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خف الإخطار

  التنقل الرئيسي
Nosy Neighbors
غلاف Nosy Neighbors
Nosy Neighbors
من تصميم  Freya Sampson
استعارة استعارة
Nothing brings neighbors together like someone else’s secrets… At Shelley House, the walls have ears, and they’re attached to a ragtag duo of busybodies ready to pry, snoop, and generally annoy their neighbors into solving a crime.

Seventy-seven-year-old Dorothy Darling has lived in Shelley House longer than any of the other residents, and if you take their word for it, she’s as cantankerous as they come. But Dorothy has her reasons for spying. And none of them require justifying herself to Kat Bennett. 
Twenty-five-year-old Kat has never known a place where she felt truly at home, and crumbling Shelley House is no different. Her neighbors find her prickly and unapproachable, but beneath her tough exterior, Kat’s plagued by a guilty secret from her past.
When their apartments face demolition, sworn enemies Kat and Dorothy agree on just one thing: they must save their historic building. But when someone plays dirty—and one of the residents is viciously taken down—Dorothy and Kat seek justice. The police close the investigation too soon, leaving it up to the unlikely amateur sleuths—with a playful Jack Russell terrier at their side—to restore peace in their community.
Nothing brings neighbors together like someone else’s secrets… At Shelley House, the walls have ears, and they’re attached to a ragtag duo of busybodies ready to pry, snoop, and generally annoy their neighbors into solving a crime.

Seventy-seven-year-old Dorothy Darling has lived in Shelley House longer than any of the other residents, and if you take their word for it, she’s as cantankerous as they come. But Dorothy has her reasons for spying. And none of them require justifying herself to Kat Bennett. 
Twenty-five-year-old Kat has never known a place where she felt truly at home, and crumbling Shelley House is no different. Her neighbors find her prickly and unapproachable, but beneath her tough exterior, Kat’s plagued by a guilty secret from her past.
When their apartments face demolition, sworn enemies Kat and Dorothy agree on just one thing: they must save their historic building. But when someone plays dirty—and one of the residents is viciously taken down—Dorothy and Kat seek justice. The police close the investigation too soon, leaving it up to the unlikely amateur sleuths—with a playful Jack Russell terrier at their side—to restore peace in their community.
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  • From the cover One


    Years later, when the residents of Shelley House looked back on the extraordinary events of that long, turbulent summer, they would disagree on how it all began. Tomasz in flat five said it started the day the letters arrived: six innocuous-looking brown envelopes that fell through the communal letterbox one Wednesday morning in May. Omar in flat three claimed the problems came a few weeks later when an ambulance pulled up in front of the building, its siren wailing, and the body was loaded into the back. And Gloria from flat six said her astrologer had told her way back in January there would be drama and destruction in her near future (and, more importantly, that she'd be engaged by Christmas).

    But for Dorothy Darling, flat two, there was never any question of when the trouble began. She could pinpoint the exact moment when everything changed: the single flap of a butterfly's wing that would eventually lead to the tornado that engulfed them all.

    It was the day the girl with pink hair arrived at Shelley House.

    That morning had started out like any other. Dorothy was woken at six thirty by thumping from the flat overhead. She lay in bed for several minutes, her eyes squeezed shut as she chased the last shadows of her dream. When she could put it off no longer, she rose, her knees clicking obstinately as she moved through to the bathroom to perform her morning ablutions. In the kitchen, Dorothy lit the stove with a match and did her morning stretches while she waited for an egg to boil and her pot of English breakfast tea to steep. Once they were ready, she carried a tray through to the drawing room, where she consumed breakfast sitting at a card table in the bay window. So far, so normal.

    As she ate, Dorothy observed her neighbors depart the building. There was the tall, ferocious man from flat five, accompanied by his equally ferocious, pavement-fouling dog. Next came the pretty-if-only-she'd-stop-scowling teenager from flat three, staring at her phone and pointedly ignoring her father, who followed her carrying a battered briefcase under one arm and an overflowing box of recycling under the other. As he emptied the contents into the communal bins, a tin can missed the deposit and rolled onto the pavement. The man hurried off after his daughter, oblivious. Dorothy reached for the diary and pencil she kept near at all times.

    7:48 a.m. O.S. (3) Erroneous rubbish disposal.

    Once the morning rush hour had passed, Dorothy washed up her crockery, dressed, brushed her long silver hair, and put on her string of pearls. She was back at the window by eight fifty, just in time to see the redheaded woman from flat six departing hand-in-hand with her current paramour, a tall, bovine man in a cheap leather jacket. After that there was a lull and Dorothy changed the beds and dusted the picture frames and objets on the mantelpiece, accompanied by Wagner's Götterdämmerung to block out the din from the flat above.

    And then, a little after ten, she was brewing her second pot of tea when she heard a tremendous bang from outside. Dorothy abandoned the kettle and rushed to the front window, where she watched an old, ramshackle blue car pull up in front of the building, its rear wheel mounting the curb. A great cloud of black smoke burped from the exhaust pipe as the engine puttered out, and a moment later the door opened and the driver emerged. It was a young person who looked to be somewhere in their twenties, although at first glance, Dorothy was unsure if it was a man or a woman. They had short, unkempt hair dyed a lurid neon pink and were dressed in a pair of dungarees of the sort one might expect a laborer...
  • Library Journal

    January 1, 2024

    Sampson's debut, The Last Chance Library, was a GMA Book Buzz and LibraryReads pick; her second, The Lost Ticket, was a best seller too. In this pivot from fiction to mystery, 25-year-old Kat Bennett and 77-year-old Dorothy Darling, prickly neighbors in the historic Shelley House in England, band together to save their building and bring a criminal to justice. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    February 15, 2024
    A Victorian house's disparate residents join forces to solve a tragic crime and keep their place in the property. Ms. (never Mrs.) Dorothy Darling, 77, has a talent for details, particularly the details about her Shelley House neighbors' comings and goings, and even more particularly the details about how each and every thing her neighbors do might be a legal violation, or maybe just an affront to common sense, something Dorothy has in abundance. She's most vexed when a girl with pink hair shows up at the door looking for a room even though all the tenants know subletting their spare rooms is illegal. The impertinence! The troublemaker, Kat Bennett, is equally aggrieved to have come all the way to the village of Chalcot without landing a place to live, but the real renter, the friendly Joseph Chambers, makes a strong pitch when he finally meets her, and Kat moves into the multi-unit building after all. Although Kat's not one to put down roots, there's something charming about Shelley House and its occupants, especially Reggie, Joseph's adorable Jack Russell. Kat's almost relaxed when a tragedy shakes things up and forces her and her neighbors to come together. As they keep trying to protect their homestead from opportunistic landlord Fergus Alexander, the occupants of Shelley House must get to know each other a lot better to find out who might have tried to hurt one of their own. Personalities clash as secrets are revealed, threatening either to divide the occupants forever or to galvanize them in the fight. The tenants are as crafty and charming as the house in this all's-well-that-ends-well tale.

    COPYRIGHT(2024) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    March 15, 2024
    Ms. Dorothy Darling knows everything that goes on in Shelley House, a small, ramshackle apartment building in England. The opera-loving septuagenarian keeps watch from her front window, so she knows when her neighbor, Joseph Chambers, has illegally rented his spare room to Kat Bennett, a 25-year-old loner with pink hair. Kat wants nothing more than to keep her distance, so when everyone is served with an eight-week eviction notice, she figures she'll just move on. But then Joseph is attacked, and Kat stays to watch his dog, Reggie. Dorothy and Kat both have secrets keeping them at Shelley House, and soon they are caught up in Joseph's campaign to save the building from a shady developer. Sampson (The Lost Ticket, 2022) once again presents a charming story about intergenerational friendship leading to healing. As the narrative alternates between Dorothy and Kat's distinct voices, readers learn why the two women have their walls up, and have the pleasure of watching those walls come down. This heartwarming tale is full of subtle humor and rich characters.


معلومات العنوان+
  • Publisher
    Penguin Publishing Group
  • OverDrive Read
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إجمالي الحجوزات:



تم تعطيل بعض خيارات التنسيق. يمكنك رؤية خيارات تحميل إضافية خارج هذه الشبكة.


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لتوفير مجال للمزيد من العناوين، يمكنك إعادة بعض العناوين من رف الكتب.


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هناك الكثير من العناوين التي تم استعارتها وإعادتها طريق حسابك خلال فترة قصيرة من الوقت.

حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


لقد اتطلعت على هذا العنوان بالفعل. للوصول إليه؛ ارجع إلى رف الكتب.


هذا العنوان غير متوفر لنوع بطاقتك. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ اتصل بالدعم.


حدث خطأ.

إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.



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اشتر الآن
وساعد مكتبتنا على الربح!
Nosy Neighbors
Nosy Neighbors
Freya Sampson
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