Introduction 1 About This Book 1
Conventions Used in This Book 1
Icons Used in This Book 2
Chapter 1: The Excel 2013 User Experience 3
Excel’s Ribbon User Interface 4
Going Backstage 7
Using the Excel Ribbon 8
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar 14
Using the Quick Access Toolbar button 15
Adding Ribbon commands 17
Adding non-Ribbon commands 18
Having Fun with the Formula Bar 19
Working in the Worksheet Area 20
Moving around the worksheet 21
Showing off the Status Bar 29
Launching and Quitting Excel 30
Starting Excel in Windows 8 30
Starting Excel in Windows 7 31
Adding an Excel 2013 shortcut to your Windows 7 desktop 32
Exiting Excel 33
Help Is on the Way 33
Chapter 2: Creating a Spreadsheet from Scratch 35
So What Ya Gonna Put in That New Workbook of Yours? 36
The ins and outs of data entry 38
You must remember this 39
Doing the Data-Entry Thing 39
It Takes All Types 42
The telltale signs of text 43
How Excel evaluates its values 43
Fabricating those fabulous formulas! 49
If you want it, just point it out 52
Altering the order of operations 53
Formula flub-ups 54
Fixing Data Entry Flub-Ups 57
You really AutoCorrect for me 57
Cell editing etiquette 58
Avoiding Data Entry Drudgery 60
I’m just not complete without you 60
Fill’er up with AutoFill 61
Fill it in a flash 66
Inserting special symbols 69
Making Formulas Function Better 70
Inserting a function into a formula 71
I’d be totally lost without AutoSum 75
Sums via Quick Analysis Totals 79
Making Sure Data Is Safe 80
Chapter 3: Making It All Look Pretty 83
Choosing a Select Group of Cells 84
Point-and-click cell selections 85
Keyboard cell selections 88
Using the Format as Table Gallery 90
Cell Formatting from the Home Tab 94
Formatting Cells Close to the Source with the Mini-bar 98
Using the Format Cells Dialog Box 100
Understanding the number formats 101
The values behind the formatting 108
Make it a date! 109
Ogling some of the other number formats 110
Calibrating Columns 112
Rambling rows 113
Now you see it, now you don’t 114
Futzing with the Fonts 117
Altering the Alignment 119
Intent on indents 120
From top to bottom 121
Tampering with how the text wraps 122
Reorienting cell entries 124
Shrink to fit 126
Bring on the borders! 127
Applying fill colors, patterns, and gradient effects to cells 129
Doing It in Styles 131
Creating a new style for the gallery 131
Copying custom styles from one workbook into another 132
Fooling Around with the Format Painter 133
Chapter 4: Printing the Masterpiece 135
Previewing Pages in Page Layout View 137
Using the Backstage Print Screen 138
Printing the Current Worksheet 142
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