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The Ballad of Never After
Cover of The Ballad of Never After
The Ballad of Never After
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Stephanie Garber's THE BALLAD OF NEVER AFTER is the jaw-dropping sequel to the ONCE UPON A BROKEN HEART, starring Evangeline Fox and the Prince of Hearts on a new journey of magic, mystery, and heartbreak

Not every love is meant to be.
After Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, betrays her, Evangeline Fox swears she'll never trust him again. Now that she's discovered her own magic, Evangeline believes she can use it to restore the chance at happily ever after that Jacks stole away.
But when a new terrifying curse is revealed, Evangeline finds herself entering into a tenuous partnership with the Prince of Hearts again. Only this time, the rules have changed. Jacks isn't the only force Evangeline needs to be wary of. In fact, he might be the only one she can trust, despite her desire to despise him.
Instead of a love spell wreaking havoc on Evangeline's life, a murderous spell has been cast. To break it, Evangeline and Jacks will have to do battle with old friends, new foes, and a magic that plays with heads and hearts. Evangeline has always trusted her heart, but this time she's not sure she can. . . .
Also by Stephanie Garber:
The Caraval Series
- Caraval
- Legendary
- Finale

Stephanie Garber's THE BALLAD OF NEVER AFTER is the jaw-dropping sequel to the ONCE UPON A BROKEN HEART, starring Evangeline Fox and the Prince of Hearts on a new journey of magic, mystery, and heartbreak

Not every love is meant to be.
After Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, betrays her, Evangeline Fox swears she'll never trust him again. Now that she's discovered her own magic, Evangeline believes she can use it to restore the chance at happily ever after that Jacks stole away.
But when a new terrifying curse is revealed, Evangeline finds herself entering into a tenuous partnership with the Prince of Hearts again. Only this time, the rules have changed. Jacks isn't the only force Evangeline needs to be wary of. In fact, he might be the only one she can trust, despite her desire to despise him.
Instead of a love spell wreaking havoc on Evangeline's life, a murderous spell has been cast. To break it, Evangeline and Jacks will have to do battle with old friends, new foes, and a magic that plays with heads and hearts. Evangeline has always trusted her heart, but this time she's not sure she can. . . .
Also by Stephanie Garber:
The Caraval Series
- Caraval
- Legendary
- Finale

Available formats-
  • OverDrive Read
  • EPUB eBook
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  • Text Difficulty:
    4 - 5

About the Author-
  • Stephanie Garber is the #1 New York Times and internationally bestselling author of Once Upon a Broken Heart, The Ballad of Never After, and the Caraval trilogy. Her books have been translated into thirty languages.
  • School Library Journal

    August 1, 2022

    Gr 9 Up-This sequel to Once Upon a Broken Heart jumps right back into the action with Evangeline willing to go to desperate lengths to save Apollo. The only person she believes can help her is Jacks. She agrees to open the Valory Arch for him, but it's not long before a new curse slows them down and puts Evangeline's life in danger. Again, she's faced with the decision-can she trust a Fate? And can they both get what they want? Nonstop adventure and multiple twists will keep fans turning pages, and the will-they-won't-they nature of Jacks and Evangeline's relationship will leave readers breathless. Unfortunately, Evangeline hasn't grown much as a character, and her decisions are often frustrating. However, those who have yearned to return to this world won't be disappointed. Another cliffhanger ending all but ensures more to come. Most characters cue white; a few have "olive" or darker skin. VERDICT Recommended for fans of romance and fantasy, and where the first book was popular.-Mandy Laferriere

    Copyright 2022 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    August 15, 2022
    Evangeline faces new dangers in her quest for happiness in this follow-up to 2021's Once Upon a Broken Heart. As Evangeline Fox seeks a cure for her poisoned husband, Prince Apollo, the enticing and infuriating Fate Jacks reappears, offering to save Apollo if she unlocks the Valory Arch. Remembering the long list of ills brought upon her by the Fate, Evangeline refuses. When the new heir arrives and Apollo wakes with a new curse and glowing red eyes, she is forced to delve into the mysteries of the Valors and find the arch's four missing magical stones whose powers are luck, truth, mirth, and youth. The inclusion of expanded Valor lore alongside the preexisting blend of fairy-tale and paranormal creatures is intriguing and fits the overarching theme of storytelling as history. The ongoing use of emotions as a scale for displaying and determining one's humanity, especially by Fates, is equally interesting. Unfortunately, the impact of Evangeline's often amusing narration and numerous surprising plot twists is diluted by the meandering pacing, convoluted sensory descriptions, and close focus on Evangeline's fluctuating attraction toward her potential love interests. Despite the positive emphasis on hope and happily-ever-afters, Evangeline's romantic relationship with Jacks borders on manipulative and toxic. Evangeline reads White; side characters are fantasy diverse. A disappointing delivery on a potentially gripping second volume. (map) (Fantasy. 13-18)

    COPYRIGHT(2022) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    September 23, 2022
    Grades 9-12 "If you are tempted to trust him again, remember all that he's done." So begins a letter from lead character Evangeline--one she wrote herself. Previously used as a tool and plaything for Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, one of the capricious Fates introduced in Once upon a Broken Heart (2021), she knows she has a weakness for him and his magical ways. Between her cursed husband, Apollo, and her first love, Luc--now a bloodthirsty vampire--Eva can hardly keep track of the odds stacked against her. She's been determined never to trust Jacks again, but it's starting to seem like she has no other choice--and Jacks certainly doesn't seem willing to give her one.Garber has created a lush fairy-tale world and each book in this series expands the lands and the Fates who torment them. While Evangeline remains the main character, it's a delight to continue to see how she relates to everyone around her, from Fates like Jacks and LaLa, to her husband Apollo, and her (actually wicked) stepsister Marisol.


  • Jodi Picoult, author of Wish You Were Here

    Goodreads Choice Award finalist
    #1 New York Times bestseller
    Indie Next pick

    "Edgy, dark, and gorgeously written--this takes the fairytale trope and turns it into something heart-pounding, fresh, and addictive."

  • Stacey Lee, author of The Downstairs Girl "This is only a story for those who believe in love, how it can tease, how it can stab, and sometimes, how it slips away. Don't let that happen with this book. Masterful storyteller Stephanie Garber gives you it all--characters to love, villains to hate, and a world to get lost in."
  • School Library Journal "Nonstop adventure and multiple twists will keep fans turning pages, and the will-they-won't-they nature of Jacks and Evangeline's relationship will leave readers breathless. . . . Those who have yearned to return to this world won't be disappointed."
  • Booklist


    #1 New York Times bestseller
    Goodreads Choice Award finalist
    Indie Next pick
    "Garber has created a lush fairy tale world and each book in this series expands the lands and the Fates who torment them. While Evangeline remains the main character, it's a delight to continue to see how she relates to everyone around her."
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    Flatiron Books
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The Ballad of Never After
The Ballad of Never After
Stephanie Garber
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