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How to Love Better
Cover of How to Love Better
How to Love Better
The Path to Deeper Connection Through Growth, Kindness, and Compassion
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The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter offers a blueprint for deepening your compassion, kindness, and gratitude so you can truly grow in harmony with another person and build stronger connections in all your relationships.
“A beautiful offering from the heart, to the heart.”—Elizabeth Gilbert

“Yung Pueblo holds a mirror to the relationships we have and offers clear directions to the relationships we desire.”—Simon Sinek

How to Love Better is destined to change your life.”—Lena Waithe

“Everyone enters relationships with imperfections and negative patterns that block the flow of love, but when you embrace growth, the new harmony within you will flow into your relationship.”
Love enters our lives in many forms: friends, family, intimate partners. But all of these relationships are deeply influenced by the love we have for ourselves. If we see our relationships as opportunities to be fully present in our healing and growth, then, Yung Pueblo assures us, we can transform and meet one another with compassion instead of judgment.
In How to Love Better, Yung Pueblo examines all aspects of relationships, from the rose-colored early days when you may be hesitant to show your full self, to the challenges that can arise without clear communication, to dealing with heartbreak and healing as you close a chapter of your life. The power of looking inward remains at the core of Yung Pueblo’s teachings. Ego and attachment can become barriers in a relationship, so the more self-aware you become, the more you can support both your partner and yourself.
How to Love Better includes:
• How to build harmony in a relationship
• How to see each other’s perspective
• How to find the right partner
• How to heal from heartbreak
• How to overcome attachment
• How to form commitments
• How to argue
Yung Pueblo’s insights on embracing change, building a foundation of honesty, and learning to listen selflessly will resonate regardless of where you are in your healing journey. And his unique combination of poetry, personal experience, and thoughtful advice will help you grow and strengthen all of your relationships.
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter offers a blueprint for deepening your compassion, kindness, and gratitude so you can truly grow in harmony with another person and build stronger connections in all your relationships.
“A beautiful offering from the heart, to the heart.”—Elizabeth Gilbert

“Yung Pueblo holds a mirror to the relationships we have and offers clear directions to the relationships we desire.”—Simon Sinek

How to Love Better is destined to change your life.”—Lena Waithe

“Everyone enters relationships with imperfections and negative patterns that block the flow of love, but when you embrace growth, the new harmony within you will flow into your relationship.”
Love enters our lives in many forms: friends, family, intimate partners. But all of these relationships are deeply influenced by the love we have for ourselves. If we see our relationships as opportunities to be fully present in our healing and growth, then, Yung Pueblo assures us, we can transform and meet one another with compassion instead of judgment.
In How to Love Better, Yung Pueblo examines all aspects of relationships, from the rose-colored early days when you may be hesitant to show your full self, to the challenges that can arise without clear communication, to dealing with heartbreak and healing as you close a chapter of your life. The power of looking inward remains at the core of Yung Pueblo’s teachings. Ego and attachment can become barriers in a relationship, so the more self-aware you become, the more you can support both your partner and yourself.
How to Love Better includes:
• How to build harmony in a relationship
• How to see each other’s perspective
• How to find the right partner
• How to heal from heartbreak
• How to overcome attachment
• How to form commitments
• How to argue
Yung Pueblo’s insights on embracing change, building a foundation of honesty, and learning to listen selflessly will resonate regardless of where you are in your healing journey. And his unique combination of poetry, personal experience, and thoughtful advice will help you grow and strengthen all of your relationships.
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About the Author-
  • Yung Pueblo is the pen name of the writer Diego Perez and means “young people.” The name is meant to convey that humanity is entering an era of remarkable growth and healing, when many will expand their self-awareness and release old burdens. He is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter and the Inward trilogy. He lives in western Massachusetts with his wife, Sara.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    January 6, 2025
    Bestseller Yung Pueblo (a pseudonym for poet Diego Perez) follows up Lighter with a down-to-earth explainer on how cultivating self-knowledge can foster more fulfilling relationships. Recalling how a meditation practice helped him and his partner better “understand what we genuinely needed from one another,” the author calls on readers to use tools like meditation, breathwork, and therapy to fuel a “growth mindset” that involves releasing the ego and being open to change. With this mindset, readers can fine-tune their behaviors to “be more conducive to a harmonious relationship”—for example, by using arguments to practice “selfless listening,” or letting “yourself be immersed in view of things” rather than silently preparing a rebuttal. While the author's tendency to repeat his central message that one must love oneself in order to love someone else can become wearying, fans will appreciate his tried-and-true advice, which is often paraphrased in prose poems at the end of each chapter (“The same defensive pattern that protected you before/ can stop a new connection from fully flourishing”). It adds up to a smart if at times familiar resource for revitalizing one’s relationships.

  • Booklist

    February 1, 2025
    Yung Pueblo follows his best-selling Lighter (2022) with an exploration of love. He and his wife fell in love quickly in college, but often found themselves fighting bitterly. Why did they blame each other for their own unhappiness? Why couldn't they find peace in their relationship? Using meditation, Yung Pueblo finds that knowing and loving ourselves is the first step to creating a harmonious connection. This fosters kindness, growth, and compassion. A relationship is hard work on both sides, says the author, and it's a reflection of our inner selves. Yung Pueblo's gentle guidance and thoughtful advice is based on Zen philosophy. Pueblo cautions against trying to dominate, live in the past, or rush through life. Attachment can lead to rigidity, while true love accepts change as a basic aspect of life. The text is sensitively written, with poetic asides, lists of tips to ponder, and "reflecting questions" to end each chapter. Yung Pueblo reminds readers that preparing yourself by being compassionate, willing to grow, and genuinely open in communications are the first steps in learning how to love not perfectly but better.


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How to Love Better
How to Love Better
The Path to Deeper Connection Through Growth, Kindness, and Compassion
Yung Pueblo
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