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Lesson #1: Trust no one. Eve has a good life. She wakes up each day, kisses her husband Nate, and heads off to teach math at the local high school. All is as it should be. Except... Last year, Caseham High was rocked by a scandal involving a student-teacher affair, with one student, Addie, at its center. But Eve knows there is far more to these ugly rumors than meets the eye.
Addie can't be trusted. She lies. She hurts people. She destroys lives. At least, that's what everyone says. But nobody knows the real Addie. Nobody knows the secrets that could destroy her. And Addie will do anything to keep it quiet... From the New York Times bestselling author Freida McFadden comes a chilling story of twisted secrets and long-awaited revenge.
Lesson #1: Trust no one. Eve has a good life. She wakes up each day, kisses her husband Nate, and heads off to teach math at the local high school. All is as it should be. Except... Last year, Caseham High was rocked by a scandal involving a student-teacher affair, with one student, Addie, at its center. But Eve knows there is far more to these ugly rumors than meets the eye.
Addie can't be trusted. She lies. She hurts people. She destroys lives. At least, that's what everyone says. But nobody knows the real Addie. Nobody knows the secrets that could destroy her. And Addie will do anything to keep it quiet... From the New York Times bestselling author Freida McFadden comes a chilling story of twisted secrets and long-awaited revenge.
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Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
#1 New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Sunday Times internationally bestselling author Freida McFadden is a practicing physician specializing in brain injury. Freida is the winner of both the International Thriller Writer Award for Best Paperback Original and the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Thriller. Her novels have been translated into more than thirty languages. Freida lives with her family and black cat in a centuries-old three-story home overlooking the ocean.
Starred review from December 4, 2023 At the start of the superb latest from McFadden (The Coworker), frumpy math teacher Eve Bennett is preparing for a new year at Caseham High School with her handsome husband and fellow teacher, Nate. Eve is dismayed to learn that Addie Severson, a student who allegedly had an affair with math teacher Art Tuttle (who’s since resigned) last year, has been assigned to one of her classes. While Addie insists nothing inappropriate happened with Tuttle, her classmates bully her about the rumors, and the school’s staff remain split on whether to believe her. As the school year progresses, Addie finds refuge from the constant scrutiny in Nate’s class, developing a bond with him over their mutual love of poetry. One night, after hosting a dinner party, Eve catches Addie lurking in the bushes near her and Nate’s home. Nate’s passive response to the discovery irks Eve and leads her to suspect his relationship with Addie might be edging into illicit territory. As Eve investigates, McFadden rolls out a series of jaw-dropping twists that recast the power dynamic between her central trio over and over again. The frequent rug-pulling will thrill readers who’ve initially pinned the story as run-of-the-mill domestic suspense. This rivets. Agent: Christina Hogrebe, Jane Rotrosen Agency.
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