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Wake Up Missing
Cover of Wake Up Missing
Wake Up Missing
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Four kids . . .
Two weeks in the Florida Everglades . . .
One top-secret science experiment that could change them and the world as they know it . . .
Meet football-star Quentin, hockey-player Sarah, horse-lover Ben, and artistic bird-watcher Cat. The four have little in common-except the head injuries that landed them in an elite brainscience center in the wild swamps of Florida. The clinic promises to return their lives to normal, but as days pass, the kids notice strange side effects and unexplained changes. Something about this clinic isn't right, and if they can't overcome their injuries—and their differences—to escape, they could lose themselves forever. . . .
Four kids . . .
Two weeks in the Florida Everglades . . .
One top-secret science experiment that could change them and the world as they know it . . .
Meet football-star Quentin, hockey-player Sarah, horse-lover Ben, and artistic bird-watcher Cat. The four have little in common-except the head injuries that landed them in an elite brainscience center in the wild swamps of Florida. The clinic promises to return their lives to normal, but as days pass, the kids notice strange side effects and unexplained changes. Something about this clinic isn't right, and if they can't overcome their injuries—and their differences—to escape, they could lose themselves forever. . . .
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About the Author-
  • Kate Messner is a former middle-school English teacher and the author of E. B. White Read Aloud Award winner The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z. and its companion, The Exact Location of Home; Sugar and Ice; Eye of the Storm; Wake Up Missing; All the Answers; The Seventh Wish; Capture the Flag; Hide and Seek; the Marty McGuire chapter book series; the Ranger in Time chapter book series; and several picture books. She lives on Lake Champlain with her husband and two kids. When she's not reading or writing, she loves hiking, kayaking, biking, and watching thunderstorms over the lake.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 12, 2013
    When 12-year-old Cat Grayson is sent to the International Center for Advanced Neurology (I-CAN), an elite clinic specializing in head injuries, she hopes their revolutionary techniques will cure her post-concussion trauma. Instead, she discovers a diabolical plot to use the young patients at the clinic as test subjects in an attempt to recreate some of the greatest scientists of all time. Rather than have their minds overwritten with those of Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, Robert Oppenheimer, and others, Cat and her new friends flee I-CAN, attempting to elude their erstwhile captors in the Everglades as they seek help. But with killers and alligators at their heels, they have to rely on their own ingenuity—and the talents of a resurrected genius. Messner (Hide and Seek) delivers an exciting middle-grade thriller inspired by cutting-edge science and historical events, drawing on the Manhattan Project and Tuskegee experiments to weave something new and interesting. Sadly, the characterizations pale in comparison to the atmospheric setting and tense story line. Ages 10–14. Agent: Jennifer Laughran, Andrea Brown Literary Agency.

  • Publishers Weekly on Wake Up Missing An exciting middle-grade thriller.
  • Library Media Connection on Wake Up Missing Middle grade readers seeking adventure stories will enjoy this title. The topics of gene therapy and bioethics provide the reader with food for thought long after the book ends.
  • Margaret Peterson Haddix, author of The Missing and the Shadow Children series Kate Messner combines a fascinating concept with page-turning suspense. . . . Reading this book is like a wild roller-coaster ride through the Florida swamps.
  • School Library Journal on Eye of the Storm Plenty of action. . . these heart-pounding scenes will be a hit.
  • VOYA on Eye of the Storm This fast-paced read will sweep readers along to its powerful conclusion.
  • School Library Journal The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z: Laced with humor and heart . . . an insightful and affecting read.
  • Kirkus Reviews The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z: Plot twists keep readers engaged, and Messner's warm and humorous tone will capture even reluctant readers.
  • Writing and Ruminating (Online) The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z: An engaging saga.
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    Bloomsbury Publishing
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Wake Up Missing
Wake Up Missing
Kate Messner
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