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Do Hard Things
غلاف Do Hard Things
Do Hard Things
Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness
من تصميم  Steve Magness
استعارة استعارة


"In Do Hard Things, Steve Magness beautifully and persuasively reimagines our understanding of toughness. This is a must-read for parents and coaches and anyone else looking to prepare for life's biggest challenges."—Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Talking to Strangers and host of the Revisionist History podcast

From beloved performance expert, executive coach, and coauthor of Peak Performance Steve Magness comes a radical rethinking of how we perceive toughness and what it means to achieve our high ambitions in the face of hard things.

Toughness has long been held as the key to overcoming a challenge and achieving greatness, whether it is on the sports field, at a boardroom, or at the dining room table. Yet, the prevailing model has promoted a mentality based on fear, false bravado, and hiding any sign of weakness. In other words, the old model of toughness has failed us.

Steve Magness, a performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, rebuilds our broken model of resilience with one grounded in the latest science and psychology. In Do Hard Things, Magness teaches us how we can work with our body – how experiencing discomfort, leaning in, paying attention, and creating space to take thoughtful action can be the true indications of cultivating inner strength. He offers four core pillars to cultivate such resilience:

  • Pillar 1: Ditch the Façade, Embrace Reality
  • Pillar 2: Listen to Your Body
  • Pillar 3: Respond, Instead of React
  • Pillar 4: Transcend Discomfort
  • Smart and wise all at once, Magness flips the script on what it means to be resilient. Drawing from mindfulness, military case studies, sports psychology, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, he provides a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and achieving high performance that makes us happier, more successful, and, ultimately, better people.


    "In Do Hard Things, Steve Magness beautifully and persuasively reimagines our understanding of toughness. This is a must-read for parents and coaches and anyone else looking to prepare for life's biggest challenges."—Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Talking to Strangers and host of the Revisionist History podcast

    From beloved performance expert, executive coach, and coauthor of Peak Performance Steve Magness comes a radical rethinking of how we perceive toughness and what it means to achieve our high ambitions in the face of hard things.

    Toughness has long been held as the key to overcoming a challenge and achieving greatness, whether it is on the sports field, at a boardroom, or at the dining room table. Yet, the prevailing model has promoted a mentality based on fear, false bravado, and hiding any sign of weakness. In other words, the old model of toughness has failed us.

    Steve Magness, a performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, rebuilds our broken model of resilience with one grounded in the latest science and psychology. In Do Hard Things, Magness teaches us how we can work with our body – how experiencing discomfort, leaning in, paying attention, and creating space to take thoughtful action can be the true indications of cultivating inner strength. He offers four core pillars to cultivate such resilience:

  • Pillar 1: Ditch the Façade, Embrace Reality
  • Pillar 2: Listen to Your Body
  • Pillar 3: Respond, Instead of React
  • Pillar 4: Transcend Discomfort
  • Smart and wise all at once, Magness flips the script on what it means to be resilient. Drawing from mindfulness, military case studies, sports psychology, neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, he provides a roadmap for navigating life's challenges and achieving high performance that makes us happier, more successful, and, ultimately, better people.

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    نبذة حول المؤلف-
    • Steve Magness is a world-renowned expert on performance, author of Do Hard Things and The Science of Running, and coauthor of Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. He is the co-host of the podcast Farewell, and co-founder of The Growth Equation, an online platform dedicated to the understanding and practice of performance and well-being. He has written for The Atlantic, Runner's World and Sports Illustrated, and he has been featured in The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, on NPR, and others. Magness has served as a performance coach and speaker for teams and individuals in the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, the US military, and numerous companies and organizations. Magness's latest book, Win the Inside Game, will be published by HarperCollins in February 2025. He lives in Houston, Texas.

    • Publisher's Weekly

      May 2, 2022
      Performance coach Magness (The Passion Paradox) delivers a sensible guide to sticking with one’s goals. Citing research in neuroscience and psychology, the author outlines how readers can overcome obstacles using his “four pillars of real toughness”: “embrace reality,” “listen to your body,” “respond instead of react,” and “transcend discomfort.” Magness illustrates the importance of facing reality and accepting one’s limits by telling the story of rock climber Alex Honnold, who aborted a challenging climb when he wasn’t feeling up to it. To better control how one responds to adversity, the author advises creating “space between the stimulus and response so that we can better navigate what’s going on,” describing how brain imaging of experienced meditators shows that they can master their response to pain and lessen its mental toll. On transcending discomfort, Magness details studies that found internal motivation produces stronger perseverance than external rewards, and he encourages leaders to cultivate their followers’ inner drives by offering support and room to grow. The author’s nuanced approach elevates this program above similar guides, with recommendations to set “appropriate” goals and know “when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em” offering a welcome alternative to the traditional emphasis on “pushing through.” Informative and entertaining, this has the power to help readers go the extra mile.

    • Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Talking to Strangers and host of the Revisionist History podcast

      "In Do Hard Things, Steve Magness beautifully and persuasively reimagines our understanding of toughness. This is a must-read for parents and coaches and anyone else looking to prepare for life's biggest challenges." — Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Talking to Strangers and host of the Revisionist History podcast

      "For too long, we have lauded stories of coaches and leaders who practice the 'weed-out' school of toughness—subject a bunch of people to something unpleasant, and those who survive must have become high performers because of it. While those stories have grown in prominence, the body of scientific research has grown in a different direction, indicating that fortitude is not a trait that magically grows under extreme duress, but rather a skill that can slowly but surely be cultivated. It is time to bring the stories in line with the research, and I think Steve Magness is perfectly positioned to do just that." — David Epstein, New York Times bestselling author of Range and The Sports Gene

      "Steve delivers a critical message for our current age of posing and performance: real toughness is not about callous bravado, but instead about the ability to navigate difficulty with grace and an unwavering focus on what matters."
      Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism

      "Steve Magness is one of the giants of modern thinking about high performance across domains, blending a broad knowledge of cutting-edge psychology with hard-earned practical experience from the world-class athletes and other experts he coaches. In his new book, he takes on an age-old question—who triumphs, and why, when the going gets tough?—and reveals that many of our cherished instincts and assumptions are wrong. A crucial read for anyone who cares about delivering their best when the stakes are highest." — Alex Hutchinson, New York Times bestselling author of Endure

      "Do Hard Things will change your mind about what it means to be tough. Steve Magness makes a beautiful and compelling case for the value of inner strength over outer strength and humility over bluster. A must read!" — Annie Duke, author of Thinking in Bets

      "In Do Hard Things, Steve Magness dismantles the widely endorsed but damaging suggestion that toughness is about bulldozing your way through difficult situations. Magness' version of toughness—"real toughness"—is more nuanced, forgiving, flexible, and learnable. Real toughness means processing stressors thoughtfully, deliberately, and with vulnerability, rather than superficially and rigidly. Do Hard Things changed how I think about stoicism and strength, both on the sports field and more broadly, and I can't recommend it highly enough." — Adam Alter, Professor of Marketing and Psychology, New York University Stern School of Business and New York Times bestselling author of Irresistible and Drunk Tank Pink

      "Steve Magness possesses an incredible range of wisdom and knowledge about the science, psychology and practical sides of sport performance. Do Hard Things is a master class in how to develop resilience, persistence and confidence under pressure." — Christie Aschwanden, New York Times bestselling author of Good to Go

      "A welcome alternative to the traditional emphasis on 'pushing through.' Informative and entertaining, this has the power to help readers go the extra mile." — Publishers Weekly

      "A must-read book on a timely and timeless topic, written by the perfect person to...

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    Do Hard Things
    Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness
    Steve Magness
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