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Spy School Goes South
Cover of Spy School Goes South
Spy School Goes South
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In the sixth book in the New York Times bestselling Spy School series, Ben is taken to Mexico by his nemesis in the hopes that he'll finally be able to take down SPYDER.
Thirteen-year-old Ben Ripley has been caught in the snares of SPYDER more than once and knows well enough to be suspicious of anything that seems too good to be true—despite needing special tutoring in advanced survival techniques. So when Murray Hill finally breaks his silence with an offer to hand over the SPYDER elite, Ben knows that there must be something going on. But his hesitation doesn't stop the assignment.

The mission: Follow Murray Hill to an undisclosed location with no one else but Erica Hale to identify SPYDER leadership.

However, as Ben suspected, nothing goes as planned, and what should be an easy mission quickly turns deadly. Ben and Erica will have to face rogue agents, trained killers, and even very hungry crocodiles in a race against the clock to find out what SPYDER is up to this time—and thwart their evil plans.
In the sixth book in the New York Times bestselling Spy School series, Ben is taken to Mexico by his nemesis in the hopes that he'll finally be able to take down SPYDER.
Thirteen-year-old Ben Ripley has been caught in the snares of SPYDER more than once and knows well enough to be suspicious of anything that seems too good to be true—despite needing special tutoring in advanced survival techniques. So when Murray Hill finally breaks his silence with an offer to hand over the SPYDER elite, Ben knows that there must be something going on. But his hesitation doesn't stop the assignment.

The mission: Follow Murray Hill to an undisclosed location with no one else but Erica Hale to identify SPYDER leadership.

However, as Ben suspected, nothing goes as planned, and what should be an easy mission quickly turns deadly. Ben and Erica will have to face rogue agents, trained killers, and even very hungry crocodiles in a race against the clock to find out what SPYDER is up to this time—and thwart their evil plans.
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About the Author-
  • Stuart Gibbs is the New York Times bestselling author of the Charlie Thorne series, FunJungle series, Moon Base Alpha series, Once Upon a Tim series, and Spy School series. He has written screenplays, worked on a whole bunch of animated films, developed TV shows, been a newspaper columnist, and researched capybaras (the world's largest rodents). Stuart lives with his family in Los Angeles. You can learn more about what he's up to at
  • Kirkus

    August 1, 2018
    The spy kids return for another Spy School adventure.By now, the students at the CIA's Academy of Espionage have had multiple exciting encounters with the villainous organization that calls itself SPYDER. The CIA is keen to take advantage of an offer made to them by disgraced ex-spy Murray Hill, a captured SPYDER teen agent. Narrator and agent Ben Ripley, 13, and his partner, Erica Hale, 15, are the only agents Murray will lead to SPYDER's secret headquarters, so the duo reluctantly follows the traitor's lead while their fellow students Mike Brezinski and Zoe Zibbell stow away. Things go south quickly, and soon the group is stuck in a strange land with no backup. At this point in the series fans know what they're getting, and Gibbs doesn't disappoint. The dialogue crackles, the schemes are clever, and the plotting is tight and efficient. Gibbs doesn't divulge any of the character's ethnicities, leaving room for interpretation in a key moment that is gracefully organic to the narrative. The book's finale leaves room for more adventures, and fans' interest in the series will be just as rabid after this fast-paced, good-humored entry.Another solid adventure that doesn't reinvent the wheel but spins it quite well. (Adventure. 10-14)

    COPYRIGHT(2018) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • The Horn Book

    January 1, 2019
    Spy-in-training Ben is sent to Mexico to find the evil organization SPYDER's temporary headquarters. But best-laid plans are blown up along with the plane Ben flies in on. The junior agents turn a Mexican resort upside-down, using everything from spear guns to parasailing gear to thwart SPYDER. This sixth Spy School installment navigates both espionage action and a middle-school love triangle with humor.

    (Copyright 2019 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

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    Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
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Spy School Goes South
Spy School Goes South
Stuart Gibbs
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