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خف الإخطار

  التنقل الرئيسي
غلاف Sandwich
A Novel
من تصميم  Catherine Newman
استعارة استعارة


"Sandwich is joy in book form. I laughed continuously, except for the parts that made me cry. Catherine Newman does a miraculous job reminding us of all the wonder there is to be found in life."—Ann Patchett, New York Times bestselling author of Tom Lake

"If you like my novels, you will love love love this . . . . I stand in awe, it's just perfect."—Elin Hilderbrand, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Swan Song

"A total delight."—Kate Christensen

From the beloved author of We All Want Impossible Things, a moving, hilarious story of a family summer vacation full of secrets, lunch, and learning to let go.

For the past two decades, Rocky has looked forward to her family's yearly escape to Cape Cod. Their humble beach-town rental has been the site of sweet memories, sunny days, great meals, and messes of all kinds: emotional, marital, and—thanks to the cottage's ancient plumbing—septic too.

This year's vacation, with Rocky sandwiched between her half-grown kids and fully aging parents, promises to be just as delightful as summers past—except, perhaps, for Rocky's hormonal bouts of rage and melancholy. (Hello, menopause!) Her body is changing—her life is, too. And then a chain of events sends Rocky into the past, reliving both the tenderness and sorrow of a handful of long-ago summers.

It's one precious week: everything is in balance; everything is in flux. And when Rocky comes face to face with her family's history and future, she is forced to accept that she can no longer hide her secrets from the people she loves.


"Sandwich is joy in book form. I laughed continuously, except for the parts that made me cry. Catherine Newman does a miraculous job reminding us of all the wonder there is to be found in life."—Ann Patchett, New York Times bestselling author of Tom Lake

"If you like my novels, you will love love love this . . . . I stand in awe, it's just perfect."—Elin Hilderbrand, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Swan Song

"A total delight."—Kate Christensen

From the beloved author of We All Want Impossible Things, a moving, hilarious story of a family summer vacation full of secrets, lunch, and learning to let go.

For the past two decades, Rocky has looked forward to her family's yearly escape to Cape Cod. Their humble beach-town rental has been the site of sweet memories, sunny days, great meals, and messes of all kinds: emotional, marital, and—thanks to the cottage's ancient plumbing—septic too.

This year's vacation, with Rocky sandwiched between her half-grown kids and fully aging parents, promises to be just as delightful as summers past—except, perhaps, for Rocky's hormonal bouts of rage and melancholy. (Hello, menopause!) Her body is changing—her life is, too. And then a chain of events sends Rocky into the past, reliving both the tenderness and sorrow of a handful of long-ago summers.

It's one precious week: everything is in balance; everything is in flux. And when Rocky comes face to face with her family's history and future, she is forced to accept that she can no longer hide her secrets from the people she loves.

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نبذة حول المؤلف-
  • Catherine Newman has written numerous columns and articles for magazines and newspapers, and her essays have been widely anthologized. She is the author of the novels Sandwich, which was an instant New York Times bestseller, and We All Want Impossible Things; the memoirs Waiting for Birdy and Catastrophic Happiness; the middle-grade novel One Mixed-Up Night; and the bestselling kids' life-skills books How to Be a Person and What Can I Say? She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

  • Library Journal

    January 1, 2024

    Newman (We All Want Impossible Things) pens a story about a family's annual Cape Cod summer vacation, during which memories and secrets surface. This year, Rocky finds herself in the sandwich generation between her kids and her aging parents, dealing with menopause and realizing she can't hide her secrets any longer. With a 75K-copy first printing. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 15, 2024
    Newman (We All Want Impossible Things) returns with a slight story about the pleasures of beach time and the trials of middle age. Rocky, an anxious and volatile writer in her 50s, spends a week at her family’s aging Cape Cod vacation cottage with her preternaturally patient and easygoing husband, Nick; their two grown children, Jamie and Willa; and her sweet parents. Much of the novel, which Rocky narrates, has a light, comic tone. She details the ingredients of elaborate picnic lunches, describes swims in a nearby pond and days at the beach, and kvetches about the impact of menopause, which afflicts her with sudden rages and the realization that “activities that may injure you include ping-pong, napping, and opening a tub of Greek yogurt.” This amiable tone contrasts sharply with Rocky’s horrifying memories about the loss of two pregnancies when Willa was a baby. As the week wears on, she feels increasingly compelled to reveal secrets from that period to her family. Although a sudden medical emergency and squabbles between Rocky and Nick add some suspense, the novel gets bogged down in cloying banter and anticlimactic revelations. Rocky may content herself with the discovery that “it’s just everything, all the time. EVERYTHING.” Readers, however, are likely to be less than satisfied. Agent: Jennifer Gates, Aevitas Creative Management.

  • Kirkus

    April 15, 2024
    During an annual beach vacation, a mother confronts her past and learns to move forward. Her family's annual trip to Cape Cod is always the highlight of Rocky's year--even more so now that her children are grown and she cherishes what little time she gets with them. Rocky is deep in the throes of menopause, picking fights with her loving husband and occasionally throwing off her clothes during a hot flash, much to the chagrin of her family. She's also dealing with her parents, who are crammed into the same small summer house (with one toilet that only occasionally spews sewage everywhere) and who are aging at an alarmingly rapid rate. Rocky's life is full of change, from her body to her identity--she frequently flashes back to the vacations of years past, when her children were tiny. Although she's grateful for the family she has, she mourns what she's lost. Newman (author of the equally wonderful We All Want Impossible Things, 2022) imbues Rocky's internal struggles with importance and gravity, all while showcasing her very funny observations about life and parenting. She examines motherhood with a raw honesty that few others manage--she remembers the hard parts, the depths of despair, panic, and anxiety that can happen with young children, and she also recounts the joy in a way that never feels saccharine. She has a gift for exploring the real, messy contradictions in human emotions. As Rocky puts it, "This may be the only reason we were put on this earth. To say to each other, I know how you feel." A moving, hilarious reminder that parenthood, just like life, means constant change.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    April 15, 2024
    Newman (We All Want Impossible Things, 2022) returns with a story about a woman coming to terms with life over 50. As her family gathers for the annual vacation on Cape Cod, Rocky is worn out by menopause and nostalgia. The family has been coming to the same house for 20 years, and Rocky's memories immediately fall back to when her grown children were little. Although she remembers how "touched out" she was and how stressful life with babies was, she misses Jamie and Willa's innocent sweetness. At the same time, Rocky cherishes the time with them, especially since their banter is laugh-out-loud funny. She laments about how dried out and saggy her body is now, not to mention the hot flashes. When Rocky's parents arrive, all of them squeezed into their tiny rental, she realizes that to her parents, she's still a child herself--and she is within the sandwich generation, torn between past and present. Readers in this age group will relate to Rocky's woes, and as the novel's tone becomes more serious, they may identify with Rocky's history as well. This is a quick yet moving read that will stay with readers long after the last page.


  • Library Journal

    Starred review from May 24, 2024

    Newman (We All Want Impossible Things) has skillfully crafted both setting and characters in this novel that will resonate with all in the "sandwich generation," caregivers for parents and children alike. Fiftysomething writer Rocky has been enjoying her family's annual summer Cape Cod trip for more than 20 years. This novel focuses on a single week with Rocky's husband, Nick, and their now twentysomething kids, Jamie and Willa, sharing their one-bathroom rental with Rocky's parents and Jamie's girlfriend, Maya. The familiar setting gives Rocky plenty of opportunity to both dwell on the family's messy past and hold tight to the sunnier memories. As in most families, there are painful secrets, and Rocky is confronted with sharing hers. There is just enough humor thrown in that readers may laugh as much as they cry at the all-too-relatable situations and the razor-sharp witty conversations among the family members. VERDICT Women's fiction readers will gobble this delicious (though at times heartbreaking) sandwich right up.--Carrie Voliva

    Copyright 2024 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


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A Novel
Catherine Newman
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