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ترغب OverDrive في استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط (الكوكيز) لتخزين المعلومات على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لتحسين تجربة المستخدم الخاصة بك على موقعنا. ويعتبر أحد ملفات تعريف الارتباط التي نستخدمها بالغ الأهمية لجوانب معينة لكي يعمل الموقع وقد تم ضبطه بالفعل. ويمكنك حذف ومنع كل ملفات تعريف الارتباط من هذا الموقع، ولكن هذا قد يؤثر على ميزات أو خدمات معينة للموقع. لمعرفة المزيد عن ملفات تعريف الارتباط التي نستخدمها وكيفية حذفها، انقر هنا للاطلاع على سياسة الخصوصية التي نتبعها.

لدينا دوريات! الرجاء النقر هنا للخروج من هذا الموقع.

خف الإخطار

  التنقل الرئيسي
First Lie Wins
غلاف First Lie Wins
First Lie Wins
من تصميم  Ashley Elston
“This fast-paced read has everything you could want in a thriller: secret identities, a mysterious boss and a cat & mouse game that kept me guessing the whole way through.” —Reese Witherspoon
Evie Porter has everything a nice Southern girl could want: a doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence, a tight group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn’t exist.

The identity comes first: Evie Porter. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job.
Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job isn't like the others. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time.
Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there's still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn't be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge. . . .
“This fast-paced read has everything you could want in a thriller: secret identities, a mysterious boss and a cat & mouse game that kept me guessing the whole way through.” —Reese Witherspoon
Evie Porter has everything a nice Southern girl could want: a doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence, a tight group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn’t exist.

The identity comes first: Evie Porter. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss, Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job.
Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job isn't like the others. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time.
Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there's still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn't be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge. . . .
الصيغ المتاحة-
  • OverDrive Listen
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  • From the cover Chapter 1

    It starts with the little things: an extra toothbrush in the glass holder next to the sink, a few articles of clothing in the smallest drawer, phone chargers on both sides of the bed. Then the little things turn to slightly bigger things: razors and mouthwash and birth control pills all fighting for space in the medicine cabinet, the question changing from "Are you coming over?" to "What should we cook for dinner?"

    And as much as I've been dreading it, this next step was inevitable.

    It may be the first time I'm meeting the people gathered around the table, people who Ryan has known since childhood, but it hasn't escaped anyone's attention that I'm already fully embedded in his life. It's the small touches a woman brings to a man's home, like the matching throw pillows on the couch or the faint whiff of jasmine from the diffuser on the bookshelf, that every other woman notices the second she walks through the front door.

    A voice floats across the candlelit table, dodges the centerpiece that I was assured was "delicate yet confident," and hovers in the air in front of me. "Evie, that's an unusual name."

    I turn to Beth, debating whether to answer her question that's not really a question.

    "It's short for Evelyn. I was named after my grandmother."

    The women sneak glances at one another, silently communicating across the table. Every answer I give is weighed and cataloged for a later discussion.

    "Oh, I love that!" Allison squeals. "I was named after my grandmother too. Where did you say you were from again?"

    I didn't say, and they know this. Like birds of prey, they will pick, pick, pick all night until they get the answers they want.

    "A small town in Alabama," I answer.

    Before they can ask which small town in Alabama, Ryan changes the subject. "Allison, I saw your grandmother last week at the grocery store. How's she holding up?"

    He's bought me a few precious moments of relief while Allison relays how her grandmother is faring following the death of her grandfather. But it won't be long until I'm the focus once again.

    I don't have to know these people to know everything about them. They are the ones who started kindergarten together, their circle remaining small until high school graduation. They fled town in groups of twos and threes to attend a handful of colleges all within driving distance of here. They all joined sororities and fraternities with other groups of twos and threes with similar backgrounds, only to gravitate back to this small Louisiana town, the circle closing once again. Greek letters have been traded out for Junior League memberships and dinner parties and golf on Saturday afternoon, as long as it doesn't interfere with SEC football.

    I don't fault them for the way they are; I envy them. I envy the ease they feel in these situations, for knowing exactly what to expect and what is expected of them. I envy the gracefulness that comes with knowing that everyone in this town has seen them at their worst and still accepts them.

    "How did you two meet?" Sara asks, the attention once again back on me.

    It's an innocent enough question, but one that unnerves me all the same.

    The smile on Ryan's face tells me he knows how I feel about being asked this and he'll step in again to answer for me, but I shake him off.

    Wiping my mouth gently with one of the white cloth napkins I bought specifically for this occasion, I say, "He helped change my flat tire."

    Ryan would have given them more than they deserve, and that's why I stopped him. I don't mention it was at the truck stop on the outskirts of town where I worked in...
  • Publisher's Weekly

    November 6, 2023
    The anonymous narrator of Elston’s ingeniously plotted adult debut (after the YA novel 10 Truths and a Dare) has long relied on charm and physical strength to complete a string of lucrative, increasingly dangerous missions from her mysterious boss. For her latest assignment, as in the past, she’s been given a fresh identity (“Evie”), a destination, and the name of her mark, about whom she’s supposed to learn everything and await further instructions. But the closer Evie gets to hunky Louisiana financial adviser Ryan Sumner—before long, she’s his full-time girlfriend—the more unusual this job seems. Things get especially bizarre when one of Ryan’s oldest friends shows up with a date who looks nearly identical to Evie and introduces herself by Evie’s actual name. Might Evie’s boss be setting her up? Is Ryan in on it? With the clock ticking, Evie and her MIT dropout/computer whiz sidekick, Devon, scramble to unravel what’s really going on. Though a few plot elements, particularly those concerning Devon’s hacking feats, strain credibility, Elston whips up plenty of suspense and delivers a satisfyingly serpentine finale. This promises more good things from Elston to come.

  • AudioFile Magazine Listeners will be convinced there's a full cast delivering this fast-paced thriller. Yet it's just one narrator, Saskia Maarleveld, who masterfully voices all the characters, male and female, Southern and not. Evie Porter has many names and personas she has adopted for her work for the mysterious Mr. Smith. Evie is a criminal with a heart and a conscience. The narrative goes back and forth in time, revealing the successful and disastrous assignments that have landed her in a small town in Louisiana, where she's building a loving relationship with her next target, Ryan Summer--who has secrets of his own. The twists and turns will keep listeners glued to their earbuds all the way to the satisfying conclusion. E.Q. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2024, Portland, Maine
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يتضمن تنسيق OverDrive Read لهذا الكتاب الإلكتروني رواية احترافية يتم تشغيلها عندما تقرأ في المتصفح الخاص بك. اعرف المزيد هنا.



إجمالي الحجوزات:



تم تعطيل بعض خيارات التنسيق. يمكنك رؤية خيارات تحميل إضافية خارج هذه الشبكة.


البحرين، ومصر، وهونج كونج، والعراق، وإسرائيل، والأردن، والكويت، ولبنان، وليبيا، وموريتانيا، والمغرب، وعمان، وفلسطين، وقطر، والمملكة العربية السعودية، والسودان، والجمهورية العربية السورية، وتونس، وتركيا، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، واليمن


لقد وصلت إلى الحد الأقصى الخاص بك في المكتبة للعناوين الرقمية.

لتوفير مجال للمزيد من العناوين، يمكنك إعادة بعض العناوين من رف الكتب.


تم الوصول إلى حد الاستعارة الزائد

هناك الكثير من العناوين التي تم استعارتها وإعادتها طريق حسابك خلال فترة قصيرة من الوقت.

حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


لقد اتطلعت على هذا العنوان بالفعل. للوصول إليه؛ ارجع إلى رف الكتب.


هذا العنوان غير متوفر لنوع بطاقتك. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ اتصل بالدعم.


حدث خطأ.

إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.



ملاحظة: قد تقوم Barnes and Noble بتغيير قائمة الأجهزة التالية في أي وقت.

اشتر الآن
وساعد مكتبتنا على الربح!
First Lie Wins
First Lie Wins
Ashley Elston
اختر شريك بيع بالتجزئة أدناه لشراء هذا العنوان لنفسك.
يتم الحصول على جزء من مبلغ الشراء الحالي لدعم مكتبتك.


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