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Gustavo, the Shy Ghost
Cover of Gustavo, the Shy Ghost
Gustavo, the Shy Ghost

This winning debut picture book from Mexican artist Flavia Z. Drago about finding the courage to make friends is perfect for the spooky season — or anytime.
Gustavo is good at doing all sorts of ghostly things: walking through walls, making objects fly, and glowing in the dark. And he loves almost nothing more than playing beautiful music on his violin. But Gustavo is shy, and some things are harder for him to do, like getting in a line to buy eye scream or making friends with other monsters. Whenever he tries getting close to them, he realizes they just can't see him. Now that the Day of the Dead is fast approaching, what can he do to make them notice him and to share with them something he loves? With fancifully detailed artwork and visual humor, debut picture-book creator Flavia Z. Drago's vivid illustrations tell a sweet and gently offbeat story of loneliness, bravery, and friendship that is sure to be a treat for little ghouls and goblins everywhere.

This winning debut picture book from Mexican artist Flavia Z. Drago about finding the courage to make friends is perfect for the spooky season — or anytime.
Gustavo is good at doing all sorts of ghostly things: walking through walls, making objects fly, and glowing in the dark. And he loves almost nothing more than playing beautiful music on his violin. But Gustavo is shy, and some things are harder for him to do, like getting in a line to buy eye scream or making friends with other monsters. Whenever he tries getting close to them, he realizes they just can't see him. Now that the Day of the Dead is fast approaching, what can he do to make them notice him and to share with them something he loves? With fancifully detailed artwork and visual humor, debut picture-book creator Flavia Z. Drago's vivid illustrations tell a sweet and gently offbeat story of loneliness, bravery, and friendship that is sure to be a treat for little ghouls and goblins everywhere.

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  • Booklist

    May 15, 2020
    Preschool-G Gustavo is a shy, young ghost who has trouble making friends, despite wanting to join in games and fun with the other neighborhood monsters. His best efforts tend to end with him hiding?finding him in the illustrations is part of the book's fun?or with the monster kids unwittingly looking right through him. Finally Gustavo musters up the courage to send out invitations to his violin concert, which will be held in the cemetery on the Day of the Dead. On the fateful night, the nervous ghost goes to the cemetery and finds it disappointingly empty. But that quickly changes once Gustavo beings to play his violin. Born and raised in Mexico City, Drago fills her sweet ghost story with vibrant colors, textures, and authentic details from Mexican culture. Her illustrations burst with whimsical flourishes and clever details that youngsters will want to pore over repeatedly. While ideal for Day of the Dead, this heartwarming story about bravely taking the first step toward friendship is wonderful for little listeners year-round.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2020, American Library Association.)

  • School Library Journal

    Starred review from June 1, 2020

    K-Gr 2-A cute ghost named Gustavo learns to overcome social anxiety in this sweet tale. Gustavo really wants to have friends, but no matter what he does, his shyness makes him invisible to the other monsters. To counter his inability to be recognized, Gustavo invites a group of monsters to watch him perform a violin concert on the Day of the Dead. Gustavo does what he loves most and finally, he can be seen by others. Ultimately, his life is changed because he shows his true self to the world. A side story involving Gustavo's love for "the prettiest monster" remains unexplored. This is a debut novel from Drago, a Mexican author and illustrator, and she deftly weaves in cultural references. The illustrations are bright and detailed. VERDICT Gentle storytelling and vibrant mixed-media illustrations make for an enjoyable seasonal story.-Lisa Lehmuller, Paul Cuffee Maritime Charter Sch., Providence

    Copyright 2020 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    August 17, 2020
    Mexican artist Drago’s picture book debut offers a gentle friendship tale and folk-art-style, textural mixed-media pictures. Gustavo, an ingenuous sheeted ghost who loves playing the violin, is so excruciatingly shy that “making friends was terrifying. Gustavo had never dared to speak to any of the other monsters.” He attempts to get close to them by hiding in plain sight, which makes for some quirky images (his visage appears on a balloon, a soccer ball, and a lampshade, among other objects), but the other kids “just couldn’t see him.” Gustavo bravely invites his peers to a cemetery violin concert on the Day of the Dead, and when “not a soul had come” he plays his music anyway. The kids, of course, eventually appear,
    apologizing for their tardiness, complimenting Gustavo’s performance, and asking him to “hang out” with them, precipitating a pat yet sweet ending. Ages 3–7.

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2020
    Ghost Gustavo is terribly shy, a problem compounded by the fact that the other monster kids can't see him. His attempts to appear/appeal to the others -- disguising himself as a lampshade, a surfboard, a sheet -- are funny but hopeless; it's only when he throws a Day of the Dead party at the cemetery and reveals his passion for the violin that the other monsters come to see him as he really is. While the logic of the story won't stand up to much scrutiny, Gustavo is a sympathetic protagonist, and the illustrations are filled with appealing monsters and witty details.

    (Copyright 2020 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • The Horn Book

    September 1, 2020
    Ghost Gustavo is terribly shy, a problem compounded by the fact that the other monster kids can't see him. His attempts to appear/appeal to the others -- disguising himself as a lampshade, a surfboard, a sheet -- are funny but hopeless; it's only when he throws a Day of the Dead party at the cemetery and reveals his passion for the violin that the other monsters come to see him as he really is. While the logic of the story won't stand up to much scrutiny, Gustavo is a sympathetic protagonist, and the illustrations are filled with appealing monsters and witty details. Roger Sutton

    (Copyright 2020 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Kirkus

    Starred review from August 1, 2020
    Poor Gustavo--everyone looks right through him. Whether he shows up as a paint canvas or a soccer ball, no one seems to notice. Of course, it doesn't help that he's timid--or a ghost. He literally blends into the background. He can't even get up the courage to buy an "eye-scream," much less approach his crush. What's a shy, violin-playing ghost in love supposed to do? Finally tired of feeling left out, Gustavo decides to invite all the monsters to a violin concert at the annual Day of the Dead party in the cemetery. Surrounded by decorated altars, Gustavo sadly realizes that no one is coming. He picks up his instrument anyway and lets the music carry him away. As he plays, he begins glowing brightly with happiness and confidence, eventually noticing that the graveyard is filled with all his invited guests from the neighborhood, who can see him for the first time. Mexican-born author/illustrator Drago sweetly captures the angst-y little ghost's perpetual perturbation. His true love, Alma, is a bespectacled invisible girl--appropriately named, as "Alma" means soul or spirit in Spanish. Iconic images of Mexican culture cleverly pepper the scenery. With the papel picado banners, panes de muerto, and Catrinas, Drago provides a festive environment for Gustavo's laments. Decorated skulls peek out from around every corner; even the family goldfish is a smiling skeleton. This ghostly tale proves that anyone can have a happily-ever-after. (Picture book. 4-9)

    COPYRIGHT(2020) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Gustavo, the Shy Ghost
Gustavo, the Shy Ghost
Flavia Z. Drago
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