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Could Amy and Dan's biggest enemy be . . . a friend? Book 6 in the bestselling The 39 Clues series challenges everything you thought you knew about the Clue race.Fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, head to the Land Down Under to discover what their own mother and father knew about the hunt for the 39 Clues. But following in their parents' footsteps brings up lost memories for Amy so awful that she can't share them . . . even with Dan. Haunted by the ghosts of their past, chased by deadly competitors, Dan and Amy can't see who is an enemy and who is a friend. Their blindness leads to a terrible mistake . . and the death of a hidden ally.
Could Amy and Dan's biggest enemy be . . . a friend? Book 6 in the bestselling The 39 Clues series challenges everything you thought you knew about the Clue race.Fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, head to the Land Down Under to discover what their own mother and father knew about the hunt for the 39 Clues. But following in their parents' footsteps brings up lost memories for Amy so awful that she can't share them . . . even with Dan. Haunted by the ghosts of their past, chased by deadly competitors, Dan and Amy can't see who is an enemy and who is a friend. Their blindness leads to a terrible mistake . . and the death of a hidden ally.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
January 1, 2010 Grades 4-7 In the sixth volume of the 39 Clues series, Amy and Dan fly to Australia. Attempting to trace their late parents journey eight years earlier, they link Amelia Earharts last flight to their own family quest. While Amy deals with increasingly intense memory flashbacks related to her parents deaths, she and Dan must cope with ravenous sharks, poisonous spiders, and their rivals fiendish schemes. The spy-versus-spy mentality will keep readers guessing as they try to separate deception from reality. Although the complex backstory looms large, the series fans will devour the breathless action scenes in this fast-paced adventure.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2010, American Library Association.)
January 1, 2010 Good-hearted siblings Amy and Dan continue their globetrotting quest for the clues that will unlock the power of their historically uber-powerful family. The series still pushes credulity past the tipping point, but these installments introduce new developments (heretofore cartoonish competitors reveal hints of humanity; the sibs' stalwart nanny becomes suspicious; clues to their parents' death surface) that rejuvenate the foundering plots.
(Copyright 2010 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
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