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Talk openly about mental health with thirty-three diverse and empowering actors, athletes, writers, and artists in this Washington Post Best Children's Book. Contributors include: Kristin Bell, Nancy Kerrigan, S. Jae-Jones, Meredith Russo, V.E. Schwab, and Adam Silvera, among many others. Who’s Crazy? What does it mean to be crazy? Is using the word crazy offensive? What happens when a label like that gets attached to your everyday experiences?
To understand mental health, we need to talk openly about it. Because there’s no single definition of crazy, there’s no single experience that embodies it, and the word itself means different things—wild? extreme? disturbed? passionate?—to different people.
In (Don’t) Call Me Crazy, thirty-three actors, athletes, writers, and artists offer essays, lists, comics, and illustrations that explore a wide range of topics, including:
Their personal experiences with mental illness;
How we do and don’t talk about mental health;
Help for better understanding how every person’s brain is wired differently;
What, exactly, might make someone crazy.
If you’ve ever struggled with your mental health, or know someone who has, come on in, turn the pages . . . and let’s get talking. This award-winning anthology is from the highly-praised editor of Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World and Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy.
Talk openly about mental health with thirty-three diverse and empowering actors, athletes, writers, and artists in this Washington Post Best Children's Book. Contributors include: Kristin Bell, Nancy Kerrigan, S. Jae-Jones, Meredith Russo, V.E. Schwab, and Adam Silvera, among many others. Who’s Crazy? What does it mean to be crazy? Is using the word crazy offensive? What happens when a label like that gets attached to your everyday experiences?
To understand mental health, we need to talk openly about it. Because there’s no single definition of crazy, there’s no single experience that embodies it, and the word itself means different things—wild? extreme? disturbed? passionate?—to different people.
In (Don’t) Call Me Crazy, thirty-three actors, athletes, writers, and artists offer essays, lists, comics, and illustrations that explore a wide range of topics, including:
Their personal experiences with mental illness;
How we do and don’t talk about mental health;
Help for better understanding how every person’s brain is wired differently;
What, exactly, might make someone crazy.
If you’ve ever struggled with your mental health, or know someone who has, come on in, turn the pages . . . and let’s get talking. This award-winning anthology is from the highly-praised editor of Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World and Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available.
About the Author-
Kelly Jensen is a former librarian and current editor at Book Riot and her own popular book blog, Stacked. She's the editor of two highly-acclaimed YA anthologies, Here We Are: Feminism For The Real World and (Don't) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start The Conversation About Mental Health. Her writing has been featured in Bust Magazine, Fortune, Bustle, and more. When not working with words, she teaches yoga, hangs out with a motley crew of pets, and enjoys all of the black licorice no one else wants. Follow her on Instagram @heykellyjensen and her website kellybjensen.com.
Starred review from August 1, 2018
Gr 7 Up-Opening up about mental health is difficult but necessary, asserts the editor of this thought-provoking anthology. Libba Bray personifies her obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety, while Stephanie Kuehn describes life with misophonia. Adam Silvera dispels the myth that successful or cheerful individuals don't experience depression; Emery Lord seethes at the ignorant remarks about suicide she overhears at a Vincent van Gogh exhibit. Contributors also examine gender, sexuality, and ethnicity, as in Hannah Bae's exploration of her Korean family's reluctance to seek help for her mother's schizophrenia. The rare lackluster entry never detracts from the whole. As in Jensen's Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World, illustrations and a peppy design enhance this scrapbooklike volume. VERDICT Misconceptions about mental health still abound, making this honest yet hopeful title a vital selection for libraries.-Mahnaz Dar, School Library Journal
Copyright 2018 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
July 1, 2018 A lively, compelling anthology about mental health by over 30 contributors from a variety of backgrounds.The essays in this collection about mental health are accompanied by graphics, a list of novels to explore, and photographs, among other formats. Recurring themes include paying attention to the power of language and labels, the necessity of support and community, and the importance of normalizing conversations about mental health issues. Essays are mostly brief, highly personal accounts that discuss individual experiences with various conditions ranging from depression and bipolar disorder to trichotillomania and misophonia. Adam Silvera explains why he writes sad stories for teens and the meaning behind his Happiness Goes On tattoo. Libba Bray offers insights in the form of a dialogue among herself, her OCD, and her anxiety while seated on an airplane. The entries from artists, actors, journalists, authors, poets, illustrators, musicians, athletes, and bloggers offer inspiration and guidance both by example and through more explicit advice, with contributors representing different genders, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. While the loose structure disorients at times, making some entries feel randomly thrown together, the raw, informal approach to the subject matter will highly appeal to young people who crave understanding and validation. A valuable addition to library collections and for use by school counselors.This highly readable and vital collection demonstrates the multiplicity of ways that mental health impacts individuals. (resources, contributor bios) (Nonfiction. 13-18)
September 1, 2018 Grades 9-12 Jensen (Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World?, 2017) gathers together another varied, empowering collection of personal essays, poetry, artwork, and comics about the many ways people experience mental illness. Confessional and conversational, the contributions cover a wide array of conditions, treatments, and ways to manage symptoms, and while it can occasionally be a mixed bag, the best contributions are deeply resonant. Shaun David Hutchinson emphasizes that Depression . . . may live in your skin, but it does not control you; Emery Lord recounts visiting a Van Gogh exhibit during a depressive episode in a stirring, sharply funny essay; Hannah Bae describes how her troubled homelife contributed to her own disordered thinking; and Monique Bedard offers a moving prose poem about the pernicious, lasting effects of the systemic abuse of Native women. With this diverse array of contributors offering a stunning wealth of perspectives on mental health, teens looking for solidarity, comfort, or information will certainly be able to find something that speaks to them. Resources and further reading make this inviting, much-needed resource even richer.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)
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