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Cover of Atonement
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ATONEMENT On the hottest day of the summer of 1935, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis sees her older sister Cecilia strip off her clothes and plunge I not the fountain in the garden of their country house. Watching Cecilia is their housekeeper's son Robbie Turner, a childhood friend who, along with Briony's sister, has recently graduated from Cambridge. By the end of the day the lives of all three will have been changed forever. Robbie and Cecilia will have crossed a boundary they had not dared to approach and will have become victims of the younger girl's scheming imagination. And Briony will have committed a dreadful crime, the guilt for which will color her entire life. Atonement is at its center a profound and profoundly moving exploration of shame and forgiveness, and the difficulty in absolution.

ATONEMENT On the hottest day of the summer of 1935, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis sees her older sister Cecilia strip off her clothes and plunge I not the fountain in the garden of their country house. Watching Cecilia is their housekeeper's son Robbie Turner, a childhood friend who, along with Briony's sister, has recently graduated from Cambridge. By the end of the day the lives of all three will have been changed forever. Robbie and Cecilia will have crossed a boundary they had not dared to approach and will have become victims of the younger girl's scheming imagination. And Briony will have committed a dreadful crime, the guilt for which will color her entire life. Atonement is at its center a profound and profoundly moving exploration of shame and forgiveness, and the difficulty in absolution.

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About the Author-
  • IAN McEWAN has written two collections of stories, First Love, Last Rites and In Between the Sheets, and eight novels, The Cement Garden, The Comfort of Strangers, The Child in Time- winner of the 1987 Whitbread Novel of the Year Award, The Innocent, Black Dogs, The Daydreamer, Enduring Love, and Amsterdam-winner of the 1998 Booker Prize..

  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 2, 2002
    British actress Bailey delivers a superb reading of Booker Prize–winning author McEwan's (The Child in Time; Amsterdam) ninth novel. Told in three parts—before, during and after World War II—the novel follows the son of the Tallis family's housekeeper, Robbie Turner, who grew up with the Tallis children. Now a Cambridge graduate, he suddenly finds his childhood friend, Cecilia Tallis, enchanting in ways he has never before noticed. As this romance blooms, Briony, Cecilia's younger sister, flits around the fringe, observing from a distance and drawing confused conclusions that will have an overwhelming impact on the rest of their lives. Bailey's crisp, clear, yet soft voice is a good match for this morality tale. Her delivery carries a sense of innocence throughout her performance but changes subtly for each section, establishing the appropriate atmosphere for each scenario. Her gentle reinforcement of the tone and pace set by McEwan provide the listener with a first-class audiobook experience. Based on the Doubleday hardcover (Forecasts, Nov. 19, 2001).

  • AudioFile Magazine Booker Prize-winning author Ian McEwan begins this story in 1935 at a manor house in England. The play within the novel is written by 13-year-old Briony Tallis and rehearsed in the nursery with a cast made largely of little cousins. The play will not be a success, but the girl's gift for melodrama leads her into an erotic fiction with truly dreadful consequences. These resonate against a darkening world. The retreat to Dunkirk and the hospital scenes afterward are superb. Jill Tanner gives a magnificent performance. With perfect diction, she takes us from childish enthusiasm through despair and into wise resignation. Sometimes funny, sometimes not funny, but always English. B.H.C. 2003 Audie Award Finalist (c) AudioFile 2002, Portland, Maine
  • AudioFile Magazine Thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis and her older sister, Cecelia, have been fortunate to grow up in a prosperous English manor home. On a hot summer day in 1935, a single event moves Briony to take steps that will alter the entire household's lives forever. British actress Josephine Bailey is an elegant and exacting performer who never trips over long passages of resplendent adjectives and meandering descriptions. As the story moves the characters forward to Dunkirk in 1941 and then to a final reunion in the late 1990s, Bailey provides a graceful, provocative, and stimulating performance. B.J.P. (c) AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from November 19, 2001
    This haunting novel, which just failed to win the Booker this year, is at once McEwan at his most closely observed and psychologically penetrating, and his most sweeping and expansive. It is in effect two, or even three, books in one, all masterfully crafted. The first part ushers us into a domestic crisis that becomes a crime story centered around an event that changes the lives of half a dozen people in an upper-middle-class country home on a hot English summer's day in 1935. Young Briony Tallis, a hyperimaginative 13-year-old who sees her older sister, Cecilia, mysteriously involved with their neighbor Robbie Turner, a fellow Cambridge student subsidized by the Tallis family, points a finger at Robbie when her young cousin is assaulted in the grounds that night; on her testimony alone, Robbie is jailed. The second part of the book moves forward five years to focus on Robbie, now freed and part of the British Army that was cornered and eventually evacuated by a fleet of small boats at Dunkirk during the early days of WWII. This is an astonishingly imagined fresco that bares the full anguish of what Britain in later years came to see as a kind of victory. In the third part, Briony becomes a nurse amid wonderfully observed scenes of London as the nation mobilizes. No, she doesn't have Robbie as a patient, but she begins to come to terms with what she has done and offers to make amends to him and Cecilia, now together as lovers. In an ironic epilogue that is yet another coup de théâtre,
    McEwan offers Briony as an elderly novelist today, revisiting her past in fact and fancy and contributing a moving windup to the sustained flight of a deeply novelistic imagination. With each book McEwan ranges wider, and his powers have never been more fully in evidence than here. Author tour. (Mar. 19)Forecast:McEwan's work has been building a strong literary readership, and the brilliantly evoked prewar and wartime scenes here should extend that; expect strong results from handselling to the faithful. The cover photo of a stately English home nicely establishes the novel's atmosphere

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