comprehensive look at the when, where, and why of dinosaurs. Interesting in-depth stories about ever popular dinosaurs are presented with comprehensive scientific evidence in an upbeat, kid-friendly way. Photographs and realistic drawings help bring the science to life. A treasure trove of information." — Kirkus Reviews

    "An impressively comprehensive volume... With Brusatte maintaining an excited, conversational tone that refuses to underestimate its audience, more serious dinosaur aficionados will find much to learn and love." — Booklist

    "Paleontologist Steve Brusatte offers a sparkling account of his trade and its discoveries." — Wall Street Journal

    "Brusatte hits a perfect note for young readers, infusing the text with his enthusiasm while making sophisticated vocabulary and concepts readily accessible.... Brusatte's work pops with all the excitement of a dinosaur-themed "CSI" show. Budding scientists and dinosaur enthusiasts will relish this deep dive into the detective work that comprises a fascinating field." — School Library Journal

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The Age of Dinosaurs
The Age of Dinosaurs
The Rise and Fall of the World's Most Remarkable Animals
Steve Brusatte
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