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Internationally acclaimed author Yoko Tawada's most famous — and bizarre — tale in a stand-alone, New Directions Pearl edition.
The Bridegroom Was a Dog is perhaps the Japanese-German writer Yoko Tawada's most famous story. Its initial publication in 1998 garnered admiration from The New Yorker, who praised it as, "fast-moving, mysteriously compelling tale that has the dream quality of Kafka."
The Bridegroom Was a Dog begins with a schoolteacher telling a fable to her students. In the fable, a princess promises her hand in marriage to a dog that has licked her bottom clean. The story takes an even stranger twist when that very dog appears to the schoolteacher in real life as a dog-like man. They develop a very sexual, romantic courtship with many allegorical overtones — much to the chagrin of her friends.
Internationally acclaimed author Yoko Tawada's most famous — and bizarre — tale in a stand-alone, New Directions Pearl edition.
The Bridegroom Was a Dog is perhaps the Japanese-German writer Yoko Tawada's most famous story. Its initial publication in 1998 garnered admiration from The New Yorker, who praised it as, "fast-moving, mysteriously compelling tale that has the dream quality of Kafka."
The Bridegroom Was a Dog begins with a schoolteacher telling a fable to her students. In the fable, a princess promises her hand in marriage to a dog that has licked her bottom clean. The story takes an even stranger twist when that very dog appears to the schoolteacher in real life as a dog-like man. They develop a very sexual, romantic courtship with many allegorical overtones — much to the chagrin of her friends.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Yoko Tawada was born in Tokyo in 1960, moved to Hamburg when she was twenty-two, and then to Berlin in 2006. She writes in both Japanese and German, and has published several books—stories, novels, poems, plays, essays—in both languages. She has received numerous awards for her writing including the Akutagawa Prize, the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize, the Tanizaki Prize, the Kleist Prize, the Goethe Medal, and the National Book Award. New Directions publishes her story collections Where Europe Begins (with a Preface by Wim Wenders) and Facing the Bridge, as well her novels The Naked Eye, The Bridegroom Was a Dog, Memoirs of a Polar Bear, The Emissary, Scattered All over the Earth, Paul Celan and the Trans-Tibetan Angel, Suggested in the Stars, and forthcoming in autumn 2025 is Archipelago of the Sun, the final novel in her Scattered trilogy.
August 31, 1998 In the title story of this surreal comic trilogy, which won the Akutagawa Prize, Japan's highest award for fiction, in 1993, an eccentric young schoolteacher becomes the protagonist of a fable she tells her students about a young princess who weds a dog. Strange as the teacher is (she raises eyebrows in town by telling her students to wipe themselves, on the toilet, with snotty Kleenex), her life takes a stranger turn when Taro, a lover of unnervingly canine proclivities, moves in with her. As his animalism begins to threaten her place in the community, the pair parts ways--he to the wild, she to a better life. In "Missing Helas," Tawada tracks a mail-order bride's efforts to blend into a new culture. At times perceptive, the story veers into heavy-handed symbolism when this husband turns out to be another member of the animal kingdom. "The Gotthard Railway" rationalizes Tawada's flights of fancy by putting them in the mouth of a realistic narrator--a free-associating Japanese woman on the train through St. Gotthard, in the Swiss Alps. Although Tawada's conceits may sometimes bewilder American readers, her bizarrerie is charming and unforced: her English-language debut is authentically, if not always fruitfully, weird.
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