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خف الإخطار

  التنقل الرئيسي
None of This Is True
غلاف None of This Is True
None of This Is True
من تصميم  Lisa Jewell
استعارة استعارة

Over 1 million copies sold!

This unputdownable psychological thriller by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jewell follows a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.
Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins.

A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.

Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life—and into her home.

But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family's lives under mortal threat.

Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?

Over 1 million copies sold!

This unputdownable psychological thriller by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jewell follows a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.
Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins.

A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for her series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.

Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life—and into her home.

But, as quickly as she arrived, Josie disappears. Only then does Alix discover that Josie has left a terrible and terrifying legacy in her wake, and that Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast, with her life and her family's lives under mortal threat.

Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?
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نبذة حول المؤلف-
  • Lisa Jewell is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of twenty-three novels, including None of This Is True, The Family Upstairs, and Then She Was Gone, as well as Invisible Girl and Watching You. Her novels have sold over ten million copies internationally, and her work has also been translated into twenty-nine languages. Connect with her on X @LisaJewellUK, on Instagram @LisaJewellUK, and on Facebook @LisaJewellOfficial.
  • Library Journal

    March 1, 2023

    Podcaster Alix Summers encounters reticent Josie Fair at a local pub, then outside her children's school, where Josie confides that her life is in upheaval and might make for an interesting podcast. She insinuates herself into Alix's life but vanishes as the podcast is being made, and Alix becomes the subject of her own true-crime podcast. From the No. 1 New York Times best-selling Jewell. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    June 15, 2023
    When two women who share a birthday meet, a journalist becomes the subject of her own true-crime mystery. On their 45th birthdays, Josie Fair and Alix Summer meet at a pub and discover they were born not only on the same day, but in the same hospital. Alix is a successful journalist, and Josie convinces Alix that her story is worth telling: Josie met her husband when she was 13 and he was 40. "I can see that maybe I was being used, that maybe I was even being groomed?" she confesses to Alix. "But that feeling of being powerful, right at the start, when I was still in control. I miss that sometimes. I really do. And what I'd like, more than anything, is to get it back." From this premise Alix creates a Netflix series, Hi! I'm Your Birthday Twin! which investigates Josie's life as she reconciles what happened to her as a teen and seeks a new path. With the story unfinished, the narrative unfolds in the present tense, with prose that jingles like song lyrics: "He turns to see if the girl is behind him, and sees her wishy-washy, wavy-wavy, in double vision through the glass windows of the hotel." Alix is both intrigued and repulsed by Josie, but she initially gives her the benefit of the doubt. After all, Alix's husband, Nathan, has a drinking problem, and Alix knows what it's like to be reluctant to leave a bad situation. But Josie seems more interested in being part of Alix's seemingly glamorous life than she is in fixing her own, and when three people end up dead and Alix's life is turned upside down, the evidence points to Josie--and turns the TV series into a murder mystery. Transcripts from Alix's interviews alternate with the narrative, offering increasingly varied perspectives on Josie's story as told by her neighbors, friends, and family members. With so many versions of events, the ending shatters, leaving readers to decide whose is the truth. It's hard to read but hard to look away from.

    COPYRIGHT(2023) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 26, 2023
    In this edgy thriller from bestseller Jewell (The Family Remains), meek housewife Josie Fair and true crime podcaster Alix Summers meet by chance in a pub where both are celebrating their 45th birthdays. Immediately obsessed with her more successful counterpart, Josie engineers several “chance” meetings with Alix—including one outside her children’s school—in order to forge a friendship. Instead of feeling threatened, Alix decides to feature Josie on a podcast about the lives of ordinary women. Before long, though, Josie divulges that beneath her modest middle-class home life lie instances of pedophilia, child abuse, and even murder. But are any of Josie’s stories true? As Alix digs deeper, she begins to question her new friend’s motives for meeting her in the first place, and through a series of reversals, comes to fear she’s been set up in a twisted game of cat and mouse. Jewell devotees who love the author’s signature twisted characters and acidic cultural commentary—here focused on the travails of internet celebrity—will be satisfied by this pitch-black outing and its shocking climax, but readers with a lower tolerance for nastiness should turn elsewhere. Gillian Flynn and Paula Hawkins fans, this one’s for you. Agent: Deborah Schneider, Gelfman Schneider.

  • Booklist

    July 1, 2023
    On the heels of first-rate thrillers, The Night She Disappeared (2021) and The Family Remains (2022), Jewell's newest could be her best yet. Alix Summer is a podcaster looking for a new subject. One evening she meets a woman named Josie in her local pub. Improbably, they are both celebrating their forty-fifth birthdays. Several days later they meet again at the school where Alix's children are students, and Josie suggests herself as an ideal subject for Alix's podcast: a woman who shares her birthday and whose life, Josie says, is full of fascinating material. Alix agrees, though once she begins to see what sort of person Josie really is, she develops minor misgivings that turn into serious doubts and then terrifying suspicions. Jewell is great at creating characters with ambiguous motivations whose position on the line between good and evil continues to shift as the story progresses, and both features are on prime display here. A terrific novel from a consistently satisfying writer.


  • Library Journal

    July 21, 2023

    The latest from contemporary thriller writer Jewell (The Family Remains) is full of the signature twists and turns that continue to grow her fanbase. British podcaster Alix Summers meets mousy Josie Fair while they are both out celebrating their 45th birthdays at a local pub. When they meet again, Josie convinces Alix that she's a worthy podcast subject. Though Alix believes it will be a run-of-the-mill episode on the differences between two lives that started at the same time and same place (they were even born at the same hospital), the story takes a dark turn when Josie starts sharing disturbing family secrets. Soon Josie has insinuated herself into Alix's life; then Josie disappears. The narrative is interspersed with transcripts from Alix's interviews with Josie's neighbors, friends, and family members, revealing so many versions of events that readers will have some trouble deciding where the truth lies. VERDICT Jewell's many fans will be clamoring for her latest thriller. The twists and turns in this one will not disappoint.--Carrie Voliva

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

معلومات العنوان+
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  • يمكن تطبيق حماية حقوق التأليف والنشر (DRM) المطلوبة من قبل الناشر على هذا العنوان للحد من الطباعة أو النسخ أو منعهما. ويحظر مشاركة الملفات أو إعادة توزيعها. وتنتهي صلاحية حقوقك في الوصول إلى هذه المواد في نهاية فترة الاستعارة. يرجى الاطلاع على ملاحظة هامة حول المواد الخاضعة لحقوق التأليف والنشر لمعرفة الشروط السارية على هذا المحتوى.

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إجمالي الحجوزات:



تم تعطيل بعض خيارات التنسيق. يمكنك رؤية خيارات تحميل إضافية خارج هذه الشبكة.


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لقد وصلت إلى الحد الأقصى الخاص بك في المكتبة للعناوين الرقمية.

لتوفير مجال للمزيد من العناوين، يمكنك إعادة بعض العناوين من رف الكتب.


تم الوصول إلى حد الاستعارة الزائد

هناك الكثير من العناوين التي تم استعارتها وإعادتها طريق حسابك خلال فترة قصيرة من الوقت.

حاول مرة أخرى خلال عدة أيام. إذا كنت لا تزال غير قادر على استعارة العناوين بعد 7 أيام، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.


لقد اتطلعت على هذا العنوان بالفعل. للوصول إليه؛ ارجع إلى رف الكتب.


هذا العنوان غير متوفر لنوع بطاقتك. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ اتصل بالدعم.


حدث خطأ.

إذا استمرت هذه المشكلة، الرجاء الاتصال بالدعم.



ملاحظة: قد تقوم Barnes and Noble بتغيير قائمة الأجهزة التالية في أي وقت.

اشتر الآن
وساعد مكتبتنا على الربح!
None of This Is True
None of This Is True
Lisa Jewell
اختر شريك بيع بالتجزئة أدناه لشراء هذا العنوان لنفسك.
يتم الحصول على جزء من مبلغ الشراء الحالي لدعم مكتبتك.


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